The Human ‘Race’.

Let me be honest about a fascinating revelation that I have observed under the sun. It seems that the fastest runner doesn’t always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle. Also, the wise sometimes go hungry, and the brilliantly skillful are not necessarily wealthy; in fact, it’s often the opposite. And to top it off, those who are very well educated don’t always lead successful lives in the end, even as the world sees ‘success’ (let alone those who are spiritual). It’s therefore very easy to assume that it is all decided by ‘chance’, or by ‘being in the right place at the right time’.

Well now: some of you were running the race SO well! Yet now I look at those same people whom I personally met and whom I rejoiced over a short while ago, and I now just have to ask (in both wonder and also abject horror): who was it who has now held you back from sincerely and devotedly following the truth? Think logically; if racing against mere men makes you tired and weary, how will you race against thoroughbred stallions? And if you stumble and fall on exposed open ground, what will you do when you are caught in the thickets, like a fly in a web, so close to the Jordan river, yet so far? 

Take my advice…RUN from ALL sexual sin! No other type of sin so clearly affect one’s body and soul as this one does. You see, any kind of sexual immorality is a literal sin against your OWN body, not just the Lord. Therefore,run and shun from anything out there that stimulates all those ‘youthful lusts’. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts. I promise you won’t regret it!

When the trusted Shepherd has gathered His own flock together and counted, before leading them to find the new pasture, He actually walks on ahead of them, and surely they follow Him close behind because they KNOW His voice (of course, they won’t follow a stranger; they will instead run from him because they don’t know or trust his voice).

Don’t you realise that in a race, every contestant runs, but yet only one person gets the first prize? So, let me exhort you… RUN TO WIN! Seriously! Run with purpose in every step. Don’t just ‘shadowbox’. Since we are surrounded both spiritually and physically by such a huge crowd of witnesses that preceded us to the life of faith, let us therefore earnestly strip off every weight that slows us down… especially all manner of sin, which can so easily trip us up. Yes, let us run with endurance this race that God has set before all of us. And the finish line? The Trophy? Well, it’s the name of the Lord which is our strong fortress; the godly must run to HIM to be safe.

So then, hold firmly to the Word of life, because on that day of the Lord Jesus Christ’s return, we will be proud that we did not run this race in vain, and that all our work and toil under the sun was not totally useless. Sometimes, perhaps wisely, I confess that I fear that all my efforts down here on earth may be wasted, and I might be running the race for nothing. Yet, with a face set like flint, and with gritted teeth, I press daily on in order to reach the end of the race, and receive that promised heavenly prize for which Almighty God, through His Son Christ Jesus, is calling us.

We MUST fight the good fight, we MUST finish the race, and we MUST remain faithful throughout. Take courage!

Take heart in this as you run; Jesus Himself will personally teach us wisdom’s ways and lead us in straight paths, by His Spirit. Don’t fret: IF we allow ourselves to be led by Him, we can sure that when we walk, we won’t be held back, and when we run, we won’t stumble. So take a firm hold of all His instructions; don’t ever let them go. Guard them like the treasure they are, for they are the key to true life. Never forget that all those who trust in the Lord WILL continually find new strength during the race. It has been written, and will never be revoked: ‘they will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.’

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