Day: 20 October 2019

The Power Of Blood

‘Eternity’ is a very different dimensional experience to the linear time we inhabit as human beings. In a mystical way, the cross of Christ is the very CENTRE of time; everything ‘explodes’ out from it in every direction, back into the past all the way to the very beginning, and all the way into the […]

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Significant Trees

I believe that you’ll agree that a tree in its prime truly is a glorious sight to behold. Its very breathing was designed to nourish all the rest of earthly life with the oxygen they all need; a wonder of living that we all too often take for granted. Anyone can see that trees have […]

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Christ = PERPETUAL happiness before death?

One of my friends said this on his recent video:  “If you are happy all the time then you are of the devil” A commenter on his video who disagreed with him replied his assertion with this:  “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.” – Philippians 4:4 I thought some people might […]

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Love = Chastisement IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD (Another ‘Blog’, By Tris)

I recently had the scare of my life, which ended up with me deactivating my Facebook account for a while. I have walked with the Lord for a fairly long time now, about 13 and a half years. During that time, I have felt His anger over my mistakes several times, especially at the start […]

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To Baptise Or Not To Baptise? THAT Is The Question…

Dear friends, you should already know that there is one ‘body’ of believers, the body of Jesus Christ. He is the head of this body, and the rest of us are different (yet equally as important) parts of the rest of His body. There is also one Spirit, the Holy Spirit of the Father, who […]

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A Word About Wisdom

What wonderful, awe inspiring and an incredibly vast array of ‘things’ the Lord has made, in both the physical and spiritual realms! And amazingly, it was ALL made in His wisdom; yes, even the bad stuff. It was by consorting with His first creation, Wisdom, that He had founded the entire earth, and it was […]

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Evangelism, And A Passion For Souls

The Landlord of this entire establishment, the Lord Jesus Christ, has set the bar for His followers in many very important ways. One of those ways was in how He conducted evangelism, reaching out to those who were still in darkness regarding the good news of His kingdom. His clear message to all rebellious human […]

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Say… Wut?

Verily, verily I say unto you: the kingdom of heaven is like a pair of SOCKS. They must be refreshed on a daily basis, otherwise they become stale from the dirt of the world and from one’s own sweat, and begin to smell bad. One must refresh themselves every day with a washed pair in […]

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