What wonderful, awe inspiring and an incredibly vast array of ‘things’ the Lord has made, in both the physical and spiritual realms! And amazingly, it was ALL made in His wisdom; yes, even the bad stuff. It was by consorting with His first creation, Wisdom, that He had founded the entire earth, and it was by His incomprehensible understanding (compared to mere mortals) that He created all the heavens. Truly, truly I tell you, one with wisdom greater than King Solomon is among us, and I gladly publicly bow my knee and confess His name with my tongue, for He is certainly worthy of it!
It should be an imperative in life for all of us to strivingly
seek after and GET the REAL truth, and then make an oath (both with ourselves
and with God) to NEVER sell it once we have found it, once He has graced us
with it and we’re rewarded for our seeking it.
We must also continue to strive to get such precious wisdom from Him, and yet
still be humble enough to be disciplined into conforming into His likeness,
attempting to gain good judgement at ALL times, to only then joyously give it
all out freely once we have attained.
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise; godly wisdom is WAY better than worldly
foolishness, just as light is better than darkness. Anyone with any common
sense at all knows this, for someone with proper wisdom proves it’s the right
path by witnessing it to others by the way they live their lives – it’s just so
obvious to those with discernment!
Wisdom should be very attractive to everyone for this very reason, but sadly
there are SO many people that bypass it in favour of satiating their wicked
flesh with things that do not satisfy, persisting to drink from broken cisterns
that do not quench their thirst.
God, by His own supernaturally almighty wisdom, has seen to it
from the beginning that the world will never be able know Him through mere
human ‘wisdom’. Instead, since Jesus came to earth, He uses our ‘foolish’
preaching about the mystery of the cross of Christ to save those who would
believe such a message of solemn redemption.
It is a message mainly for the warm, humane heart and soul, as well as for the
emotionless, cold human intellect. Where then does this message leave all the
philosophers, the scholars, and the world’s brilliant debaters? Well, people
like that (sadly) rely solely on their intellect for their ‘salvation’, yet
they remain unaware that God has made the wisdom of this world look
methodically foolish BY the miracle of the cross and resurrection combo, events
which can only be understood through supernatural revelation, that is only
gifted to the humble. If you are someone that has received this revelation, you
are among those few who truly stand amazed in the presence of Jesus, the
To those of us who have been called by God into eternal salvation, we KNOW that Christ is both the power of God and the wisdom of God, which means He simply embodies TRUE power and TRUE wisdom, as far as humans are concerned. No other type of wisdom or power will help any of us on judgement day! We MUST be a part of His body to partake in the fruits of these truths, otherwise we will miss out.
The worldly traits of jealousy and selfishness are not of God’s kind of wisdom, for such things are earthly, unspiritual, and are even (in fact) demonic in origin. And just in case you were wondering, I’m not using words that come from human wisdom here; no. Instead, I’m speaking out words given to me by the Spirit, using the Spirit’s own words through my knowledge of the scriptures to explain such insightful spiritual truths to you all… take advantage!
As believers, we must be made fully aware that the wisdom of
this world is complete foolishness to God. He has in fact trapped the so called
‘wise’ into the snare of their own cleverness, yet at the same time He has
spiritually united together those with a simple (yet genuine) faith with Christ
Jesus! We all now share IN His body, both at judgement (the cross) and in glory
(the resurrection).
For OUR benefit, God made HIM to be wisdom itself! Of course, it’s the Christ
who has made us right with God, by His priceless blood; HE is the one who has
made us pure and holy, and has freed us from the bondage to sin, all through
that one mighty sacrifice that He made. Never be in doubt that in HIM lie
hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge that anyone could ever dream
of! Because of this, God’s intents and purposes, through all the complexities
of the world’s issues throughout history, was to use the true church to display
His wisdom in its rich variety, to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the
heavenly places. What may have seemed like some large failure to us all here on
earth, the Lord will in fact use to bring great glory to Himself, when all is
revealed on that looming great and terrible day of judgement.
It has been written that the fear of the Lord is both the
foundation of true wisdom and also the foundation of true knowledge! Yet it’s
only complete fools who despise such wisdom and discipline from Him.
The fear of the Lord also inspires us to desire to teach wisdom to others, as
it is good to give as freely as we received, and humility precedes
If anyone wishes to become wise in God’s eyes, they will find that they benefit
most from the search of Him, yet conversely if someone scorns wisdom, they
suffer deeply for it, for they neglect Him by it. Indeed, it is wisdom to love
wisdom! Pride always leads to disgrace in the end, but wisdom breeds humility,
and humility brings more wisdom; and with humility and wisdom comes honour, for
humble wisdom leads to God’s throne. That’s why a mocker of Christ may seek
after wisdom in all the other places, for all their lives, and yet never find
the real thing; but you can be sure that knowledge comes easily to those with
even a glimpse of understanding about eternal things, to those who are open to
hearing God’s Spirit whisper to their hearts.
It’s worth reiterating that sensible people are always keeping their eyes and
ears peeled for godly wisdom, but the eyes of a fool could wander even to the
ends of the earth and still never find grace, for it is for selfish gain they
look, rather than humbly submitting themselves to the truth revealed in Jesus.
You can be sure that no human wisdom, understanding or plan will ever stand
against the Lord and His will, in the end.
In some strange sense, to acquire godly wisdom is to truly love
oneself. People who cherish understanding more and more about the Lord will
never fail to prosper, spiritually at least, if not gain in all other ways
Wisdom is enshrined in the human temple of an understanding heart, for Jesus
embodies it perfectly, and His words resonate deeply in the spiritual throne
room. Real wisdom inspires true worship for the Creator, so maybe this is why
wisdom is not found among unbelieving fools! There are still hazardous traps
for us though; for example, we must never be impressed with our own wisdom.
Instead, we must fear the Lord and turn fully away from all evil, and remain
teachable and humbled by grace.
Joy is the main reward for the one who finds godly wisdom, for the one who gains understanding about the mysteries of God will always exponentially know more about His abounding joy! It should be noted that joy is different to happiness; it is fuller, and can be found even in the most adverse circumstances.
So, never turn your back on Wisdom, dear friend, for she will
always protect those who love her, and you could have no better ally! We have
already mentioned that these so called ‘wise ones’ who trust in their own
insight are deeply foolish, but you can be sure that anyone who walks along
with Wisdom holding her hand will be as safe as houses, for their inspiration
comes solely from the Lord, and He is the one to take the credit for it
Again: if one loves Wisdom, she will guard you all the days of your life. Getting
wisdom is simply the wisest thing that anyone could do! Continue to develop
good judgement, and see your psyche and mindset vastly improve!
It is true that wisdom is always distant from unrepentant, broken human beings, and can be very difficult to find in that state. Yet, people like that don’t know that wisdom is just SO priceless, so much more profitable to us than silver, giving better wages than gold, and is even more precious than a treasure chest of rubies; honestly, nothing else one could desire can compare with her. If you are smart enough to prize wisdom in this way and repent from all iniquity, she will be the making of you. It’s a promise! Embrace her, and she will honour you, for she will enter your heart, and the riches of such knowledge will fill you with unspeakable joy. Without this kind of wisdom, it is impossible to fathom the depths of God’s mysterious plan about Christ, and the very real hope that we have in Him.
Sometimes, the greater one’s wisdom is, the greater the grief, for to increase in godly knowledge much of the time also increases sorrow and pain. In this life, we who love wisdom will suffer, as Jesus also did, for wisdom shows us what is so desperately wrong with the world, like our unsaved family members and once close friends who now reject our message of Christ to them. It can be very frustrating to know the answer for the entire world, and yet see everyone consistently reject it in favour of sin. However, the positives outweigh the negatives, for wisdom CAN save us from evil people, from those whose words and actions are twisted and perverted. Wisdom can also save a man of integrity from the predatorial immoral woman, from those seductive words of the promiscuous – likewise for the godly woman and an immoral man.
It is mandatory that all those who continue to obey the new
covenant commandments of the Lord will grow in wisdom, for wisdom shows us how
to apply them to our lives. Praise Him forever for that!
If anyone reading this needs this wisdom I’m speaking about, simply get on your
knees in real prayer and ask our generous God, and He promises to give it to
anyone who asks in the right spirit. Don’t worry, He will not rebuke you for
asking for it, for He is the gracious giver of it. How wonderful it is to
desire to be wise, to be able to analyse and interpret things with a godly head
on one’s shoulders! You’ll see that wisdom lights up a person’s face, softening
the harshness coming from hidden sins of a time past; they now have that glow
that only those who truly know Him have.
Even though wisdom is better than brute strength, those who are wise but financially poor will always be despised by the world. What they say to others will not be appreciated for long, especially if it’s about eternal life and the majesty of the cross. But it’s still better to have wisdom than weapons of war, even though just one powerful sinner can almost totally destroy that which is good. Foolishness is always destructive, but wisdom is creative.
Disciplining a child in authoritative gentleness when they are
young produces godly wisdom later in life, but parents are disgraced by an
undisciplined child who grows up to be spoiled and arrogant. Just as one or two
dead flies caught dead in a bottle of perfume causes it to eventually stink, so
a little foolishness spoils great wisdom and honour! And a good reputation
among our peers is much more valuable than very costly perfume, right? Yet
wisdom has a similar kind of attractive effect around others. It’s even better
when one with godly wisdom has money to go with it! Both are a huge benefit as
one goes through life, for the combination of wisdom and money can get you
almost anything and get you through almost anything; but in the end it’s only
wisdom that can truly save one’s (eternal) life.
Using a blunt knife to butcher up meat requires great strength and a lot of
patience to get the job done, but sharpening the blade sees oneself save a
whole load of energy! That picture highlights the value of wisdom; it helps us
Whatever you do on this planet, do it always for love, and do it as well as you can. For when we eventually go to the grave, there will be no work there; no more planning, knowledge or wisdom. As believers, we are instructed to turn from godless living and sinful pleasures. We should strive to live in this evil world with wisdom, righteousness, and a continual devotion to God. If one is truly wise and truly understands God’s ways, one must then prove it by living an honourable life, doing all the good works put before them to do, with all the humility that comes from knowing Wisdom personally. Wisdom from ‘above’ is firstly and foremostly PURE; it is peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favouritism and is always sincere.
So then, let’s work hard to work with Wisdom all the days of our lives, and deepen our relationship to the Creator through her!