I believe that you’ll agree that a tree in its prime truly is a glorious sight to behold. Its very breathing was designed to nourish all the rest of earthly life with the oxygen they all need; a wonder of living that we all too often take for granted.
Anyone can see that trees have SUCH a beauty to them too; picture it for a second with me… a sun soaked, flower filled spring day; in a prime position deep in the countryside; a large, fully mature tree is enjoying and flourishing in the sun, radiantly spreading out its many heavy branches, a slight breeze rustling the lapping leaves giving it graceful, peaceful movement, all of its outward majesty of health and vibrancy simply a manifestation of it drinking deeply from the established roots that suck continuously from the nutrient filled, perfectly soaked soil beneath. Birds and other animals use it year after year for nesting, refuge and food, for it has been well established for a very long time, probably longer than anyone alive.
However, men with agendas then one day will come to chop that tree down, as they have done throughout the ages with millions like it. As we all know, wood has many wonderful uses for mankind; building, burning, paper making, and so on. Usually in the prime of its life, a tree becomes of more use to us in another form, and is cut to pieces, its sawn body to be then shared around and distributed according to its purpose.
There was a specific tree planted by the Lord, whose destiny it always was to give of itself unto the Lord’s main purpose. For years that tree grew, maybe in the great forests of Lebanon, unseen by any human eye for many decades. It would have been home to many an animal and bird, itself feasting on the goodness of the Lord come rain or shine, ‘clapping its hands’ in worship and rejoicing in His goodness every day of its very long life. It lived in harmony with its surroundings, at peace, doing what it was created to live for.
One day though, men came to that part of the forest and decided that this particular tree was ripe. They cut it down, and then cut it up. Due to its great size, it was obviously useful for many things, from keeping people warm at night, to being used as a lintel across the doorway in someone’s newly built house.
But some of the ‘meat’ of that old, once beautiful tree was
taken into the heart of Jerusalem. Maybe a stock manager employed by the Roman
Army bought it from a foreign merchant at a good price, knowing that this kind
of wood was perfect for the standard execution device of the day; strong,
heavy, and cut into the right shape needed.
Little did any of the people in this chain of commerce know that THIS
particular tree would have all the sins of the world nailed to it, even THEIR
own sins; they had no idea that this particular tree would mystically imitate
both the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (death tasted) AND the tree of
life (death vanquished).
This one, very special tree was selected by the LORD Himself to intimately be
with His only Son in His time of severe testing; this one tree was honoured in
its own death to hold in acquaintance the death of its very own Creator. The
LORD had planted, nurtured, matured and sacrificed that tree for purposes far
greater than what trees were originally designed for. During its life, it had
worked its purposes just as any other tree has done, yet in its death, its
humble and hidden honourable glory has only been revealed to the angels who
know of God’s mysteries, and a few select human beings who can see with
spiritual eyes.
Now you can perhaps appreciate that tree too, for there may well be another tree out there that has been specifically grown for OUR very own moment of glory. It might again be a cross we must bear, like our Saviour; it might be a gallows; it might even be the handle of the axe, or a club used to beat us senseless.
Whenever you behold a tree from now on, whilst appreciating its glory in life, you may never know if that very tree you behold might become ever more acquainted with you in your own personal time of testing.
Disciples imitate the Master in that way.