Good Ol’ Martin Luther

For all his faults, I also like this quote from Martin Luther, the great reformer of the church a few hundred years ago. He stated that a truly saving faith is, “a living, creative, active and powerful thing, this faith. Faith cannot help doing good works constantly. It doesn’t stop to ask if good works ought to be done, but before anyone asks, it already has done them and continues to do them without ceasing. Anyone who does not do good works in this manner is actually an unbeliever…Thus, it is just as impossible to separate faith and works as it is to separate heat and light from fire!”

What I like about what he is saying of real faith here is that there isn’t internal debate over whether to do it or not, just the loving actions done before anyone thought to question it too hard. The Spirit leads, and one simply does, just like breathing. It is THAT natural to a born again soul! Oh, what a different church it would be if people stopped bickering about theories in scripture and simply impulsively acted straight as they know God would have them act, in the moment, with genuine compassion for others as the foundation! 
There’s no need for the theology concerning works and grace when all of one’s hope is solely in the spilled, precious blood of Christ, yet one is still listening to Him to show one exactly what to DO through the conscience in any given moment… thus when employed, there is instantaneous action upon the call to obedience, without thinking too hard, and good works just flow out, without a thought of reward, confliction or for recognition! And the Lord reaps ALL the glory for them in the end.

Getting busy in good works for the Lord is truly the best thing one can do, for if one’s focus is solely on Him, one can be sure that He will work out all the rest that’s outside of one’s power, behind the scenes, and without needing any of our meager efforts to aid Him in the salvific process – and one’s soul will be greatly enriched through that servant hearted relationship that is established from ‘doing the works of He who sent them’.

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