Satan: The One-Eyed Monster (another ‘blog’, by Tris)

You may have seen that many a YouTube conspiracy theory channel has now noticed this phenomenon of celebrities covering over one eye in photo shoots, or the documentation of one eye symbolism in relation to Freemasonry (see the back of the one dollar bill, for example). I personally began to notice this trend several years before the internet did, because of my involvement in esoteric practices that go all the way back to ancient Egyptian witchcraft (like me reading from the book of the dead), and Babylonian magic (my use of tarot cards and astrology), and my frequenting all sorts of (what I know now to be demonic) festivals and parties, that were heavily involved in the shamanic and the occult.

The symbolism of using one eye as a graphic has several meanings to it, that have morphed over the years according to the time or the religion it was applied in. For example, people in eastern Europe and the Middle East used to etch or tattoo it onto things they owned, including themselves, to ward off the ‘evil eye’ of jealousy and malicious thoughts from others who wanted their ill. They saw it as a protection, and this superstition still in fact lives on today. Also, in the Middle to the Far East, one eye on its own also came to represent ‘enlightenment’, and because of this you will sometimes see it on a statue or image of a Buddha, Krishna or Shiva, usually on the forehead between the eyes or the upturned palm of the right hand. Linked to the idea of enlightenment, in modern ‘new age’ thought stemming its roots from Hinduism, it represents the opening of the ‘third eye’ of the mind, the spiritual sight into the spirit realm, with the ability to communicate with angels and all the supposed wisdom that comes with it. Because Freemasonry is steeped in all these esoteric religions and practices, absorbing them into itself to be the ‘ultimate religion’, it has taken all these meanings and increased it, making this symbol represent the ‘all seeing eye’ of their ‘illuminating’ god. Freemasonry seems to be the reason why this symbol has reached so deeply into modern pop culture, and is why it is so widely spread amongst us in our everyday lives (from TV advertising, to films, to signs at work or in the marketplace warning of hidden cameras etc), for it can be argued that the institution of the Freemasons is SO powerful that they are surely pulling important strings worldwide, with there being many a conspiracy theory about them ultimately dictating influential world politics, wars, and even religions. Indeed, the increase in its popularity is a testament to how this symbol has been very successful propaganda for esoteric agendas, even attacking children in cartoons, with documented examples of it being used coming from Disney, Sponge Bob, and the Simpsons (among many others). A cult word at the moment is the ‘Illuminati’, which (to the initiated) are a group of Freemasons who have reached almost the highest level of enlightened thought; they have been ‘illuminated’ far beyond the average Joe, and lord it over the ‘sheeple’ beneath them. The eye within the pyramid has come to represent that fraternity, and for good reason, although in modern culture it has almost become a parody of itself due to mockers trivialising it as a benign lie. Conversely, theistic Satanism doesn’t hide the truth about these types of symbols, and they are (ironically) honest about the darkness behind their power, which I suppose is why people find the new age and Freemasonry that much more attractive, for within them the lie is dressed up as virtue, whereas Satanists attest to the power of the black magic around them.

A couple of months just after I had my incredible first experience with the Lord at an English psy-trance festival in the summer of 2005, I visited Italy for another festival. This was a very different experience to the English one, for I went with expectations of recreating my encounter with the Lord Jesus there, and only (unsurprisingly) found the devil. I came away from the festival disillusioned, disappointed, and full of spiritual torment. We ended our trip in Rome, spending a few days sightseeing before heading back, and we went to see the Vatican among other important buildings in the city. This is where my connection with the occult reached some kind of zenith, for all the ancient symbols I had studied for years were all over the place in Rome, but especially at the Vatican. I kept pointing them out to my girlfriend at the time, in some awe, thinking I had discovered something that most others around us were blind to, for I had become very well versed in the language of symbols and their meanings. Under the illusion that I was somehow now closer to enlightenment (having pretty much all but forgotten about my meeting with Christ months before, for the time being), I was suddenly heavily confused by the fact that Roman Catholicism had many of these symbols I had studied just ‘innocently’ carved into its pillars, stained into its glass windows and mosaiced into its fancily ornate gables, and made me wonder whether this really was THE true religion (incidentally, the devil used this against me after I had truly repented months later, by attempting to get me to join the RCC as a monk, selling it as the true expression of the Christian faith – thankfully, the Lord had His hand on me to not get involved).

The Italian festival I had just been to had had screens projecting behind the DJ of many of the ancient symbols I saw now around Rome, and the eye was a heavy feature in this musical propaganda. I still have a vivid memory of dancing and glancing up at the large screens, where I saw several images of a massive eye kind of ‘glitching out’ like it was under the influence of something, in time to the beat of the music, and (even then) it felt like brainwashing and I had to look away. I could sense that it had a strange power to it, and I confess I was actually frightened by it. And now I was in the city of Rome, still seeing it everywhere! I could hardly get away from it. From billboards, on screens, posters, carved into walls, graffiti. It kind of sent me a little crazy, and I ended up in some great spiritual pain, it being indirectly the cause of a large argument with my girlfriend one evening and then finding myself sleeping rough on the streets of Rome for a night, without me realising that I was full of evil spirits that wanted my demise, causing the turmoil within me enough to destroy me.

I eventually reunited and reconciled with her and the rest of my friends the night before we were to fly out, and we all went for a meal together. This following story is very much to my shame, but I want to highlight the power that the one eye symbol has over people who have knowledge of its meaning (and also perhaps even to those who don’t know of it). The meal was VERY expensive, and the portion was laughably small. It tasted ok, but nothing special. Being the skinflint I was, I complained, but to no avail. All of us were disappointed, but having been palmed off, I wanted revenge. Wickedly, I took my napkin, got a pen and drew the eye on it, within a pyramid, looking angry. Then I summoned the waiter for the bill, who upon seeing the image, visibly started to sweat. I told him to take it to the chef, and we left. It had clearly made an impact, for they ushered us out in a panic. What it had truly meant to them, I cannot be certain. What it had meant to me was that my spirit was angry, and I wanted to activate their superstition by causing them to think that God was angry with them too (shame on me!). I think it also showed them that I was ‘protected’ from their extortion against me, although I can definitely say it had the opposite effect on me, for I became even more demonised, and was heading for a BIG fall just after all this happened (but that’s another story). I know for sure that God was in fact very angry with me for doing such an evil thing, and doing this had kind of ‘cursed’ me for the fall I was about to have. Nevertheless, the power of that symbol still impressed on me, and so years later when I saw that people on the internet were beginning to notice the eye everywhere too, I came into it as a born again, delivered believer, armed with knowledge and also caution, knowing that there is a strange and evil power to it.

Make no mistake; Satan very nearly had my soul in those days. Even after all my evil, I praise God that He still had mercy on me in spite of myself and my wicked love for the esoteric. During my spiritual struggles of many sleepless nights wrestling with the devil later down the line (after my true repentance), the image of the eye featured heavily in my visions and dreams nightly for months, causing me great anguish. The eye imagery projected into my mind came to represent the actual satanic spirits who tormented me, which gave me an understanding as I grew in faith to come against them in prayer. In a mystical sense, I even realised that I was weirdly a ‘little eye’ myself, for I had desired my own kingdom, and was a rebel just the same as my former master, the father of lies. My life had all been about me up until now, and seeing myself also as an ‘evil eye’ actually gave me some measure of overcoming understanding. But God had now revealed to me His Son, the visible image of the invisible God, and had shown me that He had TWO eyes, and that we are made in His image. Although I still remain unsure about what that really means (for now), it has always given me some measure of comfort since I had the revelation, for He isn’t the ‘all seeing eye’ represented by a symbol in Freemasonry and the occult; rather He is well beyond our understanding, and more intimately involved in our lives than could ever be possibly comprehended. For me, the all seeing eye has a big brother, communist feel to its power; yet the real God isn’t like that at all, for it is a great comfort for me to know just how closely we are watched and sustained by Him, in spite of all our evil.

Indeed, it is Satan who glorifies himself under the pretence that he is the all seeing being who solely can give humans ‘illumination’. It is he who has created these old time worldly religions, trapping people in their thirst for spiritual power by causing them to idolise such symbols and the powers behind them. He has created a sticky web of occult symbology that attempts to tempt us further into the darkness, masquerading as light. The eye has always been a manifestation of the devil (even though many would protest that it can represent Jehovah), and should be treated as such. Now whenever I see it, I know the spirit behind whatever has used it as a symbol, even if it seems altruistic or benevolent on the surface. “For Satan comes as an angel of light”, it has been written in the scriptures. We do well to take this to heart, lest we be deceived, for the only ones playing silly games are the ignorant human children who have no idea that we are in the midst of a raging spiritual war, where there are real, eternal casualties. Neither God, the devil, nor the angels or the demons are playing games.

We fight for our very lives. So, let’s be wise to the devil’s tricks, and place our faith in the One who can set us free from our slavery to sin… yes, the Lord Jesus Christ is our only hope.

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