Those Who Proclaim Love But Speak Hate

I’ve recently had a few encounters with some believers who think it’s fine to hurl ‘masked’ insults and threaten me and others with hell (unless we bend to repenting of what they believe is a sin), and it usually comes packaged with no gentleness or humility at all in their speeches and instead slams people with a self righteous, superior attitude.

Friends, this is UGLY behaviour, and i can tell you now that even if one THINKS they are doing God a favour, He will actually show His contempt for it on a day coming very soon, and people guilty of this kind of behaviour will be VERY shocked; horrified even..

Listen: even if we feel we really are right over any given situation and feel the need to tell others about it, we must always ‘rebuke’ someone always with a meek attitude, knowing that we also have transgressed God’s holy laws many times in various ways and have absolutely no leg to stand on ourselves. 
We should also be very aware that God is listening to and judging every word we speak, as well as the motive we have that’s behind the words; how well do you think it will go for someone at the great white throne judgement after they’ve unrepentantly called someone out for their sins in some irritated religious frenzy, rather than as a fellow sinner whom they are trying to help in order for them to see their mistake, all done with a genuine fear and trembling before the Lord? Does getting visibly frustrated and angry about the sins of others and then condemning people ever make any headway in these situations?

Not that I’ve ever seen.

The best street preachers I’ve seen are the ones who really do truly LOVE others, those walking past pretending to ignore them. Yes, there may well be a desperation, a pleading in their voices, but it isn’t out of anger, frustration or other misplaced motives, it is with utter compassion that they yell out to people in the street to change their ways and seek the Lord’s grace.

You can be, and probably will be, hated for the sake of Jesus, if you know Him and talk about Him often; He told us it would be so. But sadly, many believers are hated by other people not because of Jesus and His gospel, but because they are obnoxious, prideful, ‘religious’ hypocrites who use the gospel as an excuse to ‘beat the other servants’. 
The threat of hell is very real, but we mustn’t lose our heads over it. I believe the Holy Spirit is a true gentleman in His manner and the way He deals with us, and I believe that if we are truly acting like God would want us to, we will always be polite, respectful, measured, wise, self controlled and courteous to others, those who might not be as far along the road as we are.

Add to this that as finite creatures who don’t know everything, that there is also a strong possibility that one might be wrong, might not see the whole picture, might have misinterpreted, misunderstood, been fed lies of slander that now one believes because of their own interpretation of the bible.

Let us never be hasty with words, let’s strive to think of others as better than we are, seeking to point out any wickedness in them with the fear of the Lord as our motivator. 
Anything else, no matter how much one thinks one might be working for God by doing or saying it, is actually of the devil in my opinion.

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