We live in times where ‘anything goes’, at the moment.
I expect many of you reading this know much of what perverted and just downright weird things are happening in western society at this time, things that the mainstream media is subtly and even sometimes blatantly propagandising to us as ‘normal’, or even worse, as righteous… and it seems that if anyone puts up an argument about it and voice concerns over it, they are essentially bullied into shutting up, and can sometimes even be punished by law, a lot like communist governments did to their subjects in Soviet Russia and Mao’s China. This is where people with the power always take their countries, when they don’t have Christ as an authority over them making the rules.
When such groups of people ruling nations have a monopoly on what THEY consider moral, then it’s been proven time and again throughout history that free speech is basically thrown out of the window, and oppression, censorship and eventually violence becomes the norm for its subjects. I would say here that this could also be the case for a Christianised society, because even though you can legislate certain acts and make certain practices illegal, the level of sin and the opinion of God in the society always reflects the collective state of that nation’s souls, for people will always find ways around the law when they don’t fear God enough to behave morally, as the bible teaches morality. Even Christian societies can be equally as oppressive if the majority of subjects remain heathens who care nothing for the ways of God, and it’s only a matter of time before that leadership falls, rotting from the inside out due to the gangrene of moral decay from within it. The key therefore is to gently help the nation’s people understand true biblical morality personally by the power of His Spirit, and being good ambassadors for the Lord ourselves as examples (and not hypocrites), so that He can individually reveal to each person about HIS standards of morality, and then FIX the nation on the spiritual level. Showing people that they must FEAR God is essential for any society to be a healthy one, which is why the devil spends a lot of time pooh poohing the fact that we all must fear Him, even twisting truth about His glorious love for us by sowing heresy about not fearing Him into people’s doctrines. I’m saying that the weakness or strength of any society is based solely on whether most people fear God, or not.
Western society is at a crossroad these days. Moral decline
(according to God) is rampant today because recent generations have slowly yet
progressively been taught to NOT fear God, or even worse, to despise Him and
His commandments, where instead they celebrate what the bible clearly states
that He hates, then teaching others to do so also until the whole culture is
affected, like an aggressive cancer. But believe it or not, this is actually
normal when looking back on the history of the human race. Just look at Israel
since they came out of Egypt.
In spite of a few hundred years of biblical principles being held in our
western laws, Christianity has for the most part been ignored by the world
since Christ walked the earth, especially in the far east, and the church has
been persecuted since the very start for doing what Christ did (exposing evil
in people, requiring repentance), and it seems the tide is turning again in our
day against biblical morality, the root of the turn being the obvious and
distinct lack of fear of God in the majority of people throughout the West.
Unbelieving people in our society who still hold to biblical morals (such as
murder, lying or stealing being evil for example) really have no philosophical
grounds to hold such positions, simply because without God, morality makes no
sense at all (hence the current confusion over it thanks to years of
brainwashing by the media that He doesn’t exist); rather, secular morality is a
cultural construct that fluctuates over time according to popular collective
opinion, because people have discounted biblical truth as an authority and
there is no ‘objective’ morality to set the bar. Subjective morality
controlling a society will never settle on hard and fast rules for worldly
eternity, and has in fact been the downfall of every superpower throughout
history… and to be honest, it also looks like our own culture is about to
face the same fate.
This is where prayer comes in…
Can things change? Of course. Britain was in the throws of complete debauchery and wickedness when the Wesley brothers took to evangelising the dark isles a few hundred years ago, and yet within a few years the nation was back on track spiritually. God blessed that mass repentance mightily, and we became GREAT Britain. Yes, there was still much evil still going on too (slavery, industrial revolution etc), but people had begun to FEAR God again and respect His ways, and it was changing the culture from the inside out. Yes, it can be argued that some of them took it too far (forcing Sabbath laws, clothing modesty, forced attendance to churches etc), but many people in those days were class acts who genuinely loved God and His gospel, and we sent out missionaries far and wide across the empire, teaching many of the power of the blood of Christ to wash away sins and find forgiveness and restitution with the Lord.
The Lord Jesus Christ pinpointed the problem as a spiritual one.
He said something this, in Luke 11:
“Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body.
When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light. But, when it is
unhealthy, your body is filled with darkness.
Make sure that the light you think you have is not actually darkness. If you
are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be
radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light.
What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is
light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter… what
sorrow awaits the world, because it tempts people to sin. Temptations are
inevitable, but WHAT sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting…”