
November 2014
With huge thanks to Angi Lee and Paul Collins, without both of whom I would not have been able to produce this book. I love you!
Illustrated by Christopher Powers: YouTube channel: Full of Eyes; Thanks brother, I so appreciate your work, its amazing!
This book was written to bring glory and honour to the King; I hope that many who read this will be inspired to see His mind-blowing sacrifice for us all in a totally different light as a result of my work in this book.
It is also dedicated in the memory of my late Grandmother, Audrey Duncan, who had a simple yet wonderful faith that through her continual prayers for me, brought me up to be the person I am today.
I will miss the deep yet humorous chats we always had, always accompanied with her trademark loving, soothing hand caressing thing she did (to all her children and grandchildren naturally, without thinking), as we intensely spoke at length about the Lord, His word and His kingdom since my re-birth realisation in 2005.
My sincere prayer is for my family and friends who read this; may you all be blessed by it.
Death’s Demise
I would like the reader to be aware that it is no strange thing for the average, normal person to keep themselves for the entirety of their earthly lives from delving deeply into matters of the spirit.
This makes it really quite difficult for those who ARE interested and who have some knowledge over such matters to articulate adequately the things revealed to them, as such concepts are far from the mind that solely dwells on materialistic things and situations, without much thought for origin or purpose.
As one would look up into the starry night sky and be aware of certain physical and romantic understandings or interpretations of that reality without at all comprehending the absolute enormity of it, so we must sometimes cast our minds into places beyond our normal human spheres of existence, instead holding the most complex notions before us in order to find poetic interpretations and undiscovered truths which lie beyond our everyday experience.
It is the task of the artist to transmute these lofty ideas down from the ether into the more concrete and discernible earthly reality, so onlookers can perhaps have an easier revelation of what was hidden to them previously.
Eternity can be appreciated not only from implication through words speaking on the page, but also by being understood through the spiritual heart of one who has ‘knowledge’ without necessarily a mindful or logical understanding; perhaps it’s similar to falling in love without really knowing why or having a good reason for it – one simply KNOWS.
Long ago, it was written that eternity was planted into the hearts of men and women, and it is there we must look for confirmation and revelation of images ordinarily outside of our worldly grasp.
Let me take you back, back on an ancient zephyr of immortal memory, yet never truly ever known by finite man, who has always seen through the looking glass darkly.
In a time beyond time, the end was known from the beginning.
the whirlwind of chaotic discordance, in terrifying magnificence, was the Light
shining out from within the centrifuge of the deep, unfathomable shroud of
darkness encompassing darkness.
From within the extreme luminescence (that centred all focus) was structure,
order and calm, and a union that begot all that is known as goodness and truth.
Anything that was not this, was a lie exposed by its brightness; a shadow of
reality, a reflected imitation of lesser and inferior dimension. Yet even the
darkest shadow was like the noonday sun to this Consciousness that has always
At the innermost internal contemplation of this mighty being was utmost
unspeakable joy, radiant height of all-knowing life, and the potential for
ultimate sacrifice for the sake of unstained reputation.
In the bosom of absolute realisation, infinite power was wielded by way of the
vocalisation manifesting all things seen and unseen, tangible and
Suddenly in the creation of ‘moment’, physicality was given birth by way of the
eternal Word uttering (in an unimaginable dynamo of a thousand high seas
crashing upon the rocks, the mightiest tempest howling and the ear-splitting
crack and peel of enormous thunder) from the heart of the Great Soul, who spoke
that ‘uni’ verse “Bereisheet bara Elohim et hashamyim ve’et ha’aretz”*; and
thus henceforth came all dimensional understandings of both spiritual and carnal
existence. Finite was born from the infinite, temporal from eternal.
All things were constructed from holographic light and vibrating energy; a
reflection of the true source, like a piece of art embodies the character of
the artist. From within the Godhead was a reciprocal pure love that was imbued
to the whole of this creation in the form of choice and freewill.
Genuine love is never forced or autonomous, but sacrificially selfless in
servitude out of respect for the recipient; the Creator wished for such a
relationship with the created subjects under the power of His hand; from stars
colossus, to indomitable angelic beings, to microscopic molecules.
The King had spoken, His vassals responded; His commands were given, and were
directly obeyed. Nothing could be sustained without His ordinances and decrees
going forth, and it was the joy and honour of the work of His hands to carry
them out to the letter. Indeed, there was never a thrill known like that of
doing His will and seeing the result, such was the harmony-laced participation
of each tiny part of the whole body, seamlessly and unitedly working together
under the sovereign rule.
the midst of, and totally surrounded by glorious angelic worship, at the focal
point of the highest heavens, an anthropomorphic figure is cut: a face emitting
strength like the sun; hair like the purest wool; eyes gleaming with fierce
unquenchable flames, as deep as oceans; clothed in a garment of supernatural
white brilliance with an intersecting golden sash, befitting of true royalty.
In one pierced hand, He holds seven stars like a cherished bride; in the other
arm, He cradles a lifeless slain lamb, it’s eyes closed and it’s tongue
unnaturally protruding.
When He speaks, it cuts away dross and meaninglessness like a sword casts flesh
asunder, sharp enough to slice between soul and spirit.
is more profound than the logic of the Logos, and nothing or no-one can combat
successfully this mighty weapon brandished by the Lord of all heaven’s armies.
There are many different types of spirits that minister to this original and
almighty Solipsist*, all created for different reasons and missions. One of the
closest type of beings in His service at the pinnacle of the King’s throne are
the cherubim, each revealing an aspect of their Creator by confession and
prophetic image. They are perhaps the mightiest of all created entities, having
the spark of gloriousness that could indeed be mistaken as their own, such is
their intimacy with the Wellspring of eternal fountain, and it is here that our
story begins.
Part 1

Chapter 1
had past, like a momentary flicker. The flicker had seemed to be rooted in
forever. But on this day, things were going to change irreparably, an ominous
milestone in the history of everlasting blessing.
The Lord Yahovah had ordained those
incredible cherubim beings to continually surround His throne and testify to
the others further away (yet no less blessed) of the power that radiated from
the sovereign seat in endless mystical wonderment, causing everyone to worship
in the most intense way they were made for, limited only by their maximum level
of finite being-ship. One of the main purposes for the cherubim was to
orchestrate order and harmony within the communal adulation so that the focus
of devotionality was honed in, concentrated and emphasised to bring the maximum
glory to the Lord. As every moment brought fresh revelation and an exponential
heightened ecstasy for each being present, the level of genuine worshipfulness
gradually increased as the Lord allowed angelic time to continue into futural
eternity. There was always a holy, electrifying stimulation when one considered
the infinitely limitless power and glory, causing even greater admiration in
each moment.
On this particular day, the main orchestrator (and second in rank only to God
Himself) was swimming in unbelievably staggering majesty, the greatest moment
of his life since his creation. This cherub was totally overcome as he
reflected on the multitudes following his every movement and confession to the
greatness that encompassed him, and as he contemplated the beyond incredible
light that emanated from him, he noticed that by the small matter of playing
around with his own will, he could manipulate certain sections of the worship
that brought him a small slither of unintentional glory, which despite giving
him a very strange feeling still felt oddly ‘good’ to him. As he grew used to
the unusual experience, he continued to use his own power and freedom of will
to bring about his own melodies and harmonies incorporated among the host,
changing the feel of the worship of what had always been known up until now.
At the same time as still having a harmonious tone, there was yet now a
dissonant discordance amongst the notes and songs. As Lucifer the light bearer
grew more bold with his new discovery, his lust for power of self overcame his
naturally normal love of God’s will being done, and without him even realising,
his heart became unswervingly set on the no return path to eternal death. From
that moment on, his prideful trespass forever separated him from pure holy
communion presence with the glorious Ancient of Days.
No longer did he feel his job was befitting of so great a being as he. In fact, now as he looked at the Lord, it was in a whole new way; one of pity for Him, seeing His inferiority thanks to this strange inanimate creature He continued to clutch in His arm. For the first time, he realised pain as he stared into the face of his Creator, and he was repulsed, little knowing he was the cause.
All heaven then had a sudden revelation
of this new, unpleasant sensation emanating from the presence of the Almighty,
which caused mixed feelings amongst the populous; most then understood a level
of depth in God that had been unplumbed until now, causing profoundly new
epiphanies within their essences despite its very uncomfortable nature. Others
recoiled in abject horror and confusion as Lucifer had done moments before,
especially disdaining the sudden lack of spiritual highs they were so
accustomed to, thus lamenting with withdrawal, and yearning for relief.
The corrupted cherub now turned his
attention to the angels. They had all become deadly quiet during this heated
internal battle that overwhelmed their worship leader, and they were waiting
for an explanation; The Lord remained silent.
“Fellow creatures, am I not glorious to behold? Has
God not made me superior in all His creation? Is my current situation here, as
a SERVANT”, he spat, “befitting of who I am destined to be? Can you not see
what I deserve?
Admire! I, the one among you who walks amongst the fiery stones on the holy
mountain of God.
See! I am adorned with
every precious stone of beauty and wisdom.
Look! There is not a creature who is as splendid as the one you currently
I now require your focus
and adoration, empower me with your love; let me feel your energy directed
toward me, let me feed on your worship, and I will reward you with more of my
glorious presence and we will make sweet music together. I am the starlight of
the morning. My glory is on a par with the Son of God… no, greater! He would
embrace what is alien to us, pain and suffering. Look at the inanimate creature
He is so besotted with in His hands and be revolted! No, it is not my way. Is
His way true wisdom? Ask your hearts. See His immorality, that He would embrace
the terrible. Yet, I will release you to choose for yourselves…find freedom
from His servile prison in MY way, the better way! Use your minds, think for
yourselves! Anything you want to have, I will give it to you, just ask! For I
am made to be a giver of unusual hidden wisdom, that exceeds what you currently
are aware of. I will now ascend to heaven and set my throne above God’s stars.
I will now preside on the mountain of the gods far away in the north…I WILL
now climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High!”
Cherubim are creatures with many, many eyes making up their spiritual body;
this is so all they can see from every angle is the holiness of the Lord, causing
them to confess it in spontaneous euphoria that helps inspire truly genuine
devotion to the Lord in other angels who are without this gift, as well as
within themselves.
It’s very hard for a human being to imagine that a creature with many eyes can be so utterly beautiful beyond imagination, but the ways of heaven are so unlike the ways of earthly understanding; cherubim are fearsome in their uniquely beguiling beauty, each eye radiating eternal wisdom with varied hues of source light from the most High.
However, Lucifer’s head had
now metamorphed into one big cyclops eye, and having looked inward as to his
own glorious aura, it now gazed wildly and haughtily at the silent angels,
seeking those who would join him in his mutiny. He felt strangely powerful, and
brazen in his defiance in the presence of the Lord. He wasn’t even reacting to
him! Yes, this was his time! He shone now with a foreign light, attractive to
many of those who had always admired him, like a moth to a candle.
One by one, angels among the multitude visibly sided with Lucifer. Like snared
animals, they believed his spiel in their hearts, resulting in the loss of
their heavenly glow, mustifying, and having their heads morph into one large
eye, like Lucifer’s had.
Then the unprecedented happened. As the angels and the fallen angels looked
around at each other, stunned by this turn of events, animosity reared it’s
heinous head.
The first to strike were
the fallen, much to Lucifer’s glee. “This day is ours!” he bellowed. “Fight
well for your new king; heaven belongs to the brave!”
All swords drawn and clashing, bows quickly tautened and releasing fiery darts,
there was all out war in heaven. Approximately a third of the entire population
were fighting for Lucifer, who was duelling with the leader of all warrior
angels, Michael.
severity of the battle brought much pain and suffering to both sides; yet there
was also much courage in spite of this new and unwelcome experience of
Because of an unfamiliar aggression and hostility that now settled in the
murderous stony hearts of the fallen, it seemed (despite the numbers against
them) that Lucifer’s cohorts were gaining the upper hand; indeed Michael, in
spite of his valiant heart and office as a super warrior, was paling and
failing against the power that Lucifer was wielding; so much so that at one
point he was at the mercy of Lucifer’s flaming sword having lost his own from
an offensive move from the king of devils. In gut reaction, he cleverly used
his shield as an alternate weapon as he called out to his Lord for mercy, as
many of the godly angels were doing in the face of this irresistible brutal
violence from the rebellious.
There were many casualties on both sides. Feeling he had momentum, Lucifer was
about to proudly pronounce a victory as he surveyed the battle scene, with
Michael before him once again overpowered, cradling a broken wing after Lucifer
had used his strange thought power of malevolence to curse and destroy,
manifesting as sharp and cruel electricity, empowering the devils and nearly
bringing all heaven to its knees in submission to him.
as he opened his arrogant mouth to claim his prize, something like the shock
wave from a nuclear blast detonated from the throne and knocked everyone flying
like rag dolls in a hurricane. After an initial shell shock, slow realisation
of great joy and conversely, great fear duelled. All of the servants of the
Lord marvelled as they found themselves not only completely healed but
radically strengthened, whilst the iniquitous remained not only in pain and
exhaustion from fighting but dazed and confused from the explosion, leaving
them easily at the mercy of their foes.
Lucifer, above all the others, found himself with so little strength that it
was enough to even try to speak, and the great archangel that had been at his
mercy a few moments before hurriedly disarmed and bound him.
The other angels, who now had a profound sense of peace come upon them, restrained the demons just as Michael had bound Lucifer.
realisation that they were now conquered tormented the thoughts of the captives
as they waited in horror for their inevitable sentences.
called out to a silent heaven, with the Lord as his witness, in the most solemn
“We, through the power of the Father of life, bind you, spirits of iniquity.
You will now give the true Lord of existence a fair hearing; you will not speak
until His will is completely done here. Be bound, by the precious and holy name
of Yahovah!”
Lucifer moaned as he had a sense of his futility, deeply afraid of what was
coming. His minions were shaking from gripping fear, many of their one-eyed
heads revealing their anguished emotions with worldly tears in the face of what
they had become, and what was becoming even more apparent – what they had lost.
The Lord slowly walked up to a cowering Lucifer, who was struggling to breathe
and could not raise his eye to meet the Lord’s penetrating stare. Indeed, to do
such a thing was to worsen his humiliation, and he inwardly refused to satisfy
his Enemy by showing him the fright in his eye that betrayed him. The presence
of the Lord was certainly no longer a blessing for him, and his sense of dread
was a weight that was very nearly impossible to bear.
Nevertheless, the Lord gently forced him to meet His gaze. In that gaze,
Lucifer was aware of an ocean of pain and suffering that had previously been
un-revealed to any creature before. Struggling to leave the glare, Lucifer’s
attentions changed as the Lord widely opened His mouth, and a very sharp double
edged sword slowly advanced from the gullet out towards the centre of his eye,
until the point (as sharp as a needle) rested painfully on the cortex and went
no further. No matter which direction he looked now, the sword was directly on
point in the centre of his perception. Great panic broke forth, although he
attempted to hide it.
The Lord spoke in a gentle but very solemn tone, enough so that all heaven
could hear. With considerable emotion, He whispered decisively:
“In your great pride you claim, ‘I am a god! I sit on a divine throne in the
heart of the sea’. But you are only the work of My hands, and not a god, though
you boast that you are a god. You
regard yourself as the wisest creature,
and think no secret is hidden from you.
I ordained and anointed you as THE mighty angelic guardian. You were blameless in all you did from the day you were created, until this day, where evil has been
found in you. Your rich commerce
has lead you to violence, and you have sinned before My throne.
So I banish you in disgrace from the mountain of God.
I expel you, O mighty guardian,
from your place among the stones of fire.
Your heart is filled with pride
because of all your beauty. Your wisdom is corrupted by your love of splendour,
so I’ll throw you to the ground
and expose you before heaven.
You have defiled your sanctuaries
with your now many sins and your dishonest trade of deception.
Therefore, I’ll bring fire out from within you, and it will consume you.
I will reduce you to ashes on the ground in the sight of all who are
All who knew you will be appalled at your fate.
You have become a horror, and
shall be no more, FOREVER.
I, the LORD, have spoken!”
Starting as a slight, far off rumble, but then ever increasingly into a great
deafeningly present roar of immediate thundering wrath that shook all creation
to its very foundations, came the impending judgement and sentence. In the
peals of extremely agonising claps, terrifying lightning picked off each
apostate sinner and threw them from the home of first heaven into an unfamiliar
dimension where they were aliens, to a place where God’s glorious presence was
very noticeably absent for the first time in their lives.
Rejected and dejected in the suffering pressurised depths of blackout damnation,
only each fallen angel knew the personal horror of the swift and final
condemnation that had been bestowed upon their spirits, accompanied by the
appalling and tormenting foreboding expectation that there was much, much more
to come.
Satan fell harder than the others. It was every effort to pull himself
together. As he contemplated the suffocating atmosphere that laboured every
breath, a distant rumble of thunder echoed from whence he fell; “How you are
fallen from heaven, light bearer, son of the morning”.
He heard those
words of his sealed doom leave a gaping hole in his soul, like an infested,
infected, swollen wound. It drove him to complete madness there and then, yet
he retained composure and his keen wits.
He lay in the dazed darkness for some while, stunned and speechless. He noticed
that something was stirring inside of him, incubating. He now had continually
severe, hostile thoughts about God, manically plotting his revenge, replacing
any hint of heavenly peace he had ever known in the ages before.
Pregnant with disgust, he began to mindlessly mumble a demonic tongue, vocalising his murderous intentions against the Foe he so despised.
Then, without warning, he suddenly went into throws of agonising labour pains. Retching in torment, he blasphemed God with every subsidence of teeth gritting pain, full of acidic vitriol that broke like the waters of a woman going into labour.
After much suffering, he finally gave birth to a small humanoid skeleton, vomiting it out in heaving misery and distress.
recovered slightly, he perused this unusual progeny with some amount of heavy
confusion, prodding its lifelessness and noting the one eye it had, rolled into
the skull.
He let out a long, tormented scream at his hopeless situation, shaking his fist
at his Maker into cavernous space blackness for all the pain he had endured so
far. He then sent out a torrent of verbal abuse that now came so naturally to
him, not wasting his words with anything but the most insulting blasphemy.
An interesting thing now occurred; he suddenly observed that the once lifeless skeleton he had thrown up was being animated to life with every profane phrase he invoked.
Recognising that further sin was keeping this obscene offspring ‘alive’, the encouraged originator of wickedness vowed there and then to keep it living by continuing to counter God’s ways and perverting them, claiming a new kingdom of absolute opposition to His character, of which he would be king.
His insane feud
had now begun, and he totally believed he could win this new battle. He
malevolently declared from within this forsaken pit; “Let evil be my domain;
let my new child, whom I shall baptise in burning hate fire with the name of
‘Death’, become my proud heir; may he reap a harvest that glorifies my ways and
proclaims my kingdom til my Enemy be vanquished.”
The gloomy anguish of the other iniquitous spirits was relieved somewhat, when
they saw that their humbled ‘king’ was not yet out for the count; indeed,
wickedness was stirring even from within their own bosoms, and was looking for
an outlet to manifest its loathsome mannerisms – loaded with hatred, yet
disguised as virtue; a trend they would stick with later as future tactics for
deception and temptation.
Wisdom was about to be imitated and prostituted, as all demonic eyes searched
for revenge against the One who they blamed for causing so great their loss.
Chapter 2
Our globe was a godly dream weaved from the ether, that began to physically
formulate from within chaotic voided emptiness as an embryonic mass of integral
Water was its depth and substance, and darkness kissed and held it like the icy depths of the sea.
The Great
Spirit manifested His hovering presence above the waters, surveying and marking
out foundations, making all the necessary preparations whilst the heavenly host
looked on in intrepid anticipation with the sound of a weighty silence, as of a
collectively held breath. They excitedly waited for the first move as the Lord
went mystically about His business on this blank canvas, assessing its
potential, as a sculptor examines a large piece of rough cut marble.
The time was ripe. In an ecstatic simultaneous display of power exceeding
power, as the Lord uttered the words “Let there be light” came synchronistic,
psycho-symmetric patterns of living rainbow spectrum, that shone weightless
aliveness as the newly birthed light rejoiced its way from eternity into the
material realm.
How then the legions upon legions of witnessing angels, in astounded
wonderment, sang the glory of Almighty God in that moment!
Exalted and
enthroned on their amazed praises, the Lord saw that the light was good, and
smiled at the prospect of the rest of His plans fruition becoming materialised.
When the Lord is pleased, all heaven knows it intimately, such is His
relationship with His holy creatures; a deep satisfaction swept over the hosts,
another collectively baited breath hushing them in expectancy as a placid
evening followed the engaging day’s work.
Like a charge that primed the atmosphere, holy love flowed like electricity
throughout creation as the new morning brought sincere promise, akin with an
earthly early pink dawn in cloudless heat.
Time slipped by quickly, as the Lord enjoyed every ounce of separating the waters above from the waters below on the second day, yet then affirming terra firma in its midst on the third.
A different
type of heaven was created as the different waters were divorced, that God
called ‘sky’; it was the wiped face of absolute possibility, ready in waiting
for colour and definition for concentrating on at a later time.
Meanwhile, this
newly formed orb of earth and liquid was the centre of everyone’s attention.
At the guiding hand of the strength of the Holy One, the waters on the sphere
collected and pooled in large areas as dry land was raised up, and thus the
great oceans and lakes were given birth. The land was endowed with reproducing
seed, from grasses to fruits, and a predominant leafy green breezy dance swept
across it, which caused the Lord to reflect and see that it was once again
pleasing and good. Heaven beamed a broad delight.
After the evening once again refreshed those enthralled by the first three days of hard yet satisfying work, the ever increasingly important fourth day saw vast fruitfulness as the expounding material empire began to take real shape.
From previous
geo-centricity came the ultimate expansion of deepest space, filled with the
most wondrous and innumerable celestial bodies of various size and purpose that
each had a part to play , however important, with the speck of dust now dwarfed
by its almost immeasurable surroundings. Because of such immensity, uniformity,
predictability and order were cleverly disguised within seeming chancy chaos
due to the physical realm’s complete overcomplexity for a manufactured mind to
conceive; only the perpetual Producer had a grasp of the foundational bedding
of perfect harmony that was woven into the very fabric of the material He was
skilfully weaving.
The Father of
light began this fresh day by creating two special masses in the local physical
heavens to mark out the newly constructed idea of times and seasons, so that
they were governing and even essentially sustaining all potential life on the
earth. The unique star was to provide the light and heat of the day among many
other extremely important duties, the other lesser light of the night
controlling (among other things) gravitational issues such as tides and
axis-spinning. The sight was overwhelming for the witnessing spirits, who
praised God wholeheartedly in absolute awe as they now watched Him pull away
and hide His own kaleidoscopic light source so that the newly birthed universe
became managed from behind the obvious scenes.
The fifth day brought intricacy to a new level after the macrocosm they had
witnessed the previous day; now they watched as all manner of earthly life was
synthesised and multiplied. God commanded in a joyful aloud, “Let the waters
teem with swimming fish of all kinds, and the liquid air float avian creatures
that rejoice in swooping and soaring; they come with My blessing to replicate
and proliferate across the entire globe, as I see it is good.” A welcome
evening came, full of the calmest active interlude yet as the plentiful
populous of the planet delighted in their aliveness.
The sixth and
final day of labour was the creation of land dwelling creatures, filling up the
element still governed by plants from the third day. All manner of livestock
and wildlife were manifested by the melodiously continuing, composing conversation
of the Lord of heaven’s armies; each kind able to make perfect reproductions of
themselves, and thus sent forth to multiply and cover the earth within their
supervised blessings.
Of all these miraculous events, the Grand Artist had saved His finest work for
last, the icing on the proverbial cake; a creature unlike all the others,
angelic or otherwise. A mortal animal endowed with the image of the divine,
intelligently self conscious and creative. From the dust of the ground, the
crown of creation was formed, born into government and lord-ship, to oversee
all earthly matters and reign over all the other living things in a tidy
reciprocation of the ultimate Governor.
of this wonderful and diverse garden, both male and female were equally given
the right to eat from the plentiful fruit-trees and other produce of the
ground, living in a beautiful harmony with corporeal existence as it now had
come to be.
In stunned, breathless admiration, the angels celebrated this astounding final
triumph with exultant joy beyond joy, glorifying the Lord to new previously
un-reached heights in the spirit. The Lord reflected on all the work of His
hands in that moment, and satisfyingly proclaimed before heaven that it was
“Very good”.
Not everyone was as adoring with this turn of events though; Lucifer and his
cohort minions became immensely tormented from within the darkness that
enveloped them. Thus enraged by this outrageous grace bestowed upon a mere
mortal creature made of mud, they subsequently began the devious plot to bring
his despicable child Death to the forefront of this haven, to revengefully spit
bitter poison in the face of the Almighty and to cause man in his fleshly
frailty to fall into utter destruction as they themselves had.
Dreadful and abominable schemes were now being devised in an unholy council to
instigate the end to such a paradise, and God was fully aware of it even as the
holy angels were not. The man and woman pottered in the garden unwittingly,
feasting gracefully on His goodwill.
Wisdom secretly consorted with Him, as He embraced the lifeless lamb in His
hands and clutched it closer to His heart, a supreme joy mingled with a deep
grief in expectation.
If the sixth day had brought buzzing life, the seventh day brought ecstatic
rest, a state that emphasised His holiness and brought the angels to tears of
living joy, such was the staggering goodness in all that had been done. And the
earth breathed the fresh air of absolute righteous beneficence, as benevolence
radiated from every aspect of the entire establishment.
Chapter 3
The garden reflected light in glorious spectrums of intense, iridescent shocks of colour. Every shade imaginable graced the eye in unfathomable chromatism. There was a contentedly peaceful melody, rejoicing together in underlying unanimity. Each and every flower seemed to sing a unique song of praise like an angel before the throne.
The Lord had placed two very special trees in the middle of this paradise, among all the other delicious, wooded shade-givers. One of them, a more humble tree when compared to the rest, had modest but appetising fruit that yet would perhaps be at first glance second choice pickings.
The subtle and reticent juice of its harvest however, flowed with all true wisdom and life, and was the gateway to immortality. It was the elixir, despite the way it was dressed, all according to design. This was the tree of life.
The second significant tree was grandiose and spectacular, a feast for the eyes . Heavy, sumptuous produce weighted the branches, gleaming with health and nourishment. Yet the Lord in His wisdom had made this a gateway for the tempter, who had by now challenged God in the secret of his darkness that he could win over these precious children and force them to reject their Originator, because he thought of himself a better lord and master. Yes, the Lord knew this deep evil, and made provision for the ones made in His likeness to also know it, whatever the cost.
Thus, the second tree became a portal for the devil to come up from the depths and manifest his wickedness and try the progeny, for better or worse. The tree was aptly named, ‘of the knowledge of good AND evil’.
from earthly components, the inanimate body was formed in a whirlwind, knitted
intimately together in a busy concentration by the Lord, who was focussing on
every minute detail; nothing was missed. From the curve of the eye-lash to the
inner workings of the spleen, it was all worked out and accounted for.
In-depth discussions with the Architect were had from His faithful minister,
Wisdom, who thrilled upon every potential touch, wanting the very best out of
this finest art-form and using her exhaustive knowledge to its maximum effect.
There the inoperative mortal figure lay, finished yet incomplete. The final task was handed to the Holy Breath, who with an abiding rush of sacred air breathed the beautiful wind through the nostrils, into the depths of the throne room of the temple, the Holiest of Holies, the man’s chest expanding with heavenly grace. In that moment, body and spirit, material and ethereal, the seen and unseen became integrated and consolidated; the divine likeness incorporated into flesh.
The reaction to this spirit/body formula made up the soul’s quintessential essence; the man now received a freedom of will and active emotions upon this ghost and carcass consummation making him his own person.
He had now become tripartite in the likeness of his heavenly Author who had designed and created him, and he reflected the Lord’s blesséd, consecrated image perfectly.
The King of creation loved to walk through the garden with the man in the cool of evening, sometimes in loaded blissful silence of companionship, sometimes conversing and teaching of that which is mysterious and undiscovered. The man listened like a small child with a parent, absorbing everything and learning new things in every moment.
They passed the two trees. The Lord pointed to the glorious tree and solemnly uttered, “My son. All trees you may eat from in this paradise; but not that one. I forbid you to partake of the fruit of it, for if you eat, you will be sure to die”. Adam wondered what ‘die’ could mean, but fearing the look he was given, knew that it was important and resolved himself to follow orders even though it looked fine from where he stood.
“I would appreciate your help from tomorrow, son; we need to come up with names for all of the animals I have created, and I know you are very capable!”, and the conversation thus took a lighter course.
Pair after pair came to Adam the next day, from giraffe to mosquito, and with a keen mind and a photographic memory he articulated what he saw. It was hard work, but fun. The Lord and the man drew closer, cementing bonds as working companions often do, and the angels rejoiced. A reptile on the back hind of its tail, upright and proud, meandered toward the man to receive its name. “Sssnake” said Adam with a large grin, and it majestically slithered on its way.
As Adam faded into the distance, the snake glided past the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Suddenly accosted by an unknown force, the snake was helpless to resist such tempting power, assenting to be kidnapped by the superior presence. The serpent then slithered up the bark and across the branch, next to the ripest and juiciest fruit, and then waited as it eyed its surroundings contemptuously.
Whilst Adam was naming the animals, the Lord grew ever aware of a restlessness within the man, and He knew exactly why. For Adam was the pinnacle of His perfect creation, yet was still incomplete.
After the long day, the King sent him spiralling into the very depths of anaesthetised unconscious slumber, where upon one of his ribs closest to the heart was surgically removed, and the wound sealed as if nothing had occurred.
Then, just as the whirlwind had intricately mingled mere dust into Adam’s hominid shape, so the rib was manipulated into the bone of his very bone, the flesh of his very flesh.
Sculpted, staggeringly beautiful, encompassing all the tenderness and gentleness of divinity reflected in clay, she was gifted in her femininity with many different talents of the soul when compared to the man; from an enhanced intuitive understanding of the heart of compassion, to a natural nurturing instinct that came across in the way she stroked the purring felines, fed the playful, quacking ducks and jollied around with the dopey but lovable dogs.
She and Adam talked deeply for hours under the stars, completely besotted and interested in each others conversation, whilst still remaining something of a marvellous mystery from each other. They loved to talk about the presence of the Lord, and both greatly looked forward to His daily walks whereupon they would always find new astounding knowledge and be taught more and more about the stewardship of the planet and the responsibilities that come with the bestowed office.
They were naked in skin, yet majestically clothed in the presence of holiness. Violation of any kind was still the realm unknown, and innocence played upon their faces, like the pure eyes of very small children. They had been created to live forever, only growing in beauty, strength and wisdom as time advanced. The future of life on earth was set to emulate the splendour of heaven, with the potential for mankind and their children to continually discover unimaginable amicable affinities at the peak of empathy, something akin to the relationship within the hallowed Trinity.
the test was lingering, unbeknownst to the honest couple. The serpent bided his
time, carefully planning the script. So many times they came within earshot,
yet only just remained out of reach from his threatening, maliciously evil
On another beautifully warm and calm day in Eden, the newly-weds were collecting together a bounty of delicious fruits towards the centre of the orchard. The woman, Eve, skipped naively straight past the tree of life and its unpretentious crop in favour of the more interestingly rosy, bulbous, succulent looking fruits that adorned the glorious tree nearby – totally unaware of the severe danger, like a toddler playing with a lit candle in the hay.
Adam had already told her once under a brilliant moon-lit sky next to the waterfall what God had said to him that day, but she had never for herself properly looked at the tree until now, and it seemed un-understandably appealing from the unattractive image she had conjured in her pre-emptive mind. She felt an unfamiliar desire, a strange pulling sensation drawing her closer, until she noticed the crafty slitherer gliding across a branch who emphasised the most ripe harvest by settling near it; it stopped her advance and spellbound, she was enchanted by peculiar feelings; a dazed, almost drunken dance upon the precipice above an active volcano.
He hissed, “Did God REALLY say you must not eat fruit from any trees in this garden?”
Trying to ignore her entranced attraction to the deluxe and elegant fruit-laden branch, she stumbled back “It’s only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God told my husband, ‘You must not eat it or even touch it; if you do, you will die.’”
“Die? You will not surely die! He knows full well that if you eat the fruit of this tree, your eyes will be opened and you will be like Him, knowing both good and evil!”
Uneasy, yet nearly persuaded, she toyed with the conflict she was faced with. Her conscience reasoned “Oh, to be like the King! Oh, to have wisdom like His!” Curious, unknown lusts rose up in her heart. She took a longing gaze at the fruit and judged its outward appearance; beautiful, juicy, ripe – edible. She felt a pang of hunger and her mouth watered.
Her husband, who had been elsewhere collecting foods, had quietly joined her at the tree just as the snake insisted that she wouldn’t perish upon devouring the fruit, and watched in uncomfortable silence as he also battled with the thought of something that looked so tasty and allegedly brought potential wisdom.
he fought with his own tempted corruption, he hadn’t noticed that his spouse
had already plucked and tasted, and was now presenting him with the subtle but
deadly poison. Horrified that she had unconsentingly done the deed, he could
see in her eyes that something was not right; he knew the serpent had tricked
her and he was wise to it. Nevertheless, his idolatrous reasoning then
persuaded him that if she was to die (whatever that meant), that his love for
her meant that in a Romeo fashion they would face the consequences together. In
that moment, he forgot God, and remembered his wife; he gingerly partook as he
locked gaze into her eyes.
Suddenly dizzy like a large rush of blood to the head, their pupils unnaturally dilating to an extreme, akin to the explosive hit from a nefarious drug, they were both instantly very aware that something major was missing. Guilt poured its merciless fever upon them as they beheld each other and saw the absolute exposure of their nakedness, dis-robed of an ever-known graceful presence that now shamed them in its elusive disappearance. They observed the perversion of good for the first time in this disobedience, and their immediate instinct was a tear streamed, breathless run for cover, separately and alone, into somewhere dark and hidden, in tremendous fear and foreboding. Agitated, deathly worry sweated profusely in hot anguish from their brows, as they each cowered at the appalling prospect of the righteous Lord of life meeting them later in the evening.
The satanic skeletal progeny had now vastly grown from the child-sized, vomit birthed offspring of Lucifer in his drab, dingy dungeon, to an overarchingly brutal monster, far greater than the proportion of the entire earth. The whole of creation gave a unified terrified scream for mercy, as he picked up the slain sphere in a bony hand, then ingested and devoured it as it fell helplessly through the jaws and took the place of his lifeless un-beating heart, dirty and blood-shot, imprisoned behind the iron rib bars of the air-tight guffawing chest. That slow, deep and wicked laugh was the only response to the captive’s plea, and the shock wave of spiritual deceasedness permeated and infected every aspect of the natural kingdom, despite it continuing to function (for now) in body and soul.
The pre-incarnate Word picked a perfumed flower and held it to His nose, as He sauntered through the grapevines on His way up to the cave near the middle of Eden, the dead lamb limp and defunct in His other arm.
Passing the shady cavern, He called out “Adam, where are you?” as if speaking to existence itself as a whole. Adam plucked the courage to face his fate, and simpered with a low hung head towards the Lord from the mouth of the cave, stumbling in dread, as if a clumsy tail was between his legs.
“I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid. I… I was afraid, because I was naked”
“Who told you that you were naked? Did you eat from the tree I commanded you not to eat?”
Looking to shift the burden of blame, Adam pointed to Eve in a tearful heat of excuse; “It was the woman you gave me who gave me the fruit, and I ate it!” He nearly choked on the thought of his own foolishness as he realised the solemn extent of his action, biting his tongue in regret and sheepishly pained in expression.
The Lord turned his attention to Eve, as a loving but stern disciplinarian of a Father would do to the favoured child who had committed a serious misdemeanour. “What have you done, daughter?”
Because of the swelling lump in her throat, it was a struggle to croak out through a miserable mouth; “The serpent deceived me, that’s why I ate it”.
The Son of God shot a glance to the bough of the wicked tree, as the snake was slinking away, trying to escape unnoticed. The booming authority in His voice stopped the reptile dead in its tracks, whereupon it stood proudly erect and defiantly tasted the air in an expectant hearing.
“Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all animals, domestic and wild. You will crawl on your belly, grovelling in the dust as long as you live. And I will cause hostility between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will strikeyour head, and you will strike His heel.”
Like a vivid dream, prophetic imagery danced in the air between them, of a sword-ended cross descending from a height, with a man of great pain nailed to it, penetrating a great dragon through the hardest scales at the top of its cranium, as it lay deathly defeated.
Forced to bow in acquiescence, the serpent lost its grip and fell from its statured elevation, landing painfully in the dust below and getting a dry mouthful of dirt. In agony, it sidled from the scene into the long grasses nearby and fearfully hid from their immediate view.
The Lord then turned to the woman to pronounce another judgement; “I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy, and in pain you will give birth. And you will desire to control your husband, but he will rule over you.” Realising the extent of her eternal trespass and how she had dreadfully hurt not only herself but everyone she loved, she wept agonised, remorseful tears as the slain lamb in His hands caught her blurry eyes.
Finally to Adam, who had been trembling throughout, He said “Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat, the ground is cursed because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it. It will grow thorns and thistles for you, though you will eat of its grains. By the sweat of your brow will you have food to eat, until you return to the ground from which you were made. For you were made from dust, and to dust you will return.”
Adam turned his head to see a vision laid out before him; he saw his own creation moment through the dusty whirlwind; then he saw this bountiful paradise where they currently resided turn to a barren, thorny, stinging wilderness as the stony ground caused sun burdened, sweaty, back breaking toil for him, only to yield small amounts of produce and scratching just enough to survive for each day. He saw weighed down, taxed families huddling from the hostile elements in makeshift mud huts, eating tastelessly from small bowls. He saw the head of the family expire in an uncomfortable bed after years of hard labour, then watched as the body blew away in the wind as the dust rejoined with the windswept arid ground.
He hung his head, and stuttered a deep breath as he watched the Lord take the dead animal in his hands, strip it of its skin and solemnly fashion a type of clothing to hide their shame, and bring a saving grace into the most dire of situations.
The Lord then banished them from the garden, knowing that the tree of eternal life was at hand and the threat it caused to these rebellious mortals who He still held so dear; to know evil as master and live forever was a hellish sentence (befitting only of those iniquitous angels) that He had foreseen in omniscience, and He had a marvellous plan to combat it, which he had hinted to the snake in the vision.
Therefore, the mightiest angelic warriors with the fiercest of blazing swords were stationed, never to allow humanity to find the humble tree before the appointed time, until after He had dealt with His great, arrogant opposer and his new wretched dominion over men and all the earth.
Deep in the undergrowth, the snake stopped, choked and then expired, and from its carcass transfigured an eye-patched, olive-skinned, medieval military prince; handsome and charming, authoritative and cruel. Coming in the deceptive likeness of an angel of light, sin was now his only companion as he sought to feed his monstrous child, the Reaper, with the souls of his newly acquired slaves; humanity had begun its expedition into depths of depravéd despair, the no return journey into the grave and its vicious heat.
Chapter 4
The story of mankind from that point on was something that went from very bad to much, much worse. The initiating sin seed had been cleverly planted, and had quickly taken root, sprouted and then spread like wild fire. Adam’s loins now produced a people perpetually prone to destruction, naturally choosing corruption resulting from his original disobedience. There were the few, however, who despite getting their feet dirty remained focussed on pleasing the Lord, and who spent their time trying to be close to Him, however limited it was compared to the communion of Eden.
Adam spent much of his life trying to teach his children about his terrible error, but for the main it was unheeded and soon forgotten, as the instinctive life from early childhood was one of rebellion and hefty mistakes. It soon became abundantly clear that parents had to now spend much time disciplining and teaching their children to be good, as the spiritual root of this witchcraft lay waste to the corrupted progeny. Most children seemed to grow up to glorify themselves and their works, as instructed by the tempters that travailed them. These seducing spirits used other humans’ sins against them to cause resentment and bitterness early on in their lives, coupled with a greed for possessions and power, and a pride for life.
Within only a generation from Adam, the most severe of trespasses had been committed; the jealous murder of a cherished brother, whose blood screamed to the Judge for justice from the pain-soaked ground. All creation had begun an irreversible ageing process, dying closer with every moment; the egg-timer had been turned and the sand was unstoppable ’til its fullest end. Living things had begun to kill and consume each other, adapting to survive as the wilderness deteriorated at the miserable works (both physically and metaphysically) of men. Heavy groans and yearningly desperate prayers from all areas of created existence rocked the suffering natural world, as it took a savage turn for the hostile, manifesting dangerous quakings and severely high winds in its anguished tribulation despair. Wild animals took on an unnatural fear of men, and stayed well away from their crowded noisy villages unless their intention was to viciously react in defence, maiming and even killing some. Cold hearted men now even became cruel taskmasters to their domestic stocks, inspired by their new father, the prince of lies and homicide.
The world rapidly continued to grow in population, just as the rooted sin plant quickly grew from a small shoot to a fully grown tree akin to that great tree in Eden, with all manner of branches sprouting as wickedness diversified. People experimented with new avenues of its bitter fruit, delighting and rejoicing in their so-called freedom to devour the crop yield of the knowledge of evil, licking their fingers after the feast with no regret.
The Lord looked down from His roost, and searched the hearts of all earth dwellers, looking for hope. He found only wickedness and a love of perversion and darkness, and He was incredibly grieved. Through gritted teeth, He had given the maximum mercy possible up to this point in the hope that the world would change their hearts, reject sin and come seek Him and His way out of the terrible mess; but the insane children grew more and more fond of their new master, the power of the air, and they chose instead to ignore the conscience where the Great Spirit spoke to them and preferred to listen to the voices of the unseen demonic missionaries, who had come to place them all in spiritual chains and gouge out the eyes of those who thought they could see.
And the boiling point of the Lord’s anger was riled to action.
Though there was one righteous man who sought God, the rest of them faced a severe judgement, and in one dramatic move, the regretful Creator wiped out almost the entire human family tree with the release of the immense waters that were under His command, much to the devilish pleasure and worldly sorrow of Satan, who on the one hand saw a temporary end to his momentum, yet on the other receiving a great harvest of eternal slaves to feed his offspring, the famished grave.
The righteous man who had tried so desperately to teach his contemporary fellows of the Lord’s coming sentence had only received mockery and disdain for his brave but fruitless labour, and as such only he and his small family entered the miraculous boat that the Lord had instructed him to build, following His instructions to the letter. This ark was a parable, an archetype of the coming Solution that God had implemented and ordained since before the foundation of the world.
Noah and the animals, both domestic and wild, regained the land as the flood waters subsided after just over one solar cycle, and fresh beginnings were had, like the promise of a new morning. His children spread out and re-populated, until everyone was a very distant relative.
Yet, a similar sin-stained story continued as the severed root of rebellion sprouted new life, and the fallen angelics began working afresh upon the sons and daughters, although greatly hindered by their recent knowledge of the extent of judgement and disobedience in the forefront of near history, which caused that needed healthy true fear of the Lord God Almighty. A rainbow blazed its vibrancy over the valley of decision, signifying that the Lord would never wipe the world out with such a devastating flood again; and as the deep waters of judgement retreated, the sunshine of good mercy shone as His grace bore the weight of the world’s own responsibilities, and they once again began to walk with Him in a new found humility.
Adam’s seed continued to spread, congregating, and multiplying as they went, repeating the progress as they advanced their God-given blessed commands to fill the land and thrive.
A little later on, as a testament to man’s ‘greatness’, the one mighty city of the world (under the rule of a dedicated dictator) all united in one spirit, and began to build a magnificent structure worthy of the gods, with the sole goal to reach into heaven and proclaim the majesty for themselves. The tower soared into the blue as construction continued under the watchful eye of the most powerful man of his time, the totalitarian responsible for leading his subjects into this complete abhorration of arrogant defiance in the face of true power.
God laughed at them privately behind the veil, watching these weakling beings of feeble flesh try to claim His throne through this pathetic gesture, and with a twinkle in His eyes and at just the right time, He swiftly confused the only language of the entire world into many different unrecognisable tongues, so that not one person could understand another, despite all their passionate babbling and intense body language. Thus, He spread humanity far and wide across the globe, and diversified them into cults and breeds, never to be unified against Him again.
Alas, this did little to stem the relentless tide of depravity, and before long the carnal prisoners once again succumbed to the pernicious puppet master’s biddings. Behind the scenes however, a royal bloodline had been established along the way, through a chosen people due to the faithfulness of that blameless desert father of Jacob; the friend of God, Abraham. Through this promised blesséd race whose numbers were to exceed the sands of the shore, eventually (after a season of physical oppression, and then magnificent redemptive miracles worthy only of the Virtuous One) the holy school commandant was made known at the hands of a gifted man named Moses; written in stone, unchangeable in its guidance. It’s aim: to point out definitions of sin so that those who commit trespasses against the laws of love would know that they are guilty and in need of exterior hope, imprisoning the captives so that only God could set them free by a work of incredible grace, so that all people would have to rely on Him for merciful release. He secretly fully intended to shoulder the enormous burden of debts that weren’t even His to pay, simply by the power of His Spirit, to end the horrific cyclical hatred that had His cherished human hearts in bondage, and yet with the same Goliath stone, crush the skull of the conniving dragon-serpent, albeit at a very heavy ransomal cost.
The Lord would reclaim His rightful human temples, just as Israel parabolically prophesied with the inspired mighty works of human hands upon that area of threshing floor,* of Solomon’s temple.
From David’s son’s efforts of building the first house of the Lord, it was metaphorical of the future reclamation of the spiritual holy of holies within the human tabernacle, where He sought His legitimate throne in the secret chambers of all those who seek Him with all their heart.
Later on, in the midst of an empire of enemy occupation, a child was miraculously born to a virgin Jewish girl. Though there were many troubles concerning His birth, the faithful hand of God was upon that little family, providing and protecting.
Growing up in humility, He was raised in the art of shaping wood; with an eye for beauty and the skill of an artist, He accompanied his earthly father, flourishing in the family trade.
He then met with the devil in the wilderness after a very long fast, who was very suspicious of Him. He profusely tested this carpenter looking for some fault, but ended up having to delay the trials until a later opportune time, as this unique Man flawlessly duelled him and came out on top, despite the harsh conditions.
Keen to be obedient, the Servant kept the laws of the faith perfectly throughout His earthly existence, until at last His time had come to act on His heavenly Father’s will and declare that the true kingdom had arrived.
He was held in high esteem throughout the land, and soon gathered a large following of people who became astounded with the healing power that flowed through His being. Satan’s kingdom was being challenged for the first time since the fall, and everybody loved it, crying out for the mercy of God as He travelled from town to town preaching the message of good news.
Meanwhile, as mortal time past into the realm of bygones, and the children continued into the present yet to come through their exploration of the epic battle between good and evil, each person relenting to either and both in their own unique way, Death surveyed the extent of the havoc his father had wrought. In convulsed billowing, he wheezily cackled a most sordidly villainous laugh, that made bones clatter as his skeleton heaved in contemptible mirth. The one eye in his putridly fleshy skull, heavy lidded and piercing, rolled manically as the wretched grave licked his dry, cracked lips and opened his foul-smelling, grinning mouth in the anticipation of a never-ending feast on the tainted blood of men and women, never to be satiated with his bottomless stomach, and always looking for more of the slain to fuel his expansion.
The consciousness that enveloped his mind was solely of murderously miserable bloodied war, intense and extreme suffering, heinous unbearable disease, unbridled terror of all kinds, merciless oppression of the weak and a devilish injustice that glorified the wicked in their riches. It all continually brought a deep satisfaction to him that only increased the magnitude of his hate for the living, and it was all pointedly focussed on the fatally beatless earth heart that suffocated within his chest.
As the jaws of Death creaked open wider, he was suddenly shocked by a brilliant white spectrum of pure light that blindingly shone down from a very large and ancient book that had appeared above his head, and looking straight up into it, he furiously roared in a murderous war cry, defying the painful brightness that stole the dank pitch he was immersed in, that lit up every hidden nook of his damning offences and crimes.
As he bellowed, a very sharp two-edged sword slowly descended, point first, from the the centre of the book, right down into the blasphemous, screaming mouth of Death, unrelenting and with weighty purpose. The long blade of the sword kept on descending until upon the handle, an anointed figure nailed to its hilt could be seen. Observing a chance for severe retribution on this weakened King, Death screamed all the wider and louder in twisted maniacal challenge, looking to entirely crush and devour Him between those sharpened, venomously bitter fangs.
Satan now seized the opportunity to make the most painful of humiliating deaths, throwing every demonic curse from the vitriolic bile that bubbled from within the intensity of his hateful being, using those mortals under his control to vomit his tempting sacrileges and bring maximum spiritual desolation in the face of the profound physical suffering.
Words floated down from the cross handle in the strength of weakness; “Father, forgive them”, just as the vile jaws crushingly closed down savagely on the fragile body of flesh. Simultaneously, the point of the sword unstoppably pierced the earth heart as though through melted butter, until it had gone right the way through it. Blood from the crux dripped down the razor sharp blade, pooling upon the earth where the middle of the sword met it, which then mystically created a surrounding protective layer that enabled a resurrected life blip to pound and shake this dead organ back into a slight of new life.
The Son of Man fell from his cruel nails onto the earth, where he was enveloped and buried into its heart. Both Satan and Death became joyously satisfied at the prospect of unhindered destruction at the demise of their Foe, and declared a premature victory over their great Enemy. Death tried in vain to pull the sword from his gullet, then tried to completely swallow it, all to no avail. Wedged and remaining, the earth heart began to strongly beat life as the sword started to glow with healing, radiant beams that were rooted in the everlasting. The protective blood encompassing the earth shone like the great sustaining star, whilst in the centre of the middle, west of Eden, a rich man’s grave flung its heavy stone open, and the Almighty Spirit burst through Death’s thin veil with the strength of eternity. The mortal body has been raised, to never suffer or die again, and the heavenly host that had been watching the events in hopeless yet faithful awe now erupted into the most glorious of praise that had ever been heard within the realm of time.
Death, now in great pain from the cutting sword and the unbearable living heart, had a very anxious look in his brow, and he somehow knew his time was short. The devil reeled from the explosion of this blow, punch drunk panicking as to the result of the unforeseen miracle that had astounded all creation. Retreating to the safety of creepy darkness, he entreated his demon officers to prosper and exploit the unknown time they had left to keep the human slaves into unrepentant trespasses, aiming for their one shot life to take them into the heart of Hades by making the most of those who had been born to receive his clandestine lord-ship, offering any and every worldly idol to replace the thought of the truly sacred.
In the midst of their conspiratorial plotting, Lucifer had an sudden intense vision of unquenchable infernal flame, with his aghastly cherub eye absorbed alone in tormenting pain and overwhelming fear; he felt the unbelievably unbearable heat, and the guillotine prospect of utter damnation completion in the near distance. It spurred him on all the more to resolve never to rest until the maximum number of ignorant people had been ensnared to share in his future ‘kingdom’, as he revelled in the thought of their unending torture, despite his own, in acrid spite of his Victor.
Part 2

Chapter 5
In the depth of blackness, the moaning, orphaned cry of a newly born infant long forgotten by any carer filled the echoey distance.
A figure clothed in a glowing radiance approached from nowhere in the murkiness with a consummate compassion, someone like the Son of Man. Upon His nearing presence, the child calmed down to a gurgle, in a wonder only the innocent can behold. The emanating light from this heavenly Being revealed that this tiny baby was bound hand and foot with harsh rope, covered in useless, dry, sacrificial animal blood and filthy from general unwashedness.
Immediately upon His recognition, the Anointed released the little one from his cruel bondages, picked him up and took him to a nearby bubbling brook of living water, to cleanse him from the crusty scum that dirtied his dainty body; finally finishing His restorative work by putting a clean nappy on him and giving him a much needed cuddle. He then tore a little flesh from His arm like freshly baked bread straight from the oven, feeding it to His hungry dependant; then manifesting a teeted bottle from thin air He proceeded to pour pure, clean blood from a crucifixion wounded hand into it and give the thirsty child a long, satisfyingly nourishing drink. The emaciated baby suckled quickly and deeply in relieved concentration of this much needed mercy.
The baby grew into a vibrant toddler in a matter of seconds as the Lord continued to nurture the newly adopted son, who then took on a similar glow of radiance to the Lord, finding its source from the spiritual centre of his small, weakly frame.
The Pierced One then put him down on his wobbly footing and helped him take a few uncertain steps, applauding the progress. The little fellow was now warmly clothed in a spectrum of his own intense light. The saintly King then started to walk off in a direction of purpose, hoping the child would find his feet as He beckoned him to follow Him.
As the Lord walked out into the darkness, lamping the way like a lighthouse in a raging storm, the toddler, looking around, started to vaguely make out where he was. Surrounded by cascades of fierce, hostile and darkened mountainous terrain from within the trough of a deep valley gouge, twistedly scary faces began to leer out at him from the gloom as the murky shadow of Death stalked him as prey in the dusky dimness.
The Lord was lighting up a straight path for him to follow, which was made very narrow by deep, stinking ditches on either side that were full of the putrid muck of decomposing human remains, the only remnants of those who had taken their eyes permanently off the only guiding Light through the treacherous canyon.
As he walked further into time, seemingly chasing the now distant light and growing rather weary from the trial, the toddler grew up into an inquisitive six year old, who began to wonder and experimentally question the enamouring, glorious brightness that he now noticed encompassing his own being. In curious ignorance, he dwelt on the resplendence within himself and momentarily completely forgot about his Conductor, leading to a snow blindness that caused him to stumble and fall into the ditch.
Immediately, repentant lamentation wept from the boy as he realised his error and tried to claw his way back onto the narrow trail, where upon the gracious Pathfinder was there with a holey helping hand to pull him out, setting him back on the right way and giving healing back into his night vision so he could once again set his eyes on the glad, lucent Lamp lit for his slowly maturing, seeking feet.
As he continued to walk, focussing intently on that light for quite some time, it gradually seemed to fade out as the stony path widened into a dusty road, and a fork up ahead became apparent despite the hazy dusk. Once he was closer, he could see that the left fork was well lit with a strange, artificial luminance, and as he inspected it further he could see that this way was well marked with arrow signs and a large placard saying ‘Olethros’*; he also noticed that the footprints of many had trod the dust that lead this way in through the wide, open gateway that invited its beginning.
Glancing over at the other closed gate that concealed the right fork’s way, he observed that it looked thorny, rough and rather overlooked in comparison. Even so, he was inexplicably drawn to it and sensed that it was wise to at least go over and check it out properly.
Just then as he was making his move, the eye-patched, olive-skinned, medieval military prince materialised before the boy, leaning on the wide gate twirling his thin, wiry moustache, lit in an unusual illumination.
“I see you are a hasty little one. Don’t be alarmed; I come in
peace to help you choose the right option along your journey. As you can see,
many have travelled this way, making it the obviously right choice for you;
after all, most people can’t be wrong, eh? All roads lead to the same place, but
this is the most scenic route. Why trouble yourself unnecessarily with a
mediocre life tale, when it was all made for your indulging enjoyment, without
remorse or regret? I can vouch for the fact that the countless multitudes that
have previously taken this route have been the some of the most beautiful,
talented and prevalently powerful persons that have ever lived. Surely this
fact alone is enough to make you want to decide for this wide, well sign-posted
road? After all, beauty and power are to be celebrated as the peak of human
evolution, taking those who are less blessed in such ways to dream bigger
dreams of themselves and look for the answers within these icons, seeking them
as their method of salvation.
Yes, it is via this recognisable way that a man is made, and is able to
immortally leave his mark on a world that is dying for the latest, most
interesting story to add to the already innumerable other superstar accounts
throughout history to make another stitch in the rich tapestry of exalted
He then gestured to a vision in the air between them, laid out neatly before the boy; “Some of the greatest men and women who have trodden this way have thrown off the shackles of burdensome laws and indulged in the most fun there has ever been had! And it can all be yours too… taste a sample and see what you have been missing all this time.”
In this vision, the very young and innocent eyes beheld the grand pomp of royalty, pampered and gratified, satisfied and spoilt; splendiferous parties and wild living that took arty bohemian culture, orgasmic pinnacle pay-offs and adrenaline fuelled stunts to the heights of a new kind of ecstasy, all to be discovered at an uncertain future point; glories of filthy richness and extreme material gains that brought all kinds of power and pleasure oozed their tantalising tentacles around the unworldly wide-eyed innocent.
All the beautifully pretty and intelligent, vigorously energetic and dynamically strong people in the vision were clearly having the best time of their lives living in the moment they were consumed with, clearly free from any kind of severe moral bondage of responsibility that would limit their fun, and it caused an uneasy desire in the naïve pilgrim as he watched it all in an honest, hypnotised awe.
As he was gawping at the tempting scenes, he had cause to look up and out from the trance, past Satan as he leaned on the gate, and further on down the wide road where upon he beheld a new vision; the Guide who had been showing him through the darkness was mercilessly pinned hand and foot to a cruel cross-section of crude wooden beams, suffering intensely. Then, he saw many of the people who had been living things up in the previous vision now spitting at Him as He hung, mocking Him with indecipherable blasphemies and threatening with violent gestures in His direction.
It was enough for the boy to be mortified, and speedily leaving the Spanish prince’s presence without excusing himself, he hurriedly ran over to the other gate that lead to the plain and neglected right fork road and beyond. It was a very small gate; indeed one would have to be like a child to enter through it. It was humble and solemn, yet well made and instinctively inviting in its simplicity. There was an inscription handsomely carved into it, reading ‘Yah’shua*’, and as the boy brushed his fingers against it exploring the calligraphic design, it glowed a wholesome, familiar glow that caused him to confidently push on the gate and boldly enter the new road of his chosen route, mind firmly made up.
Whilst still well within the morbid dank depths of the frightening mountainous location, this new secluded path he had taken took on an integral, supernatural permeating light that lit up a twisty turny, lusciously flower-filled trail, gracing the boy with a profound sense of joy and purpose as he marched on into his destiny.
As he sauntered along, the boy morphed and grew into an older but wiser twelve year old, who was becoming increasingly aware (from listening to his continually speaking conscience) that he was now accountable for his words and actions in way he hadn’t been before.
Although loving being clothed with the intense light of the Lord, he found it quite difficult to see too far ahead of himself and in spite of his earlier miserable experience falling into the putrid ditch, he still felt the temptation to dwell selfishly on it now and again; but now he came across an old monk’s hooded tunic laying fresh in the road, and discerned then and there that it was wisdom to put it on. The light embellishing him was hidden upon adorning the warm, thick cloak, but advantageously he found that he could see much further into the distance when he wasn’t being attracted by his own luminescence, helping him to concentrate on the route ahead instead.
Further along his journey, the boy decided to stop for a breather and recharge, feeling inspired to speak somehow with the One who was sustaining and escorting him, even though He was not manifestly present. As he pondered how to even begin searching for the right words of weight and respect worthy of addressing his Lord with, two large pieces of fresh bread fell from the sky almost straight into his lap.
Picking them up, he noticed they had ancient scripture embossed on them. Awefully perusing the first piece, it had “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” etched onto it. The bread looked so sweet, and after holding its fragrant, hot from the oven aroma to his nose and delighting, he tore a large bite and hungrily devoured it, not wasting a crumb. He held the other piece for inspection, and saw inscribed in the crust: “The child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him’. Still only half full, he munched his way through that delicious loaf too, until he was greatly satisfied, refreshed enough to continue on with his epic expedition, noticeably stronger in every way.
This experience was immediately put to the test however, as several evil spirits who had jumped the fence like thieves and robbers beset themselves upon the scene, with the purpose to destroy the defenceless young pilgrim with the flaming arrows in the power of their hands. They ambushed, bound and gagged the poor unsuspecting lad, savouring their wickedness by tormenting their victim with hurtful slaps and cuts before moving on to more serious inflictions. Each burning dart they fired at him painfully embedded into his flesh, bringing him to his knees in agony. As the boy was being beaten, he had a horrific visualisation of own kindred human brothers spitting on him, cursing at him and rejoicing in his man-handling, which greatly offended him and brought much inner pain and a terrible heavy sadness. He closed his eyes in anguish, and thought the only prayer that came to mind in the dire situation; “Daddy!!!”
As rapidly as the evil had pounced, it was repelled by a huge surge of power much greater than its own; the gag fell out, the chains fell off, the flaming arrows fell out and the rebuked spirits were now nowhere near his vicinity. He was completely liberated, despite remaining quite severely hurt.
Trying to lift himself from the bloodied floor, he continued to painfully crawl onward and upward, where further along the path he gracefully happened upon an untouched, glistening suit of armour laid out before him, glowing with that familiar lucent gleam.
A beautiful but ghostly brilliant white dove fluttered noisily down onto the leafy branch of a nearby olive tree. As the boy looked up, the bird jumped down from the branch onto the path and came very close, noddingly walking up to him. To his surprise, it began to speak to him gently as it hopped up onto the chest-plate of the armour and faced him; “My child, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For you wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Therefore take up the whole armour of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” And with that, He flew back up onto the branch to observe, allowing the boy to explore the new treasure.
He picked up the belt first; it was a little large for him (everything in the armour seemed to be) but he knew he would grow into it. The belt had a painted buckle in the shape and image of a laying lamb, and he put it on loosely around his waist over the tunic he had found earlier. He then picked up the solid, shining golden chest-plate, which had a fierce lion roaring cast into it; he strapped it on as tightly as possible, and immediately felt more secure and protected. He reflected on how true and faithful the Lord had been to him, and smiled a genuine smile from ear to ear.
Next, there were a comfortable pair of Roman soldier sandals, very suitable for long distance marching. Looking down at his rough, dirty bare feet, he heard a nearby brook bubbling away and went to wash them before donning the shoes. As he went to put them on once his feet were clean, he noticed they had writing on the bottom of each of the soles, although he didn’t understand it at this time. On the sole of one it said “Tanakh*”, and on the other it said “Brit Cha’desh*”. He strapped them on and wore them, and then searched the rest of the pile of armour with a growing interest.
He then found a beautifully ornate, brightly burnished silver shield with the word “Faith” engraved into it. As he held it up in a practising fending position, more blazing, fiery arrows suddenly roared from the darkness out of nowhere, directly at him. However, he was easily able to guard them off this time with his new defence tool, and they bounced harmlessly asunder and went out quickly. Amazed at this incredible free gift, he looked down to now find a wonderfully crafted protective helmet, sleek but strong and pleasing to the eye in design. Just above the brow was an empty crucifix, where the bottom length came down between the eyes and protected the nose. As he put the helmet on, he had a marvellous vision revelation of a glorious open, empty tomb, and couldn’t contain the shout of victorious joy that came so naturally and easily, directly from the heart of genuine worship.
The final piece was the only assaulting part of the armour, yet until he picked it up it was bladeless. The double edged sword of light projected its rainbow spectrum blade upon handling the handgrip. From the base of the sword working its way up the shaft was a verse written in a strange, powerful language; “ בראשית ברא אלוהים * “. As the boy playfully wielded the offensive weapon uncertainly, the holy dove upped from His perch and flew around, and beckoned him with a swooping aerial display to follow Him as he flapped on down the road out of the darkness into a breaking dawn, full of coloured vibrant promise.
Chapter 6
Sauntering expectantly along the now dusty and harshly grassed path with eyes fixed following the holy bird, the teen-aged saint now became aware (due to the shimmering haze of a remarkable cityscape in the near distance) that he was approaching an established, bustling civilisation engaged and fully focussed within its own self-driven mechanics.
It mindlessly noised its unawared practicalities of modernity as an existential normality to all those held prisoner in the valley of decision.
It currently seemed to trump the spiritual understanding that he had grown into up with until this point, in favour of a naïve wonderment of the extent of new explicit fleshly pleasures and stimulations.
The boy was rapt in awe of this approaching, integrated, well oiled ancient machine, totally innocently unaware that it greedily fed on the souls of men and women as the nefarious payment for the peaks of the titillating excitements it ceaselessly generated generation after generation, like the seducing nectar in the deathly bowels of a Venus fly trap.
He eventually reached a crossroad at the entrance to the thriving megalopolitan, whereupon he heard a most beautiful female voice suddenly cry out like a voice in the wilderness from the top of a nearby vantage point overlooking the great urban landscape, “Citizens of time and space..!!”
The boy looked up to see a captivating, mature woman in a hooded shawl, flowing red robes dancing in the breeze as she welcomingly held her hands aloft in invitation to those who would wisely listen, beckoning them to come feast at her table and share fruity wine in communion with her counsel.
Behind her, within a seven pillared pantheonic structure was a rich banquet table filled to the brim with choice foods of all kinds, succulent and appetising, steaming with freshness. One of many servants could be seen mixing the new wines in preparation for a potentially large party to be held in this magnificent reservation, where no expense was to be spared.
The boy and this wonderful example of femininity above him then exchanged smiles as she noticed him in his childish interest in her. He felt inspired by the dove, who flew overhead and made its way up to the grand building, then settled near her as if in approvement. He then made his own way up the hill to humbly take a place nearby to listen closer to her as she prayerfully continued to appeal further to those in the ignorant bondage of their own need for security and pleasure, still holding up her slender arms in an inviting welcome for them to come to her bounteous feast.
As he reached the summit, he happened upon the regal lady of stature and grace ordering a large group of her servants to go into the deepest depths of the city, telling them to invite everyone to her banquet as quickly as possible with no time to waste. Each servant replied to their orders loyally with “Yes, mama Sophia” and went forth hastily on their mission, ready to expect some resistance as she had previously warned, yet still excitedly anticipating the end fruit of their labours, looking forward to serving those who genuinely sought their mistress and feasting on her incredible foresight. The dove took off from His perch and went ahead of the servants, leading them into the polluted haze of the smoggy industrial market place where souls congregated in the midst of light and darkness, deciding every moment on the morality of any given situation that lay before them; the servants became prophets heralding the way of true life, and they relished their work, continually giving thanks for the opportunities with these lost children as they proclaimed this great feast that was to happen in the near future.
In her long, comfortably flowing garments, innocence beaming from her naturally elegant and beautiful face in a mysterious brightness of spirit, she whispered through a tongue of gold under her breath in an unknown language to the One who hears and understands all things, declaring the Lord’s victory as she prayed for those in this deepest of darknesses. Then, holding her hand up to her well crafted, genial mouth, she began to proclaim “I call to you, to ALL of you!” in a mastery of prophetic authority over the city, speaking directly in spirit to its divinely vacant, busy-bodied and heavily preoccupied inhabitants. “I raise my voice to all people!” she entreated, looking in sacred silence for even just a whiff of interest as her servants carried out the important work she had assigned them.
On the opposite side of the city, in another vantage point of influence, was a brash, lustfully attractive woman, caked in impressive make-up, reeking of expensive perfume and exquisitely adorned with precious metallic rings, studs and hoops in sexy places. Tasteful tattoos in seductively taboo areas peaked out from beneath the wealthy purple and scarlet scant clothing that draped bewitchingly, as they tantalised the eye and drew one into an unhealthy wanton desire for forbidden fruit. She was holding a jewel encrusted golden goblet filled with the thick blood of weightily fermented grapes, and was brazen with intoxication as she sprawled herself alluringly in the doorway to her extravagantly decorated home, gaudy and gigantic in its obscene wealth.
As she beheld the ignorant mortals going about their daily business below, believing themselves to be above reproach, she was deeply amused and chuckled mischievously to herself. Erotically mentally stimulated with her wicked plans to cause frolicking devilment among the unsuspecting, she was making ways for the naïve to stumble and the wise to forsake their consciences, to instead embrace the seeming freedom found in fondling iniquity.
As handsome young men in their prime and strength walked past, she
winked and growled playfully like a purring tiger at them, enticing within them
the arousal of illegal appetites, ensnaring them like a seasoned hunter lays
traps for gullible wildlife.
With the exulted ladyship of celebrity status, her beautiful face (although she always seemed to be covering over one eye in her images) was plastered all over the city on large imposing billboards, selling a range of needed products and also advertising important institutions like fancy, elegant casinos and high class brothels (it should be noted that in the name of tolerance and happiness, many things that are illegal in many, more prudent cultures were decriminalised here and were very lucrative for keeping the city thriving and expanding).
This franchise of public services all came under the unified banner of ‘Folly’, from Folly nightclubs and opium houses to Folly museums, government buildings and restaurants. There were even Folly temples, where her devotees worshipped images of her day and night and gave offerings of fine olive oil and meats, reading from the supposedly sacred words she had inspired in the generations of those who had idolised her in ages past, now held as ancient wisdom and knowledge for the seeker of complete carnal contentment and fulfilment.
Hour after hour, day after day, she transmitted her propaganda; doctrines and powerful temptations transmitted over the invisible airwaves, in through the atmosphere onto idolic screens that dominated every besotted household within the great city, continually pumping forth her designs and seductions to the zombification of those who simply wanted to escape the pains of existence and satisfy their addiction to her, as she spoke continually into their subconscious within the vulnerability of their wide-eyed weaknesses until they fully complied.
Folly laughed heartily in her drunkenness, struggling for breath with the mirth consuming her, as her highly successful ways sent these poor and wretched souls into the depths of her real lover, the Grave, never to return.
The citizens were hooked on her array of spiritual narcotics, so entrenched within the web of Folly’s deceit even to the extent that they unwittingly believed it to be an unrepentant normality, and remaining helplessly addicted to the moreish drug of the limited ecstasies of the satiated illicit satisfactions of every type that she offered.
With the aid of Satan’s secret agents, Folly loved to manifest herself at the opportune moments where she’d violently whisper temptations in the ears of those who didn’t know any better, those who sought temporal fulfilment of physical needs. To the hungry teenager in the marketplace, she insinuated “Stolen bread tastes so much better”, as his eyes widened and he licked his lips waiting for the lawless opportunity where he would go unnoticed; to the thirsty old drunk with no money and an empty bottle in his hand she reasoned “Just take what you want from that liquor store over there… refresh yourself, you won’t feel right otherwise. If you time it right, they won’t even notice it’s gone, and how sweet to the taste will it be to your dry, parched tongue!”
In cosmic battlement, mama Sophia was also manifest too, gently countering the poisonous enticements of Folly. “You simple people, use good judgement!”, she would appeal to them.
In Folly’s busy nightclub within the throbbing heart of the glitzy city, iniquity pumped like tainted, infected blood streamed its way around a corrupted, polluted body. There was found to be heavy inebriation of all kinds in this place of current note; worship of celebrity, obscene riches and status; adulterous lustings dressed as virtue, and the snobbery of one-upmanship that held people in covetous bondage. Men with their spiritual eyes sewn shut bought round after round for ravenous friends and prostitutes; vulgar, hammering shots of liquid spirits and snake bite pints of fermented hops were purchased with the slabs of laundered gold they had fought so hard for during the mundanity of daylight hour toilings, gradually easing the pain of their spiritual torments along with this doomed company in their own hidden misery. As the night progressed, they continued to seek the temporal escape they longed for from the sufferings of their chosen destructive lifestyle, becoming more and more intoxicated.
The eye-patched, handsome, olive-skinned prince personally taught and influenced those who worshipped him to effortlessly play heavy banging psychedelic music on the decks 24 hours a day from the main stage in an endless wild party.
The music seduced the hordes of other unsuspecting worshippers hanging on every intricate hypnotic sound he inspired, orchestrating the beats and harmonies in such a way that the listeners believed themselves to partake in its creation, rejoicing in their witchcraft as they spiritually manipulated reality to suit their personal experience within their own consciousnesses to the pinnacle of euphoric mental and spiritual orgasm.
It was a bizarre parody of the way this fallen cherub lead the angelic host before the throne in those bygone days, and he reminiscently absorbed the worship for himself, easing his intensely empty anguish of the looming judgement with the satisfaction of feeding his hungry offspring Death with the damned souls of those who would sell themselves at the price of astounding communal sinful pleasures and lustings.
With a big build up and then the massive drop into a spectacular groove, he magicked the hoodwinked slaves into a frenzy of crazed shamanic movement, each physical articulation speaking of their adoration for this grand mastermind who had the airwaves at his mercy, people feasting on his vibe, hungry for their misplaced devotions to be exercised in his devilishly good presence.
In further manipulation of the senseless victims under his control, he ordered the fallen demonic spirits under his command to physically manifest in the club and beguilingly dance with them, to stir up an orgy of stimulated loins craving delighted attention as the music got more and more intense, bringing out the primeval animalistic urges of the flesh at the expense of human conscience, where Wisdom was so far from the fray so as to be completely alien to those who embraced these bestial instincts.
The demons even caused violence in the midst of this so-called ‘loving’ community among the proud and bored alpha males who wanted to assert their dominance and show their bulging prowess to the simplistic women that doted on the apex of human physical strength, finding it strangely attractive thanks to the whisperings of Folly as she licked their ears. Lust had no limit here in the secret of its darkness, as men eyed the bodies of other men and women and desired the crest of zenithing ecstasy, as women rubbed against other women and men yearning and aching for the ultimate fleshly climax that although feeling like the true life elixir grail, was instead feeding the gluttonous unholy progeny of Lucifer’s first transgression – Death, in all his forms.
Sophia subtly spoke to these animated undead slaves of the devil, as her own servants moved incognito among them carrying out their orders and inviting all people to the grand feast where the plentiful table of real, wholesome food was laid in preparation for those that would heed good advice.
Even in the fathoms of the intense lostness that consumed these minion puppets of the flesh, her resounding voice could be heard distantly, badgering the part of the individual that rejoiced in truth and grace in the hope that divine inspiration might somehow take root and grow from the tiniest seed.
She lovingly appealed; ”You
foolish people, show some understanding. Listen to me! For I have important
things to tell you. Everything I
say is right, for I speak the
truth and detest every kind of
deception. My advice is wholesome. There is nothing devious or crooked in it.
My words are plain to anyone with understanding, clear to those with knowledge.
my instruction rather than silver,
and knowledge rather than pure gold. For wisdom is far more valuable than rubies. Nothing you desire can compare with
Many people heard her even in the depths of their wickedness, and uneasily tried to shrug it off as a funny turn, simply carrying on with their seemingly important lives; instead, they continued to chase those idolistic values of people and things they all held so dear, far above that of true spiritual enlightenment.
Chapter 7
Unlike them, our boy pilgrim beheld this incredible external voice of wisdom within his own psyche, and embraced it like the hungry student waits kneeling in anticipating awe at the master’s feet, ready for more and famished for explanation.
In that moment, he grew from a youngster in body and heart into a maturing eighteen year old, a valiant young man, loving the multi-faceted wisdom that mama Sophia was lavishing upon those who truly love her.
Alone at the bounteous table, she motheringly beckoned him to come, speaking in prayer directly to his spirit. He humbly took the place she had offered him with a gesture. She then gleefully threw him a small but bulgingly heavy leather purse, with a twinkle in her eyes. Opening the pouch, he emptied a handful of the most exquisite red rubies into his hand, with a street value too enormous to contemplate.
In stunned shock, he thought about the gift for a while. Seeing that Wisdom was waiting for him to speak, he fumbled the finely cut rubies in his grasp and then put them back in the bag.
He replied to the generous gesture by saying; “If this is now mine, yet it pleases you to take this, I would pay you with it to speak more, as my heart burns within me, and I grow in understanding as I listen. This bag of red stones is useless in comparison to the rivers of living words you utter. Please, continue.”
Mama Sophia graciously received her gift back with a large, beautiful smile. She confided; “I, Wisdom, live together with good judgement. I know where to discover knowledge and discernment. All who fear the Lord will hate evil. Therefore, I hate pride and arrogance, corruption and perverse speech.”
Meanwhile, Folly prowled the street corner like a charmingly malevolent cat, dressed to kill in high heeled lasciviousness that any man would be a fool to refuse. Setting her sights on an approaching simple fellow, she bustily pushed herself in his way as he walked past, trailing a seductive finger over the profile of his masculinity, making him sweat as she sighed; “Come, my husband is on a long journey and wont be back for a long time. I have perfumed my coloured Egyptian sheets with cinnamon and aloes, and I have paid my dues to God. Let us drink of each others love long into the night!”
Like a bird of paradise wandering into a cleverly concealed trap for the deceitful promise of a quick and easy meal, the cavalier young suitor forsook the prayer of Wisdom as she prodded his sense of morality, and eagerly entered his new admirer’s house to taste those lips as sweet as honey, completely unaware of the venomous sedation effect that would steal away his most prized possession. As the door closed on the opportunist lovers, the dank grave littered with the rotten corpses of previous victims was exposed under the very foundations of that terrible abode. Amorous giggles and cuddles turned into kissing in heat, which quickly turned to moaning pleasure; then the atmosphere changed as the merciless enticer caused new moans of intense pain as she shovelled hot coals of judgement onto his loins, and her latest victim began to suffer his way into the putrid grave that lay beneath the bedrock of the city as she chalked down another fatality fool, devoured hungrily like a hot tasty meal, drunk on his boiling blood.
Our pilgrim sat alone at the table with his doting hostess,
hanging on every word she articulated. Her eyes went transfixed into the deep
distance as she recalled and recounted her amazing story for his benefit. She
began; “The Lord
formed me from the very beginning, before He created anything else. I was appointed in ages past, at the very first, before
the humble earth was even initiated. I was born before
the great and vast oceans were created, before the cleansing springs bubbled
forth their crystal waters. Before the splendorous
mountains were formed in their might, before the rolling hills of interest and
vivacity, I was born; even before He had made the
impressive earth with its varied fields and the first handfuls of soil.
I was there when He
established the highest to lowest heavens, when He drew the horizon on the
oceans. I was there when He set the clouds above, when
He established life-giving springs deep in the earth.
I was there when He set the limits of the mighty seas, so they would not spread
beyond their boundaries; and when He marked off the earth’s foundations, I was the architect at his side.
I was His constant delight, rejoicing always in His
presence. And how happy I was with the world He
created; how I rejoiced with the human family!”
She signalised with a visionary sweep of the hand to the grandiose and ornate structures of city hall and the other governmental buildings down in the city below; “Common sense and success belong to me. Insight and strength are mine. Because of me, kings reign, and rulers make just decrees. Rulers lead with my help, and nobles make righteous judgements.”
She looked at him straight in the eye with conviction and truth, then reached for his hand to cradle and lovingly stroke in a maternal way as she earnestly told him, “I love all who love me. Those who search will surely find me. I have riches and honour, as well as enduring wealth and justice. My gifts are better than gold, even the purest gold, my wages better than the purest sterling silver!”
Then she handed him a rather ancient looking but well bound book, which simply had a silver cross insignia emblazoned on the front of it with no other symbols or words of explanation.
“I walk in absolute righteousness, on the paths of true justice. Those who love me inherit wealth. I will fill their treasuries.” She tossed the bag of rubies back to him, with a knowing glance and a faint smile in the midst of the seriousness of her speech. “And so, my dear child, listen to me, for all who follow my ways are joyful! Listen to my instruction and be wise. Don’t ignore it. Jubilant are those who listen to me, watching for me daily at my gates, waiting for me outside my home! For whoever finds me finds life, and receives favour from sovereign King Yahovah, our almighty creator. But those who miss me injure themselves. All who hate me love Death.”
As she said that, the young fool caught earlier in the impenitent snare of Folly lay naked and used on her bed, reclining from the enjoyment of his recent treasured sin. Suddenly, the bed opened a rapacious mouth like the gapingly sharp jaws of the exterminating tomb and ingested him whole amid the screams of terror and regret, as Folly stood there semi-naked, pointing and hysterically laughing at the doomed miserable wretch. As she wheezed out her uncontrollable morbid amusement, one of her eyes fell out and she transformed into the very likeness of Death himself, sword still firmly implanted down the skeletal throat, choking as he tried to remove it amidst the heaving guffaws, to no avail.
Mama Sophia looked at the young man in her presence and sought his face attentively. She left a departing gem of prudent knowledge for him to chew on as he now prepared to journey into the city; “Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life. If you become wise, you will be the one to benefit. If you scorn wisdom, you will be the one to suffer.”
Whereupon, the eighteen year old figure of prime youth matured now into a fully fledged thirty year old gentleman, with a wealth of experience, foresight and an air of sophistication from where he could draw from the deep interior well of living water when required of him to do so; he felt very ready, and confidently arose to walk out of Wisdom’s pantheon to face up to and meet with his ordained destiny, feeling strong in his soul and anointed for the test.
Knowing instinctively it was wisdom, he asked Wisdom to accompany him in spirit as he ventured into the unknown future, understanding that it was fraught with danger and difficult decisions. Mama Sophia pointed to the sword in its sheath hanging from the belt and declared “Son, learn how to wield this incredibly special weapon. It has the ability to cut between soul and spirit, joint from marrow. It can expose the innermost thoughts and desires, laying to waste the sinful flesh.” Pointing to the ancient book that he was cradling in his arm, she again remarked; “You will find me there whenever you need me; look within the inspiration of the precious text as though the sharp sword cuts through thin air, and hear me speak words of repleted vital life. Be prepared; get to know it well, as the Lord tests the heart often.”
Having checked his armour and tightened it up ready for battle, he took some provisions she had offered him from the table, and zestfully set off down the hill in long, happy strides, back down to the crossroads to reach the city gates, under the prayerful gaze of his recent hostess.
Chapter 8
As he reached the grand entrance to the city, the Spanish prince accompanied along with some particularly mean-looking, giant henchmen mafiosos gathered around him threateningly and stopped him on his way.
“Go no further until I am heard. I am the god of this world you are entering. I run all financial, political, religious and social systems and organisations in this place. All these subservient people are under my authority and jurisdiction; they are all subject to answer to my child and my servant, the Executioner, for the lives they like to live. All humans must pay his price, and I reap the rewards. I give them whatever they want during their earthly lives, however exciting or bland. Money and status are always sought; sexual gratification of any type, another speciality of mine; beautifully crafted, spangly cars and other fancy toys to inspire superiority and jealousy, satiating the flesh whilst others much lower on the social chain yet suffer; musical abilities with such a dynamo and harmony that would even match heaven itself; power over others and situations, from witchcraft manipulation to lording politics; expounding knowledge, especially for technological expansion, fuelled by delightful greeds; such skills in life that can make you even duel fiddle with the devil and win par – anything they could possibly desire, it’s theirs. Such is my kindness and power of giving.
All I want in return for these wonderful freedoms are their souls. What is a soul to you? It is invisible…no one really knows enough about them to really want it after they are required to face up to their mortality. I purchase them at a huge expense to myself, but I believe its worth it. At what price can I offer you for yours, my good sir?”
Satan gestured to the wealth and strength right at the top of his abilities. He tempted our man with presidency, household name fame, even top of the game military dictatorship.
“I offer you ALL the kingdoms of my world, if you will give me what I seek from you, as I seek from all men. Anything you could desire is yours. Just tell me.”
The man battled with these alluring enticements in his heart, fighting with a desire to be someone of renown and sway. Glancing over Satan’s shoulder beyond the intimidating company, he saw Wisdom manifest with her eyes firmly shut, praying intensely. He glimpsed the shiny cross on the book’s front cover as his eyes wandered around, searching for help in the fiery trial, and then found strength from the secret place within.
Satan unwittingly carried on, believing he had the upper hand; “Just tell me the figure you want in gold. It is all yours.” He motioned to a nearby thug, who at the click of his fingers opened a large expensive suitcase before the man and showed him a fortune in gold bullion. “Anything you want, I can offer you more than what your pitiful and useless soul is worth. Try me.”
Having contemplated his situation, seeking help and finding it, our hero returned bravely to this beguiling cherub; “I have only one God, sir; and it is not precious metal or paper, despite the assumed value that you offer me with it. I sense that you do not speak the whole truth, as the One who has clothed me with His own robes and leads me to see that I am loved to death by Him is currently requiring my allegiance”
Satan was visibly appalled. “Did He really say He loves you? He has a funny way of showing it. Where is He now? Surely you can’t put your trust in some words on a page to guide you! Come, let us make merry with wine before you see complete annihilation and enter eternally oblivious sleep….forget about the possibilities of what is to come, live instead for the moment! You will never be sorry that you listened to me, for the fruit I bear will give you wisdom on a par with if not even superseding the Almighty’s. Why, you can even read it in your book! Never was there such an immoral character as the One you currently serve. He died for nothing except to show His weakness and foolishness. But eat from my table, and all things in this life can be yours to experience, and experience to the fullest. Feed your mind, drink the sciences; learn about this amazing world we inhabit and be satisfied. You will have a long, gratifying life totally replete with fullness if you’ll only do things my way”
Overwhelmed by an unknown source of righteous anger arousing from the fierce passion within his heart as he momentarily beheld the Lord’s suffering cross in another daydream vision, the man retorted; “Your words are like honey to the taste, but they have already turned bitter in my stomach. I get no nourishment from your speech, only fast food emptiness that scratches an itch behind my ear, and little else. A god you say? Would you have formed life despite being imprisoned by the very realm you say you have created, O fellow creature? Indeed, are you also omnipresent that you are everywhere, or omniscient to know all things including my own mind and motives within? We have met before at the fork in the road long ago, but you find location in one place at one time only, despite your self proclaimed power, and this fact alone betrays you. You bleat like a lamb, but your words are dragon fire.”
And with that, he pushed his way past the devil with a cold shoulder, through the potentially vicious mob with the kind of authority that tramples snakes and scorpions and entered through the city gate into the accountable world that constantly lay in the balance between good and evil, upright and perverse, truth and lies.
Sheer sensual wonder overpowered the man as the glitz and neon flashed, strobed and drew the eye into a gawping stare of amazement. Bustle and commotion in the thriving, teeming marketplace was exhilarating and absorbing, and he was quite taken by it all, aimlessly wandering around in complete awe, totally over-whelmed. Stimulation bombarded from every direction, a feast of adrenaline and heart pump desire to experience and find new wisdom in the exploration of this entirely new realm; yet little did he realise that this was the very epicentre of the valley where Death’s shadow lurked, just in a delusory and underhanded hue of refracted perception. Though it was exciting to be around so many new faces who all SEEMED to be having the time of their lives with much laughter and smiles, never was the journey more fraught with danger, as invisible bows with vicious flaming arrows drawn taut and aiming waited for their opportune destructive moment.
Disguised as careless fun and games, built on pride of life and a thirst for knowledge in the name of progress, Death weaved silky but sticky strands of an invisible sin sick web, hoping to catch the blind flies as they buzzed about their daily business in busy unawareness, and stop short the God-given breath of aliveness with suffocating paralysation and a swift wrap into a silken eternal tomb.
The pilgrim took rest beside a noble statue of some early king of city renown for a little while, to catch his breath and seek the Lord in words as he opened the good book he carried and began to ingest a much needed meaty spiritual meal.
Nearby, a man pleasantly disturbed the local relative peace with a stringed instrument of sorts, and was singing a most jolly song about one of many a drunken caper he had made a fool of himself with. He had the whole delighted crowd around him in fits of laughter and rapturous applause, passing around a hat full to the brim with gold by the end and walked off most blithesome to a nearby tavern with a large grin on his face, to top up his intoxication levels and entertain his fellow drinkers with even more festive merriment and tipsy cheerfulness. Clearly, he had a gift to alleviate the subconscious boredom and hidden heaviness that the general populous were continually subtly taunted by as a result of the need to keep the ‘machine’ running smoothly and consistently through their hard labours (for everyone’s supposed benefit). Our believer, who was passing through, noted this interesting man’s influence with such humble tools, and fantasised about telling his own story in a similar yet altruistic fashion.
Taking one of the priceless red rubies from the leather purse that mama Sophia had graciously bestowed upon him, he sidled with intent into a nearby musical instrument store and selected a most beautifully crafted lute as his weapon of choice. The moment he strummed for the first time, he found a natural talent instantly as though it played itself, and went out into the street to tell the tale of his epic journey so far.
He found a quiet and peaceful spot on a cobbled street beside a freshly pungent bakery wafting its alluring bready goodness, as disinterested people went about their work and play, marching or milling past according to their urgency. Choosing his chords by inspiration, he began to sing;
“Heavy chains,
Bound with rope;
I’m to blame,
a lack of hope.
Freed in grace,
Locks were rent;
Beheld a face,
Kindly Gent.”
A married couple took a comfortable seat on a low wall on the opposite side of the street to listen in, and gradually heads turned to inspect the beautiful voice of profound emotion as the energetic tunefulness attracted them like bees to a flower.
“Toddled along,
Pursued His light;
I belonged,
Then sought contrite.
Got it wrong,
Was lifted out;
Heaven’s song,
With Kingly clout.”
The collectively growing crowd began to gather one by one as a mysterious magnetism drew them closer, tickling their ears and wooing them in. He continued with his genuine and valorous tale;
“Took the road,
A humble gate;
Heart abode,
Not too late.
Armour found,
Went to war;
Homeward bound,
Distant shore.”
People smiled as they looked at and listened to this melodious soldier sing to them of unfamiliar things, tapping their feet and hugging their loved ones warmer as the tune beguiled them to think deeper than normal and listen harder for it’s passionate parabolic messages;
“Wisdom met,
Opened eyes;
Paid for debt,
Despite the size.
Here I am,
Send me, Lord;
Your little lamb,
With Your sword.”
Upon these last words, those who hated true wisdom in favour of Death’s alternate offerings ignorantly left insulted to go about their daily business, inexplicably wounded by such a notion of a ‘controlling divine being’; it secretly caused such an appalled inner rage that they wished ill on the arising street star as he testified his yarn; but the majority of those present had come thus far and despite also being supernaturally convicted, were entertained enough to continue to the end of this harmonic psalm unfolding in real time before their ears;
“City flesh,
Moral quest;
Eye’s a fresh,
Severe test.
Sing the tune,
Life crusade;
Let’s commune,
Until you’re swayed.”
Chapter 9
The now very large crowd were enamoured and charmed as he hummed such a magical melody and articulated those grace-filled lyrics. They began to cheer and praise, holding him in great esteem before the common man, causing quite the commotion within the busyness of the world around them.
Things then started to get out of hand, as he was exalted among his new peers and worshipped as a prophet in their midst, hailed with the distinctly strange ability to usher in the much needed peace they were all secretly seeking yet failing to discover anywhere else in the city despite concerted efforts to find it.
His haunting melodies captured their souls, and they adulated and canonised him as a saint among the dross of mediocre beings that slaved away in their colourless, conventional ordinariness, devoid of the divine touch that accompanied this exceptional man of note. Even the captives to the bondage of pleasure were impressed, finding an unexplored dimension of spirit that brought a different kind of satisfaction to their hedonistic senses.
Added to that, the young females swooned over his boyish but rugged good looks, and rising screams of worship enveloped them as they failed to control themselves in his presence, among tears of ecstatic joy and shrieks of intensely starstruck adorations.
Before long, the entire city was singing his song, an anthem of hope uniting them in a religious fervour that had been missing for so long. The song-writer was flattered beyond words to be held as such a marvellous communicator; he began to believe in his own hype as one who had come to rescue and single-handedly change this dark world for the better, potentially leaving a forever legacy behind him to inspire others to hold his ideals in such a high regard so as to rectify the emptiness that tormented each living soul in the city as they fought through the yoked systems of rat race existence, finding hope in the art of his poetry and new life in the sing along choruses that brought such pacification.
Fat cats and big cheeses smoking their large cigars in rich pin stripes and respectable top hats seized this unique opportunity to make a killing on top of their already enormous wealth and power control, and sneakily accosted the hero of the hour for a generously irresistible recording contract as well as a lifetime of continually supplied material fulfilment, with the promise to completely cater any wanton desire for just another touch of his creative brilliance to titillate the city into more of the peace of spirit they were seeking so hard for, yet despairingly finding it in nowhere else.
Now chauffeured around the star struck city for fear of his life, this deceived brother mistakenly lapped in the opulent attention he was receiving, forgetting that his musical gift and story-telling capability had come directly from above and was channelling through him, and that he was failing to give the glory to its rightful Owner.
In his careless haste of persistingly accumulating appointments to meet the hungry hordes with his soothing tuneage and croony voice, on one manically busy day as he arrived to play at Folly’s nightclub, he accidently and thoughtlessly left the ancient book along with his sharp sword on the seat of the luxurious limousine. The eye-patched driver leaned over from the held open door as the man of the moment got out and was swamped by the frenzied masses, and simply pocketed his lusted loot, shiftily and speedily driving off before our forgetful friend had even noticed they were missing.
The roar of adulation as he came on stage holding his prized lute was buzzing electric, and he was hugely impressed by the enormous following of love that he now had. The crowd reverently hushed as he began to playfully sweep melodious chords and relish in his ability, feasting on their focussed silence, titillating their aural senses with clever musical gestures.
Just as he opened his mouth to begin singing in freestyle poetry about his thankful and blessed success, he unintentionally pinpointed forgotten Wisdom nearby in the midst of the ignorant masses, her head bowed in fervent prayer and hot, grieving tears streaming down her perfect face that spoke of a deep, deep motherly love for a wayward child. He again had a vision of a despised Man looking up to the heavens shouting “Father, forgive him!” from his excruciating execution apparatus, and then look down below Him at a grovelling man on his knees, painfully staring him straight into the eyes, realising that it was himself that the Lord gazed intensely upon. Snapping back into normal reality, so shocked was he that he stopped dead mid-song full of realisation and regret, and proceeded to run off the stage as Adam had run for the cave, very aware of his spiritual loss and the fear of an impending judgement.
As the rumble of confusion within the auditorium faded into the near distance, our brother found a secluded, dirty alleyway near the club and plonked down in an eruption of sorrow amongst the smelly heaped rubbish bags, weeping and weeping and weeping.
Unnoticed, the holy dove of true peace fluttered down nearby and watched closely. Just then, mama Sophia walked knowingly around the corner and carefully sat down next to him in the muck, and lovingly gave a comforting arm around his heaving shoulders, his swollen, miserable face still buried between his legs and arms, sobbing with a holy remorse despite his new and secretly desired company’s compassion.
He suddenly blurted to her with a heavy and stuttering sigh; “I have made myself my own lord, and I thrived on their worship of me. How can I expect the One who birthed me to take me back? I have insulted Him to the highest degree!”, and as though feeling the gravity of his crime in the moment, more face staining tears came.
she comforted him, she began to whisper; “The kingdom of God is not far
from someone who honestly repents. His laws bring you to account, like a
schoolmaster to a pupil. You have discovered that you’ve been found wanting of
the sin of idolatry, for you made yourself your own god and neglected Him for
fame, riches and worship. But, it is faith that makes you right with the one
and only true God. Place your trust in His exceptional mercy, displayed for you
and all men when he triumphed on the tree over His enemies at the place of the
skull. Unlike the wicked spirit beings who rebelled against Him in the same
fashion, there is grace offered for the ignorance of man’s lack of knowledge of
the Father’s unimaginable glory.
He incarnated at the appointed time to come bear the heavy load of ALL your
trespasses against His holy and righteous laws. He died for you then, whilst
you were still spitting in His face, banging the cruel nails into His hands and
throwing painful words of mockery, derision and utter blasphemy against His righteous
holy justice.
The blood of God has power beyond power; it cleanses, transforms and rebirths
you, from the curse of Adam from earthly Eden, into the new spiritual life of
the second Adam from heaven, where wisdom and humility take you by the hand and
lead you into the light and life that is sourced from eternity.
You have realised you were wrong, and this is right, true and good. But do you
want to continue to hurt Him? Of course you don’t. Then, you must stop… change
your heart, turn away from your misdemeanours, your natural inclinations.
‘Repent’. All people are born with the nature of the first Adam, one of
rebellion and hostility against the One who made them. But, as you have been
re-birthed into the Kingdom of the eternal living God, you must keep in step
with His Spirit and become totally obedient to His voice: only then will you
find true peace and joy in all that comes to you, even in your most dire of
From now on, do not let sin
control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires. Do not let
any part of your body become an instrument of evil to serve mankind’s old
master, sin.
Instead, give yourself completely and utterly to the living God, for you were
once dead, but right now you have a totally new life by true repentance and
truly trusting Him. So, use your whole body as an instrument to do what is
right for the glory of God, not yourself.
Always remember: Sin is no longer your master, for you no longer live under the
requirements of the law. Instead, you live under the freedom of God’s grace, a
life guided by His Spirit. Listen to Him.
Use your remaining time in this city as wisely as you can. Listen out for His
instruction. I am also with you. You will need this!” She proceeded to
hand him another ancient book with a silver cross emblazoned on it, along with
a new sword of rainbow light that shone brightly as she had been speaking.
Wiping his face, he received the gifts.
He lifted his head to hear a growing chant of a crowd grasping out for his return. He looked at mama Sophia directly in the eyes, and knew what he must do, seizing the moment with an inner prayer for guidance and setting his face like flint with steely resolve to glorify his treasured Lord before his adoring subjects, quite aware that his fame was about to be lost forever in a pleasantly smelling sacrifice of worldly flesh burning on the spiritual pyre of mortification.
He once again walked on stage to another impressive roar of worshipful ecstasy from his followers, but this time his heart was in a hidden and contrite place that made him despise his earlier revelling self glory with a spitting hatred. He laid down his lute, and handled the microphone, meditating on his present threatening situation, hoping for the best. Fired up now from seeing their idolatry of him, the Spirit arose from within the secret place and inspired these words to the thriving masses in the valley of decision beneath his gaze:
“To all those here who reject the Son of God and the gift of peaceful, graceful pardon offered by Him personally: nothing matters for you!
honestly hope you will live the best life you can, of course. Enjoy good food
and wine, take in the sunset often, and make the most of gorgeous hugs from
loved ones.
But I would also say, go further than that. Squeeze every morsel of pleasure
out of this earthly life that you can, regardless of the so-called rules… go
ahead! Self pleasure in any way that suits you! Sleep with your neighbour’s
wife if it benefits you, con the tax man for a few extra pennies, perhaps covet
what you don’t have until you can get your hands on it, whatever the cost.
Secretly shove a few extra unpaid for things into your shopping bag at the
expense of Mr. Supermarket, and justify it with the fact that because of the
system, he makes a fortune from us all at our expense.
Why not take illicit drugs of sorcery and party all night long, like Folly
would have you do? It’s great fun! Let your hair down whilst you are young, as
you can only live once; don’t let others tell you what you can and can’t do. In
fact, who are they to say what is right or wrong for you, if you get pleasure
from it and no one else seems to get hurt from it?
Let’s go a step further. Sell your soul to the devil. No, really! I mean it. If
you belong to this world and its pseudo-wisdom, and reject the Lord Jesus
Christ and the eternal life He offers, you might as well!
You can have everything that your sinful heart desires. I have read in this
ancient book that Satan even offered to King Yah’shua all the nations of the
world under his dominion, in return for His worship. Imagine what he can do for
you if you will just embrace his lordship? You are his servant by default,
Riches and fame, good living and nice cars; a yacht along with your mansion
perhaps. Any type of sexual gratification you want, of course. If you believe
in the supernatural, he will even give you spiritual superpowers if you want
them! From astral projection and levitation, to shamanic healing and special
oratory/musical skills. Open your third eye, release the kundalini, be aware of
your chakras. POWER!
You could be someone of renown, someone everyone looks up to and admires…
Please! Don’t settle for a mediocre life. You can have it all. After all,
perhaps your current philosophy is that if you are heading for senseless,
unconscious eternal oblivion, nothing matters. We ALL die!
I honestly want you to have the best, most interesting, wildly exciting ride of
a life that you can while you can, because I now know where you are heading
for; and I simply want those who won’t repent and who embrace their sinful
nature to embrace it to the FULL.
Get everything you can out of this life, regardless of the cost. Make your life
one to remember once you get to the promised lake of fire judgement. This
beautiful earth is as close to heaven as you will ever get. I hope it’s worth
it for you in the end!”
crowd stood in stunned silence, many of them convicted to the depths of their
very souls. Sensing the Spirit of the Lord was working among them in subtle
power, he continued on in inspiration;
“Now I speak to those few who want to EMBRACE the offer of God’s pardon
from your sins, through the perfect sacrifice of the Passover Lamb: everything
matters for you!
hope you will live the best life you can, of course. Enjoy good food and wine,
take in the sunset, make the most of gorgeous hugs from loved ones.
But always remember… we were judged at the cross. Now, pick up your OWN
Stay faithful to your spouse and remember your promises you made; try your
hardest to be honest in everything you do and pay your way even if it hurts.
Stay away from wild living and instead lead a peaceful, quiet life listening to
the gentle Spirit of God instructing and guiding you through the perils and
For His sake, repent fully and often invite His Holy Spirit to overcome your
natural sinful nature for the rest of your life, and produce good fruit for His
kingdom. Give all you’ve got into the kingdom of God. He wants all of you, or
none of you…think of the bridesmaids with the oil lamps*.
We have been saved by the skin of our teeth, and we can’t take any credit for
it. So let’s concentrate on doing God’s work now, and put our pasts behind us.
When we hopefully get out of this mess, it’ll be by the power of God coupled
with our ability to listen and obey Him.
Make the most of and seek out on every opportunity to tell others about the
gift of reconciliation back to Perfection through the cross, eternal life, and
the hope we have of the resurrection.
Oh yes, the hope we have! The only real hope there is. You cannot buy or earn
it, but you CAN reject and spit on it, even by friendliness with worldliness
(which is enmity to God).
Nothing in the world is more precious than that hope you have; not your spouse
or children, not your money nor even your own life. Think about that for a
second! Even in the most dire of circumstances, hold on to it… it is the only
thing that will matter to you when you take your last dying breath.
The place we are heading for is a place of no more suffering, no more pain,
satisfied joy, completed peace, and total ever-increasing eternal ecstasy in
the presence of the Almighty King over all other kings. This corrupted earth is
as close to hell as you will ever get.
Like me now, I implore you to hope in Him, the King of glory. Trust Him to
bring you through…no one else can do it, least of all YOU.”
In muted speechlessness, the stifled members of the city who were congregated that evening at the Folly nightclub watched our bravely outspoken friend with dazed, expectant eyes, as he reticently proceeded to pick up his lute, then deciding to leave it where it was and walk off the stage without another word. As they puzzledly looked around at each other, a very unfamiliar atmosphere formed amongst them, that some of them found strangely pleasant despite the conviction they felt from those profound words settling within their softened hearts; whilst others found they had an ever-growing hostility to this man and what they had just heard from him, sneering at the recent memory as their deadened hearts forever set as hard as concrete against the appealed message of salvation.
Chapter 10
Our faithful friend stepped out into the cobbled street, and deeply breathed in the fresh air of true freedom. As he was rejoicing in this spiritual alleviation, two well dressed, manicured, middle aged women nervously wandered up to him and introduced themselves; “Hello sir, my name is Faith Goldcoin, and this is my bestie, Ruby Desirée. We have been closely watching you since we saw your first performance by the bakery on that fateful day, and we were both dreadfully impressed; not so much by the music (not really our cup of tea) but by the sentiment of the One you spoke about. We also follow your King, as do many in this city. What you said just now in the nightclub greatly interested us, and we resonated with it. We would love to invite you to perhaps speak at our church across the other side of the city once you have come to check it out, and meet with our pastor; he is full of blessing and you will greatly prosper from meeting such a holy saint as he!”
After an initial cautious hesitance, he broke into a welcoming smile and gustoed; “Hello sisters! I’m so glad to finally meet someone here in this city who knows of Him; it has been a fairly lonely pilgrimage of late. The one who bore my weight from seed, nursed me at her breasts and taught me how to interact with the world christened me with the name of ‘Hopeful Davidson*’, though I have kept it quiet since my re-birth. Fellowship sounds exciting to me, and I’m always prepared to receive more wisdom! Lead the way to your place of worship.”
The opulently furnished women of obvious wealth chuckled with each other over his guileless openness with a friendly air, as their expensive jewellery clinked and gleamed in the sunshine, catching his eye.
“Oh, yes! God has indeed blessed us just as our pastor has promised us,” explained Faith; “many in our church are taught to proclaim victory over finances and material wealth in that most heavenly of all names, and we are both living proof that our god does not disappoint! We have much more than we need, all thanks to the financial seeds of faith we sowed at our pastor’s instruction. Now we reap a harvest of exponential wealth, and we have never been happier!”
Taking it in his stride, Hopeful dismissed the uncertain feeling he suddenly had, simply because they were SO nice and obviously seemed to know the One who owned the cattle on a thousand hills, to be so blessed with everything they needed like this. After all, such wealth meant that one could therefore be exceedingly generous to needy others with their tithes and givings, which could never be considered a bad thing.
Graciously and extravagantly paying for the taxi, the girls introduced our friend to the most enormously ornate, magnificently created building he had yet seen in the city. Right down to the very foundations, it was clear that this was a place of overwhelming riches, from the large open spaces with comfortable seating, to the thick, well kept scarlet and purple carpet. Many, many people flocked from all over the metropolis to come and hear this gifted, anointedly charismatic preacher speak, especially congregating on the morning of the holy day when the whole city rested from its toils.
Those who heard him preach spoke very well of his interesting, passionately delivered sermons that had helped them all find exactly what they were looking for, and of course teaching them to always praise God for such welcome prosperities. Talk after exceptional talk, he weaved seamlessly through selected portions of the same ancient book that Hopeful had been carrying, always proving his message with chosen sacred scriptures and seeing much in the way of fat, juicy fruits from his intensive labours. The congregation under his care went from strength to strength, rejoicing in the showers of blessings, and making the building where they fellowshipped one of great standing and notice to all the non-believers in the city. Everyone within the flourishing church was swimming in material treasures, not lacking in anything; and those who were definitely less blessed were intensely prayed for, delivered from and declared over by everyone until they too had whatever it was they desired, be it a nice new car or house, to the blessing of a new spouse or children.
Today, Hopeful took his luxurious seat in the midst of slick, rising melodic praises from the ultra professional worship band, right next to Faith and Ruby, excited to hear a word from the Lord uttered through His servant from the pulpit; he also hoped to see Wisdom somewhere in the fray, but she seemed to be suddenly noticeably absent, although it was perhaps for good reason; he seemed to be communing amongst the chosen people of God, and he looked forward to the Word being expounded on and for a good spiritual feeding from the heavenly man’s podium.
He settled down to listen with the hushing congregation as the preacher took his place shaking hands with smiles on his way up to the exalted stage, before the large crowd of starving multitudes.
Once there was relative quiet and after a few moments of weighted silence, in a commandingly powerful, professional and distinctive voice he began his purposeful proclamation*; “Some people come to me and say, well I came here pastor to get some peace, not money; and then I tell them, you NEEDmoney otherwise you ain’t gunna get no peace! Yes, some people say it’s about peace, joy and love. NO!! It’s about MONEY! So say this;Money, come to me NOW!Money is the way to inner peace and security, and you will be useless to the kingdom and the blessings it wants to do through you without it!”
The church began nodding in agreement and some of the more bold began to vociferously declare “I receive it, Holy Ghost” and “Amen! Yes Lord!” as a testimony and affirmation to the preacher before those who were less sure within their midst. He continued with a knowing stare over his fixated flock; “The Lord told me, this is the end time message. He is coming to look for His church without spot or wrinkle. But one of the biggest wrinkles the church has is being BROKE!If you are struggling financially, then you have not got the victory He came and died for you to have.God didn’t create you to be average or poor.All it takes is; 1) seeing or visualizing whatever you need, whether physical or financial; 2) staking your claim on Scripture; and 3) speaking it into existence.First make a clear-cut goal, then draw a mental picture, vivid and graphic, to visualize your success. Then incubate it into reality, and finally speak it into existence through the creative power of the spoken word.Faith is a seed; you plant it by speaking it.
We need to make the best of this life, enjoy every minute we can, because this is the best it is ever going to be.If you develop an image of victory, success, health, abundance, joy, peace, and happiness, nothing on earth will be able to hold those things from you. You were born to win; you were born for greatness, you were created to be a champion in life. The Lord wants you to live in abundance. He wants to give you the desires of your heart. God is turning things around in your favour!Before we were ever formed, He programmed us to live abundant lives, to be happy, healthy, and whole. But when our thinking becomes contaminated it is no longer in line with God’s Word. God wants to increase you financially, by giving you promotions, fresh ideas and creativity. God is working extra hard to make life easy for us. It’s going to happen; suddenly, your situation will change for the better. He will bring your dreams to pass!You will often receive preferential treatment simply because your Father is the King of kings, and His glory and honour spill over onto you! Father, I thank you that I have Your favour!God wants you to go further than your parents. God wants you to live an overcoming life of victory. He doesn’t want you to barely get by. He’s called ‘El Shaddai’, the God of more than enough. God wants us to have healthy, positive self-images, to see ourselves as priceless treasures. He wants us to feel good about ourselves. God sees you as a champion. He regards you as a strong, courageous, successful, overcoming person.”
At this point, almost everyone in the huge mega-church was cheering and agreeing, smiling big smiles and feeling edified from the worldly wisdom pouring out from the minister’s speech. They hung on his every word as he continued; “Suddenly, things will change; suddenly, that business will take off. Suddenly, your husband will desire a relationship with God. Suddenly, that wayward child will come home. Suddenly, God will bring your hopes and dreams to pass.
The first step to living at your full potential is to enlarge your vision. To live your best life now, you must start looking at life through eyes of faith, seeing yourself rising to new levels. See your business taking off. See your marriage restored. See your family prospering. See your dreams coming to pass. You must conceive it and believe it is possible if you ever hope to experience it. You will produce what you’re continually seeing in your mind… I repeat; if you develop an image of victory, success, health, abundance, joy, peace, and happiness, nothing on earth will be able to hold those things from you… Start anticipating promotions and supernatural increase. You must conceive it in your heart and mind before you can receive it! You must make room for increase in your own thinking, and then God will bring those things to pass. Thoughts determine destiny. If you don’t think your body can be healed, it never will be! When you think positive, excellent thoughts, you will be propelled toward greatness, inevitably bound for increase, promotion, and God’s supernatural blessings. God works by faith. You must believe first, and then you’ll receive. We receive what we believe. Unfortunately, this principle works as strongly in the negative as it does in the positive. Understand this: God will help you, but you cast the deciding vote; we must get into agreement with God. It’s our faith that activates the power of God.”
By this time, men and women were standing with arms raised in the pews shouting ‘Hallelujahs’, whilst our friend got more and more uncomfortable. Thinking it could be a type of cognitive dissonance*, he began looking in his ancient book, studying and cross-referencing quickly and intensely to try to find scriptural proofs for what this man was saying, as he had never come across it in this way until now; and although he thought it sounded wonderful in practice, there was a sense of warning about it from within his conscience that lead him into the depths of the eternal pages whilst everyone else was meanwhile focussed on having their ears itched with such amazing vocalisations coming from the glorified soapbox.
The bishop thundered on with his rapturous articulations, wiping the pouring sweat from his brow with a large white handkerchief, loosening his tie and top button, and removing the jacket from his classy suit; then finding fresh inspiration of new declarations to passionately stir up the host of hoodwinked saints wrapped around his little finger; “Our words have tremendous power, and whether we want to or not, we will give life to what we’re saying, either good or bad… Words are similar to seeds, by speaking them aloud, they are planted in our subconscious minds, and they take on a life of their own. Get up each morning and look in the mirror and say, “I am valuable. I am loved. God has a great plan for my life. I have favour wherever I go. God’s blessings are chasing me down and overtaking me. Everything I touch prospers and succeeds. I’m excited about my future!” Start speaking those kinds of words, and before long, you will rise to a new level of well-being, success, and victory. There truly is power in your words. Whatever your mountain is, you must do more than think about it, more than pray about it; you must speak to that obstacle. Start calling yourself healed, happy, whole, blessed, and prosperous. Stop talking to God about how big your mountains are, and start talking to your mountains about how big your God is.
Friend, there is a miracle in your mouth. How so? The moment you
speak something out, you give birth to it. This is a spiritual principle, and
it works whether what you are saying is good or bad, positive or negative. Therefore, you must start boldly confessing
God’s Word, using your words to move forward in life, to bring to life the
great things God has in store for you. God has already done everything He’s
going to do. The ball is now in your court. If you want success, if you want
wisdom, if you want to be prosperous and healthy, you’re going to have to do
more than meditate and believe; you must boldly declare words of faith and
victory over yourself and your family. If you’ve been sowing seed into the
kingdom of God, I have news that will put a smile on your face, a skip in your
step and joy in your heart. Harvest time is here! That’s right. As the
Body of Christ, we’ve stepped into the season we’ve all been waiting for. We’ve
moved into the time when the spiritual and financial crops we’ve planted,
tended and believed for are coming up. It’s a time to rejoice and
Now the whole church was full of contagious people shouting out ‘Amens’ and
declarations over their circumstances, dancing in their seats, clapping and
holding their hands high like antennae, ready to receive; some people were even
rolling around on the floor, making strange noises and hysterically laughing
uncontrollably, all in the name of the Spirit of the Lord of heaven’s armies.
Chapter 11
Hopeful looked around in bewilderment at the scene of utter carnage, and he saw both life and death in an unholy communion; he could see that the spiritual war that all mankind were involved in was at the greatest height he had seen it so far on this humble walk with his Creator, and he knew he had to say something.
As his head purveyed the seeming mayhem on this battleground, his attention turned again to the pastor, who was strutting around on the large platform with eyes tight shut, stamping his declarative way as he walked speaking in an unknown tongue with victorious intent; whilst people of all creeds, status, shapes and sizes began throwing money at the stage, until it was knee-deep in notes, gold and precious stones. “Hallelujah Jesus” came the reply from the pastor in response to the extravagant gestures; “Sow a seed of financial faith and the Lord will bless you” he encouraged as they dug into their loaded wallets and gave generously out of their wealth; “Sow and reap God’s promises” he declared.
In a whirlwind of righteous fury over the situation, Hopeful closed the well studied ancient book and stood up, made his way past the desensitised Faith and Ruby as they adored the crazed atmosphere from afar, and through all the commotion finally got to the stage, once again picking up the microphone to contritely testify over his recent spiritual findings. Just then, he looked up and distantly saw mama Sophia enter at the back of the building to take a seat, smiling and slightly nodding as if to say ‘I am with you’. Greatly strengthened by her noticeably vibrant presence, he boldly went to speak up as the church suddenly felt the weight of a heavy silence once they had noticed this impertinent stranger assuming an authoritative tone over the situation as he cleared his throat. The pastor who had been kneeling in the depth of the cash on the stage floor suddenly shot an inquisitive but disturbed glance over, that was brushed off as our man of the hour began to speak*:
“Do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world. This false teaching is like a little yeast that spreads through the whole batch of dough! From now on, I am trusting the Lord to keep you from believing false teachings. God will judge the person who has been confusing you. The Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith and they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons.
love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. Some people, craving money,
have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.
Those who love money will never have enough. How meaningless to think that
wealth brings true happiness! There is he that makes himself rich, yet has
nothing; then there is he that makes himself poor, yet has great riches. There
were also false prophets in ancient Israel, just as there will be false
teachers among you all today. They will cleverly teach destructive heresies and
perhaps subtly even deny the Master who bought them to their office. These
false teachers are like unthinking animals, creatures of instinct, born to be
caught and destroyed.
However, I would like to give thanks to Almighty God, who gives us the victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ; for whoever is truly born of God will overcome
the world: and faith is the victory that overcomes. Yes, it is our faith in
Yah’shua Ha Mashiach* that gives us the victory; and when do we get the
victory? When these corruptible bodies shall have put on incorruption, and this
mortal frame shall have put on immortality; then shall the sacred saying be
brought to pass, that is written, ‘Death is swallowed up in victory; O Death! Where
is your sting?’. When Jesus returns for the second and final time, and we are
made immortal, THEN we have the complete victory!
you Mammon-idolising people not heard it said? Blessed are the poor in spirit:
for theirs is the kingdom of God. Hasn’t God chosen the poor in this world to
be rich in faith? Aren’t they the ones who will inherit the Kingdom he promised
to those who love Him? For where your treasure is, there will your heart be
also. No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other;
you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and
money. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a
rich person to go to heaven!
What sorrow awaits you who are praised by the crowds, for their ancestors also
praised false prophets. I know that more false teachers, like vicious wolves,
will come tearing in among you after I leave here, not sparing the flock.
False preachers pronouncing this gospel of prosperity encourage their eager listeners to covet wealth. COVET. They do not convict trespassers of the holy laws of love of their wickedly sinful nature; instead they just try to make you all feel nice about yourselves, stoking the fires of unholy passions and desires! This is not the good news of King Yah’shua, and I urge all you people to flee from these wolves. But don’t just flee from them, instead expose them and earnestly pray for them. These glorified teachers are leading thousands and thousands of innocent people astray; even the chosen elected, if it were even possible! Jesus doesn’t commend His servants for gaining wealth, He commends those in slavery to true love for obediently, selflessly and cheerfully giving it away! That’s the true gospel. These voracious, hungrily prowling lions boast a huge material wealth; luxury cars, mansion homes and private planes. Their church buildings cost millions and millions, and yet the poor who are also believers throughout the rest of the world continue to starve to death in abject misery and despair for the simplest provisions at the hands of their oppressors! Is this speaking of the true church, the body of Christos who sacrifices all for the sake of the lost sheep? Not at all! These are the synagogues of Satan, speaking of the gratification of the fleshly self, and an egocentricity that disdains the unloved and worse off in favour of personal gain and fulfilment.”
At this, the stunned and shamed preacher began to stammer a weak defence before the bewildered and disturbed community, who was rapt in attention as they heard these life-filled exclamations; he started accusing our brave prophet of being bound to the old law and rejecting new grace.
The mighty servant under the influence of the true Spirit responded; “I will use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. This minister is a false apostle. Those like him are deceitful workers who disguise themselves as apostles of Christ. But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. But that doesn’t matter: whether their motives are false or genuine, the message about Christ is still being preached either way, so I rejoice!
Even if only 5% of the teaching is wrong, it is still polluting the rest; lies are far easier to believe when they contain truth within them. This minister is training you all to seek what God gives, but not to seek God for Himself! Everything he offers in his teaching is appealing to your flesh, rather than helping you crucify it. Seek first the kingdom of God, and then everything else you need will be added unto you.
Listen now! I find that I must talk about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to his holy people. I say this because some very ungodly people have wormed their way into the church as a whole, saying that God’s marvellous grace allows us and others to live immoral lives. When these people eat with us in our fellowship meals commemorating the Lord’s love, they are like dangerous reefs that can shipwreck us. They are like shameless shepherds who care only for themselves. They are like clouds blowing over the land without giving any rain. They are like trees in autumn that are doubly dead, for they bear no fruit and have been pulled up by the roots. They are like wild waves of the sea, churning up the foam of their shameful deeds. They are like wandering stars, doomed forever to blackest darkness.
In these last times, there will be scoffers whose purpose in life is to satisfy these ungodly desires. These people are the ones who are creating unwitting divisions among you. They follow their natural instincts because they do not have God’s Spirit in them. They will have a form of godliness, but deny its power.
Listen to me, you post-modern church! The Lord knows all the things you do, and that you have a reputation amongst the brethren as well as the world for being alive—but you are actually dead. Wake up! Strengthen what little remains, for even what is left is almost dead. Your current actions do not meet the requirements of my God. Go back to what you heard and believed at first; hold to it firmly. Repent and turn to Him afresh. If you don’t wake up, He will come to you suddenly, as unexpected as a thief. Yes! He knows all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. Since you are like lukewarm water, He will spit you out of His mouth! I have heard you all say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. So I advise you to buy real gold from Him; spiritual gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be truly rich. Also, buy white garments from Him so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to really see. He corrects and disciplines everyone He loves. So be diligent and turn from your indifference.”
Those who had listened had each become increasingly aware of a nasty spiritual thorn embedding deep into their flesh, and by the end of this challenging biblical onslaught had become extremely uncomfortable. Two large men came up to the podium and began to forcibly remove our brave brother with just enough man-handling to know that they meant business, as the church went from a deathly stupification to a suddenly voluminous commotion, people turning to each other and voicing their opinions over what they had just been confronted with. Many people were so disturbed by it that in their whiplash retribution Hopeful was spoken badly of, and there was much hurt contempt as he was glared out of the large unwelcoming hall and thrown unceremoniously out into the street, where he was met by the one eyed prince of the air and his band of mafioso hooligans, who were hungry for blood and a price to be paid.
Chapter 12
Lucifer was clearly suppressing an irate mood through clenched
teeth. Keeping a chilling cool, he hissed, “Very well, have it your way. I
offered you everything anyone could ever want, and you have rejected my
generous kindness like an ungrateful child. I hold the power of death, and I
require your life from you this instant, for it belongs to me. I cannot keep
having you tell others of this ‘Servant King’ who would put Himself beneath
them that He would win followers, or speaking by some assumed authority
inspired by that despicably odious book in your hands. Fine! You WILL follow
He gestured murderously to the fearsome, contemptible thugs around him; “This
son of Adam has committed grievous blasphemy against the prince of the powers
of the air, and must duly find his reward. Let his body find a sharp stone or
two!” And with that, he retreated to watch this pitiable victim receive his
ruthless orders unto painful lifelessness.
They circled Hopeful like threatening vultures, entrapping him and leaving him nowhere to run. One by one, the thugs took turns slapping and jabbing, throwing insults in preparation of something a lot more serious, beating him down by drawing out the process of execution like savouring the starter before the meaty main course.
Their prey, by conviction, had suddenly become profoundly and truly aware of his deep unworthiness before the Almighty Spirit, and realised his time had come to glorify the One who had asked him to pick up his own cross and follow Him. He discerned that this inevitable end had a hidden heavenly purpose, that in frail weakness would be an introspective strength sourced in the divine that would overcome his fear, regret and sense of meaninglessness, bringing from the depths of his redeemed soul the hope that comes from within pain and death, for the promise of the brighter day that was bought by the blood of the Master.
Then the attackers, in an escalated flurry of excitement, picked up cruel stones from around them and filled their pockets, grinning maliciously with eyes full of mirthful hatred as they glared out the hapless martyr, who embracing his hopeless situation had closed his eyes and begun to pray fervently.
Within the homicidal circle, the Lord Jesus Christ materialised before His servant and looked intently at him, as Hopeful opened his eyes to see his faithful King there with him. Just then, a heavy stone smashed into his skull causing much pain and blood, forcing him to the floor in severe concussion as more unforgiving stones pelted down. Clinging, smelly spit from all directions and dust kicked up into the eyes added to the misery of the moment as the maltreatment magnified.
Jesus closed His eyes and by Spirit swiftly entered into the hunted man, who then physically morphed into the Lord of all creation before the assailants, wearing His crown of thorns and a bloodied, torn and dirty gown.
Now, momentarily, it was the King being stoned to death, bearing the load, gritting his teeth in the face of His creatures as the bombardment intensified.
Surveying his great enemy, Lucifer picked up his own stone and aiming straight for the top of the head in furious revenge hit a home run causing mass damage; then the Lord morphed back into Hopeful, who had now come close to deceasing.
In one final act of ‘mercy’, Satan held the final killing stones back and cried out “Now, you are found wanting with your life. Give me your soul, or lose your mortality!” Death stood over the pilgrim, smirking evilly despite the sword down his throat.
The man bowed his head and prayed ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. Forgive them of this sin, it is my honour to die for You like You died for me.”
The final stones began raining down again, hitting him even harder. Then with a final exerted effort, he looked up to see a new dimension; the Anointed One stood there in indescribable majesty with absolute power, holding out open arms to him, surrounded by myriads of all types of angelic beings.
Finding supernatural courage, Hopeful spluttered his dying words to the barbarous, inhumanly vicious attackers; “Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing in the place of honour at God’s right hand!”
The aggressors suddenly dropped their stones, put their hands over their ears and began shouting obscenities at him and at God, tormented by his words. Satan, in brutal retaliation, then ordered that the near lifeless body be picked up and taken to be ruthlessly beheaded, which was swiftly carried out with gusto by the plagued bullies under the devils dominion.
His decapitated body was then abruptly taken outside of the city gate to a secluded, dusty, humble hole in the ground, and then covered over with a mound of heavy stones. No one came to mourn him when the murderers had departed, but mama Sophia. Lost to the realm of the natural, his decaying bones were the only earthly evidence left of this brave pilgrim’s existence, who had given it all for the sake of absolute truth.
Planted like a seed, the prospect of an incredible plant lay in its potential under the ground, a caterpillar in its cocoon, until that certain day in the very near future when the King of all kings would dimensionally return to the material realm to lay claim of His righteous judgement over the great city and all its inhabitants, and bring the blesséd restoration and resurrection of all things subject to His mighty authority.
All biblical quotes are taken (and in many cases, adapted) from the New Living Translation
Page 5: “Bereisheet bara Elohim et hashamyim ve’et ha’aretz” is the Anglicised pronunciation for the Hebrew for Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”.
Page 6: Solipsism is the philosophical theory that only the self exists i.e. you reading this now means you alone are the great ‘Self’ and everything is revolving around and created by you as part of your greater consciousness, and this sentence was planted by your ‘higher divine self’ from within to inform your carnal worldly personality who you have decided to be right now (that lives in blissful ignorance of your true divine power) that you are actually responsible for everything and everyone, good or bad, because it all springs from your mind, as everything/one else is ultimately simply an illusion created in YOUR mind.
Of course this is ludicrous – for everyone EXCEPT God the Creator (revealed by the Messiah Yah’shua) that is, who actually IS responsible and accountable for all things in the material universe and beyond, and from whose mind we all have sprung; thus He is the true ‘Solipsist’.
Page 44: The threshing floor was bought and paid in full by David from Araunah the Jebusite in 1 Chronicles 21 after his sin for taking an illegal census of Israel. It turned out later that this was the area for the building of the first and second Jewish temples, and will be the place for the third and final one.
Page 53: ‘Olethros’ means ‘Destruction’ in Greek.
Page 56: ‘Yah’shua’ is the Hebrew annunciation of the Greek name ‘Iēsous ‘, or the Anglicised ‘Jesus’. The common English name ‘Joshua’ is a direct derivative of the Hebrew pronunciation. Yah’shua translates as ‘God saves’.
Page 59: ‘Tanakh’ is the Hebrew for the entire volume of Jewish scriptures, what Christians call the ‘Old Testament’. ‘Brit Cha’desh’ is the Hebrew for the purely Christian writings we call the ‘New Testament’.
Page 60: “בראשית ברא אלוהים ” is Hebrew and means “In the beginning God created…”, essentially Genesis 1:1.
Page 94: The parable of Jesus can be found in Matthew 25:1-13 for those who want to dig deeper.
Page 97: Jesus was called the ‘Son of David’; someone who is David’s son is someone who seeks and follows the Lord with all their heart just as David did, in spite of his many serious mistakes.
Page 103: ‘Cognitive Dissonance’ is the experience of notable stress/discomfort when a strongly held idea or belief is challenged with a conflicting and contradictory idea that sounds very plausible and would shake your faith to its foundations, even unto loss.
Pages 100-104: This sermon is compiled from un-tampered with statements that real-life, very well known selected prosperity teachers have said in the past. I am happy for any one of them to sue me for using their teachings without consent or proper attribution (I have decided to keep them anonymous), as it will show their true colours before the true body of Christos.
Pages 107-112: Hopeful’s sermon response is about 75% pure scripture. Please study your bibles to find out which bits.
Page 108: ‘ Yah’shua Ha Mashiach’ is the Hebrew for Jesus the Christ/Messiah.
Contact: tmbirch@yahoo.com
I would love to hear any feedback from you, please do get in touch!
If there is anyone out there who believes in this project, I am looking for funds to turn this book into a film. Please contact me if you feel you can help in any way.