Did you know? We must ALL worship the Lord our God and serve ONLY Him, ALL the time! ‘Of course’, you might say, ‘that’s true and I believe it’; yet many of us even as believers will inadvertently put people, things and/or situations before Him, almost daily. We must continue to fight our flesh, which is always hostile to God, and never did obey Him (nor ever will)..
It is written that no one can serve two masters, for you will
hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other.
So likewise, you simply CANNOT serve God, and yet be enslaved to money and
In fact, we must not let any part of our body become an instrument of evil to
serve sin at ALL. Instead, let’s give ourselves completely and totally to God,
for we once were were dead in our trespasses, but now we have new life in the
I encourage you all to use your whole body as an instrument to do what is
right, all for the glory of God, and I’ll set myself to do likewise. For the
scriptures say that ‘even the ‘Son of Man’ came not to be served, but to serve
others and to give His life as a ransom for many’.
Let me ask you something interesting: who is more important, the
one who sits at the table being served, or the one who serves? Well, many would
agree that it’s the one who sits at the table, of course… but, it’s not this
way in the kingdom of God! For Jesus, the King of all kings, was among us lowly
creatures as One who serves.
Anyone who wants to serve Jesus must follow His example, because His servants
must be where He is, for the servants are not greater than the Master. Take
heart though, for the Father will honour anyone who truly serves Jesus. Having
said that, human hands can’t really serve His needs, for He actually has no
needs! He’s divine, and He’s Spirit! Surely you know that He Himself gives life
and breath to everything, and that HE satisfies every need WE have?
Most people on earth today have traded the truth about God for a lie. They continue to worship and serve the things God has created, instead of worshipping the Creator Himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen?
A reminder to you: we have thankfully now been released from the
law of Moses, for we died to it in Christ and are no longer captive to its
power. We can now serve God, not in the old way of obeying the letter of that
law, but in the new way of living in the Spirit. And in the grace of His
Spirit, God has given us different spiritual gifts for doing certain things
well. For example, God has given some of us the amazing ability to prophesy, so
I say to those who have that gift now that they should speak out with as much
faith as God has given them, for the edification of the church!
If your spiritual gift happens to be serving others, serve them well. If you
are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging.
If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take
the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to
others, do it gladly.
The point is that there are different kinds of service, but we all serve the
same Lord with these gifts. So! Let me exhort you to never be lazy, but instead
work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.
My work here is to help you do whatever will help you serve the
Lord best, with as few distractions as possible.
Just be aware that we should always serve God whether people honour us or
despise us, whether they slander us or praise us. God has given each of us
these gifts from His great variety of spiritual gifts. So, I again exhort you
to use them well to serve one another, just as Christ Jesus served us.