Pray this with me:
Our gracious heavenly Father,
Lord, I recognise and appreciate that You alone are the one who softens and purifies hearts. I confess that my heart was like a cold, sharp stone before I met You; full of selfishness, resentment, bitterness and pain, that caused me to be hard and uncompromising with others; at times I was completely compassionless, and even actively wicked (in spite of my conscience pricking from the nudges of Your Spirit).
If I’m at all able to see myself from the outside now, I would gladly say that You have completely transformed me! Whilst my hair fell out and my belly expanded, on the inside my heart was renewed and began a process toward beautiful purity, as You made it to feel genuine warmth for those I even perhaps previously despised, and I can even now appropriately respond according to Your subtle moves in the Spirit, when You require me to sacrifice and donate such things as money or time.
Father, I pray for this kind of spiritual sensitivity to be recognised in ALL the readers of this prayer, foremostly through You “re-birthing” them by Your Spirit, and thereby awakening them to the sheer wonders of truly knowing and following the Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son. I proclaim with personal experience, that there’s no one like Him! I know that each one of us will bow the knee to Him in the end, and eagerly confess Him as Lord… but, I pray that each and every beautiful, precious soul reading this will do so gladly and willingly BEFORE it is an actual requirement, by them having personally discovered the priceless treasures of truly knowing You and walking humbly with You for the rest of their lives unto the day of judgement; then that is where we will all cry out for mercy because of the cross of Jesus and (hopefully) find our salvation, which is the gift of eternal life that is only found in You.
I love You Lord, please hear my prayer for the soul reading this! I so desire for everyone I know and love to be saved, before it is too late for repentance.
Thank You!
I look at the world and I see SUCH brokenness, even in my own sphere of existence. I see disease, violence and debauchery, all accepted as normal.
I see the projections of miserable and lost people, all pretending to the rest of their world that everything is ok, maybe even better than ok, whilst they ‘die’ inside at the hands of depression, loneliness and other types of suffering without the knowledge of Your grace.
I even see that both coveting and lust have now completely taken over most forms of corporate media, all because they make certain people a lot of money. How meaningless to think that those people think that they actually have something worthwhile! And so terribly sad. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his soul?
My heart cries to You for the world today, Lord. In some spiritual pain, I publicly pray ‘out loud’ for every man, woman and child on the face of the earth, right now, in Jesus’s name. Whoever they are, may it be written in the books of heaven that I love each one of them and long for them to ‘see the Light’ and realise that all wickedness has been dealt with, that they no longer have to do the deeds of darkness for their kicks or their financial benefit.
Can one have faith to pray such a prayer? I do, and I mean it, and I know that You’ve heard it. Let forgiveness and reconciliation reign in our day, rather than the darkness of bitterness and contempt!
Let Your light reveal itself into every human heart, so that people can find fullness in Your kingdom! May they discover the alleviation of their burdens, the release from the grip of sin!
No longer do we have to live in jealousy or hate, living as though our neighbours are our enemies by cheating and exploiting them. Your cross is the answer to every spiritual wound. It is the bandage we must apply, it is the serum to the snake’s venomous bite.
May the miracle of Your cross be exalted once again in my land. May the name of Jesus no longer be used as a swearword, as a cuss, or a vain exclamation! May people discover the enormous POWER in Your name, Lord Jesus! Healing, forgiveness, mercy, SALVATION! Oh, that people would SEE!!!
Oh Lord, the devastation inspires me to pray for You to come back quickly, to end it all and bring in the new kingdom! But not too quickly, my heart replies, for many people I know still need to genuinely repent and turn to You for grace before it’s too late. For their sake, please tarry a little longer, Lord.
May Your presence among those who love You continue to heal our broken land, as we work together so that my countrymen will once again glorify Your ways by actively rejecting evil, and be glad along with us that there is still hope in the midst of death. Amen!