As born again, filled with the Holy Spirit, hard working and passionate Christians, on judgement day we do not get what we ACTUALLY deserve, which is eternal damnation along with the rest of the unbelieving world; no, we bask forever in the warmth of the amazing, saving grace of God!
The hope we have in the cross SHOULD change our hearts on this side of the grave to want to not only strive for but achieve a blameless standard of purity in our lives, and as the picture depicts, we now live in the shadow of the sacrifice, even whilst we are recovering from this sin-sickness/disease.
The Lord Jesus Christ holds back the flames of hell from us, absorbing our deserved eternal punishment in Himself, so that we can continue to live in the light of His grace, and work hard on improving ourselves and focusing ever harder on being obedient to Him out of our devotion for Him.
Please, don’t take grace for granted! It cost God everything for us to even have the opportunity for salvation. Take my advice, and like me, examine yourself against the standard of holiness regularly!