There is a lot to see and do in this world, and we love to be busy doing it!
Like bees to flowers, the bright city lights blinking neon colours (with people in its midst making a living to entertain or humour us away from the deep emptiness that resides in all humans) is what most humans find so alluring that we’d even pay our hard earned wages for the privilege of the short term relief from having to be alone with ourselves (or God) for even one minute.
Have you noticed that we ALL try to fill that void with everything we can think of, to numb that nagging spiritual pain? For example, gaming, internetting, drinking, sexing, driving, watching films or shows, fishing etc etc etc. The list never ends, whilst we have both health and an apathy for spirituality. But, as someone who knows and testifies regularly where to find the elixir of life, let me tell you that most people are looking in all the wrong places for the filling satiation of that eternal void, the completion to the ‘hole in the heart’! It’s NOT in the glitz and glamour, it’s not even in the retreat into the wilderness of nature, and you also certainly won’t find it in the tickling of your flesh with trinkets, toys or grand speeches of worldly propaganda. Like I did, you could try looking into many religions, but I can tell you from experience that they’ll always come up short, and what you are looking for will remain elusive to you. Why is this?
It’s because what you are looking for is a relationship with
someone. No, not a human wife or husband; you are designed to be filled with
Spirit, and unless you KNOW Jesus, you don’t have it. You CAN’T have it, not
without turning away from the rest of it. Your true satisfaction can only be
found in your obedience and submission to Him. It’s just the truth. But there
are 3 enemies everyone on the planet has; firstly, the world. That’s all the
above pastimes mentioned above, and more. If it gets in the way of you seeking
the Lord in broken humility, at the foot of His cross, it’s now become an idol,
and the empty laughter and love of ‘the buzz’ will one day disappear like
thorns crackling in a roaring fire.
Then, there’s the devil. Be under no illusion; he wants your destruction, and
will do whatever it takes him to get it. He’ll offer the world to you, if he
has to. Anything to steal away that relationship with God, through Christ.
Thirdly, and perhaps the most dangerous of all the enemies, is ourselves. We
are naturally evil, we will always choose darkness over light without the
inspiration of God in our lives. We battle with our flesh as believers, for it
is the main obstacle between us and the Lord’s Spirit, who contends with us all
every moment, testing our hearts and sifting us as wheat.
Once you realise this earthly existence is a fight for our very lives, then things naturally become more serious. The world would have us believe that serious is bad; but then, that’s the first enemy for you. We contend with culture, we contend with tradition, we contend with the devil’s systems. But be under no illusion; every moment counts, and we must redeem the time, for the days are very evil and time is very short.