God’s version of right and wrong, and humanity’s version of them are really very different.
Why is that, you might ask? Well, He is always RIGHT, because He is righteous, viewing the dichotomy from the stance of perfection.
We however, as corrupted beings, are viewing right and wrong from the stance of the transgressors of the law. We are viewing the law from the point of view of a criminal. Our tendency and natural leaning therefore is either softness on sin and evil, or at worst total apathy for them. Why? Because we stand as fellow guilty parties in the eyes of His law, and sympathise with others who are just as guilty as we are. But let me tell you that God views this with the white hot lens for ABSOLUTE purity and any mistake in morality anyone makes is an eternally damnable offence.
Thank GOD then for the Saviour, the Son of God, who is our lawyer in court and our bailer from the court!
Without Him, we’re all just as guilty as anyone else, but we can all find mercy from the Judge of the universe in Him, through His sacrifice on our behalf.
THAT is the good news, this evening 😉