The Price of Glory

Look closely at the picture above.

Only mature, genuine Christians seem to realise, acknowledge and imitate that true love suffers gladly for others, for those who are lost, and for those who may never even know or ever repay what it costs to make such a sacrifice.

It must be said that there is a great reward within any undeserved pain that agonises at the hands of the spiritually ignorant, for the grace that’s found in forgiveness and shown to all without any agenda is (and will be) worth more to the sufferer than any physical recompense, such as wealth or health… what I mean is, the touch of God’s manifest presence is ENOUGH. 
If you know Him well, you’ll know what I’m talking about, for I’m speaking of the pinnacle of any created being’s experience; any suffering is washed away and purified by the healing salts from that freshening ocean, the gently lapping ocean of the sweet presence of God.

The stab of the thorns in the flesh of the crown, and the open nail wounds in arms that are spread wide to all in acceptance, are the roots for and lay a firm foundation of extreme mercy for ALL human beings, proving that the divinely spiritual ‘higher’ love that comes from God will always overcome evil’s dark influences, no matter how painfully it inflicts itself upon the bearer. 
Any poison that was injected into the soul by evil acts is neutralised by the loving sufferer through forgiveness and intercession; then the soul is freed, even if the body remains in agony unto physical death.

Here, then, is the lesson: the glorious resurrection tree is rooted in the soil of glorious suffering. 
Everything He does is glorious, and we who are of His body are to reflect His glory through the imitation of His ways!

Be not of faint heart, take courage in His mighty works!

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