Tris’s Book of Proverbs

This is a collection of all the little insights the Lord has revealed to me in Spirit during my walk with Him, especially recently, as I continue to strive to contemplate over, meditate on and try to tune in and ‘listen’ to Him during my waking life. Some of these have even been given as I’ve literally woken up with the revelation, and in obedience I’ve simply written it down before I’ve rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Some of them are old to me, for I learned them from the beginning of my faith, but some are very new, and this ‘list’ of proverbs keeps gets added to regularly, especially as I love to regularly pray for wisdom and the ability to edify others in His power – I can testify that He answers those prayers in my life, and this page is one beautiful result of those prayers. I hope that also encourages you to also seek to ask for the same things. Let me be very clear: I desire that the Lord gets ALL the credit for all the inspiration and any fruit from any of these insights I’ve been given.

Here they all are then, in no particular order;

You have nothing to fear IF you fear the Lord.

Often, when one comes to teach others from the scriptures, the one teaching benefits even more from the message than the listeners do; to seek is to find.

Whatever one may go through in life, and however painful it may be, firstly be sure to know that there is always a spiritual reason behind it, and secondly, be comforted that no matter how bad it is, it’s still better than what you and everyone else actually deserves – eternal damnation – and that there’s still hope whilst you’re this side of the grave.

You may question ‘why’ in the heat of the moment, but when you finally get your answer, be assured that you will be satisfied.

There is no point or gain to excess wealth, except to love and serve the Lord by investing in and expanding His kingdom with it, and by blessing others through it.

The ways of the devil are only attractive to someone who doesn’t get it yet.

Perfect trust in the Lord will see the slaying stone hit directly between the eyes of the giant.

The closer one gets to holiness, the MORE aware of sin they are.

Fakes will never find the truth, even though as far as everyone else is concerned, they convincingly pretend to seek it.

You can’t trust anyone who doesn’t truly FEAR God.

Never make merchandise of sacrifice.

To have a real testimony, one needs to be tested.

What an exceptional divine paradox it is that people who understand they are sinners are the real saints, and those who believe they are fully made saints this side of the grave are unrepentantly wicked in the most subtle of ways. 

If you know the truth, opinions no longer matter, including your own.

If EVERYONE went out of their way to be very generous in EVERY way with everyone else around them, the world would be a VERY different place. But the devil has tricked everyone to serve themselves first and put their neighbour second. 

To know that the Lord knows everything any of us ever think, say or do SHOULD be a great source of comfort.If it isn’t, I’m certain your soul isn’t right with Him yet.

It’s not good for man to be alone, unless he wants to commit to working for the Lord; in which case it’s preferable to be alone.

Regarding sexual sin, pride will literally cum before your fall… you’ve worshipped the creation over the Creator, and will suffer eternal consequences in spite of some short term relief.Is it worth it?

To be clear: just because you had a ‘check in your spirit’, a ‘weird feeling about it in your gut’, does not necessarily mean that it was from the Lord.

Be open to embracing suffering for righteousness’s sake now, and you’ll avoid suffering indefinitely for iniquity’s sake later.

There is only ONE who is truly humble. The rest of us are either in the process of being humbled by Him, or will die arrogant.

This is THE misconception of our day: Pleasure is NOT love. It is NEVER loving to ever celebrate iniquity, however innocuous.

Sin ALWAYS has consequences, and sometimes those consequences are life long. Both the plans of the Lord and one’s own plans can be irreparably broken when one gives in to a moment’s madness of disobedience; but with true repentance, there IS mercy.

Truth is more important than people’s feelings; yet truth without love and grace crush the spirit like a sledgehammer to a snail.

Don’t prey ON your enemy; pray FOR your enemy.

To hate the Lord is to despise wisdom.

This is THE misconception of our day: Pleasure is NOT love. It is NEVER loving to ever celebrate iniquity, however innocuous.

Godly wives seek to COMPLETE the man of God, and NOT be in contention with him.

As disciples of Christ Jesus, we are to observe evil, then learn about all aspects of evil, and then with knowledge and wisdom, enact GRACE in the face of evil.

Integrity is an expression of faith, a direct revelation stemming from the FEAR of the Lord… for one is always aware He is watching, and therefore one is always keen to impress Him, even when no one else is watching. THIS is wisdom.

No one has more pride than the person that THINKS that they truly are humble. Humility is something others should see in you, and not something you should ever see in yourself.

One shouldn’t need to continually tell people they love them; it should be evident from the way you treat them. People who always feel they have say it usually don’t understand the true meaning of sacrifice or humility.

Everything IS vanity, and is meaningless. But not everything is valueless. Some things are even priceless.
Seek those things.

One of God’s greatest mercies is to enable us to find peace, fulfillment and contentment and also to truly ENJOY humbling menial service chores that no one else wants to do.

Music was never meant to be about entertainment, but it has always been about worship; the question though is ‘who’ do we like to sacrifice our praise unto?

The more you understand how demons work to attack, the more subtle they have to be to succeed.

Wise people spend their money improving everyone’s lives; but the foolish heart is at the bottom of a barrel at 3 in the morning, looking like a snake bit them.

Just as the safest place for anyone SHOULD be in the womb, I’ve personally observed that the greatest spiritual handicap for anyone seems to be growing up as part of a church. “He who is forgiven much, loves much”

To truly have the fear of the Lord is to truly see the death of the fear of man.

It’s not ‘works salvation’ if JESUS is the one who gets the credit for any good works worthy of eternity that manifest in one’s life that also ‘prove’ one’s faith.

Many people are just good actors when it comes to ‘loving’ others. Love is a verb, and the purest manifestation of it is sacrifice. I’ve also observed that those who speak of ‘love’ the most tend to have the least idea of what it REALLY is.

I’ve often heard people say with false bravado ‘I don’t fear death’. What a joke! If you don’t know Christ personally , you absolutely SHOULD fear death…and not just the first one.

Censorship is not the way to stop ‘hatred’ and that which culture deems subjectively ‘evil’.
Forgiveness is the ONLY way. BUT, when people forget or ignore the cross of Christ, they want their pound of flesh.

The most loving thing anyone can do for their neighbour is to help them realise that they too are evil, just like everyone else. Once that truth is understood, the sanctification path towards eternal life can actually begin.

More often than not, blessings will turn out to be lessons, and lessons will turn out to be blessings.

The musician, once fully mature, becomes the prophet.

A vicious cycle can only be broken by love, through sacrifice.

Genuine repentance is the product of personal spiritual revelation coming from a holy conviction of regretfully causing hurt and offence to the Lord, rather than from a devilish guilt trip birthed from a selfish fear of an impending deserved punishment.

Words that are literally spoken, physically heard and emphasised through one’s body language to another body, are WAY better than toneless and physically expressionless words solely typed out by an unseen hand, which are then read on a screen by another’s lonely eyes, regardless of any altruistic moral or benevolently spiritual intent the writer had with them.

There is something very pure about small school children letting off steam during break time in the playground, squealing and shouting and running around; There is something very corrupt about young adults letting off steam by drinking heavily together under the cover of darkness, corporately deepening their acquaintance with iniquity.

One cannot buy salvation, for the Lord purchased it, owns it and will never sell it. But, one CAN use their finances and time to inventively ‘buy’ props and tools and other creative means that help the Lord do His saving work in others.

Observation: Having popularity is NO sign of whether one has either truth or wisdom. It actually often seems to indicate the exact opposite.

Opulence and over abundance seem to often create a surreal outlook in someone over the rest of the world, and are dangerously a breeding ground for arrogance (based in pride over one’s possessions and status), never-ending greed (un-quenchable covetous desires to ‘gain the whole world’) and false humility (philanthropic hypocrisy and public virtue signalling to dull a nagging conscience).

Does the Lord KNOW you? Leaving earth in this present continuous tense fact is the real qualification for receiving eternal life.

Each of us have a unique calling and gifting in the kingdom. Do not envy that of others, but work to refine your own perfectly.

A desperate seeker starts something with the Lord; a wise man strives to finish it with Him.

You can be wealthy and still live a life of servitude to all around you; you can be in poverty and yet believe you are entitled to be served upon by all around you.

POWER is in our obedience to holiness, through our personal submission to His will. This key unlocks the manifest power of God in our lives!

The better one knows God, the more intimately He reveals and shares to them His deep grief over the world, and its love for darkness.

Do only as the Lord leads, for all that’s done outside of His will, WILL eventually fail. Abide, and do not take matters into one’s own hand.

HE made this very moment, HE gives us life in breath; YET! HE forces flesh dethronement, And orchestrates our death…

Closeness to the Lord MUST be coupled with a deepening fear of Him, for He expects increasingly higher standards the closer we get.

Every human life is messy in some way, but it’s the LORD who straightens the path of a seeker & sets them right.

Subjective morality: all morals are wrong unless you agree with mine. Objective morality: We don’t make the bloomin’ rules, so we have to obey or perish.

I have way more respect (and hope) for a satanist who is honest about their hatred for the ways and rules of Jehovah, than for ‘Christians’ who SAY they love Him, yet despise His word with rebelliousness of the devil’s ways.

A divine paradox: people who KNOW they are evil and resist it ARE the nicest, kindest, happiest and most charitable; those who understand they have evil spirits in them that must be fought are (ironically) the most free.

Another divine paradox: only by truly understanding that each of us are evil with an innate desire for darkness can we ever truly even begin the journey towards righteousness.

The most loving thing anyone can do for their neighbour is to help them realise that they too are evil, just like everyone else. Once that truth is understood, the sanctification path towards eternal life can actually begin.

Until everyone realises that each of us have evil spirits dwelling in our flesh, there will be NO revival.

We have to love Jehovah for who He IS, and not who we WANT Him to be.

At the end of the day, life isn’t worth living unless one lives for the Lord.

In the kingdom, true love for God essentially and simply equates to listening to and striving to obey His Spirit.

Striving for holiness and denying the flesh through repentance is also called ‘fear of the Lord’… it’s the beginning of wisdom.

If you’re not severely challenged by Jesus’s words to us all, honestly, you’re just NOT hearing them right! Pay more attention; focus; go deeper! When taken at face value, it is easier and easier to see why ‘few will ever find it’.

If I can’t even give the Lord my time, what thing of any better value CAN I give Him? Our time is very valuable to Him, it’s advisable not to waste it!

The question isn’t ‘Are we willing to die for Jesus?’ No, that’s easy. The real question is ‘Are we willing to suffer for Him?’

There is no one like Jesus Christ. I mean, who else on the planet can make even crucifixion seem attractive to their followers?!

To truly love others (including God) means embracing a deep acquaintance with suffering, of various types and on various levels.

If one can see beauty in the brutal use of that torturous execution device, one can see hidden beauty in any other circumstance.

In terms of eternity, getting pleasure from sin is like itching a nagging scratch with a running chainsaw on full pelt.

Discerning something should not mean immediately ‘exposing’ it; rather, one should sit, observe and wait for the Lord’s signal to act upon any revelation.

‘Works’ can’t add anything to anyone’s salvation… but obedience can, and does.

Anything that happens in this life to a child of God is for their eternal benefit, no matter how bad it may seem to get for them on this side of the grave.

It’s about giving, NOT getting! It’s not so much about being blessed, it’s about striving to BE a blessing to others, even unto God!

Most people believe they are going to heaven, yet terrifyingly, the sobering truth is that most people will actually see damnation. 

Our main job as believers is to attempt to help the world truly see the pure greatness and amazing goodness of God as He really is, a testimony that should be sourced from our own continuing revelation of those facts as we get to know Him better, day after day.

Cessationism forgets that Christianity is actually a SPIRITuality, and therefore it continually deals in and with the supernatural.

Sacrifice is never pleasant, but is usually worth it, for it is the ultimate expression of love.

When you’re truly plugged into the Lord, you ‘produce’ and exhibit the Lord in order for others to benefit.

Anything physical is fleeting and temporal, but the presence of the Lord holds all of eternity in even a moment.

One motion of true and lasting repentance results in a lifetime of forgiveness and mercy.

Wherever the Lord is, there is true beauty… even in the midst of great hardship and darkness!

To ‘see the Light’ is one thing. A wonderful thing! But to then start walking closer & closer to the Light over time is quite another.

Everything that happens to you has meaning if you’re a Christian… nothing is ever pointless or meaningless, even pain.

All my eggs are in the ‘Jesus basket’; I’m in it to ‘win’ it. Being lukewarm is rejected by Him, so rather let’s all be red hot for the Lord!

Without abiding in the confines of God’s moral laws as documented in His written word, ‘sin’ then becomes relative, and even acceptable in the church. 

Painful suffering on Christ’s behalf in this life equates to receiving much glory from Him in the next!

Humble beginnings result in exultant ends; stay focused on the hard & narrow path to holiness now, and you WILL be rewarded later.

The work of the cross does not and will NEVER cover unrepentant sin!

Beauty of the soul is the only kind of beauty that counts eternally.

Observation: many Christians today are as gentle as doves, but very few are also as wise as serpents. 
Strive to be both!

It’s easy to be indignant over the sins of others when we have forgotten that we daily need God’s grace ourselves.

Genuine, humble repentance, and having that hopeful confidence in the grace and work of Christ, are the ‘tools’ one uses to climb God’s holy mountain.

‘Worshiping’ the Lord in song without being obedient to Him is completely worthless, is only vanity, and is IN vain.

The godly know that they are wicked, yet repent to seek reconciliation with the Lord; but the wicked couldn’t care less about it all.

“Working out our salvation” means to explore just how deep the tendency for sin runs within the heart, whilst striving to overcome it.

Genuine love will always cost you something, because it always costs God something.

We must keep our eyes solely focused on the LORD every moment, not the actual results He either produces in us or through us.

Devils are close by, as are angels, but the LORD is much closer still.

All good kingdom works happen as manifestations of what the Lord is speaking to you about from within ‘the secret place’.

What God uses to refine us, the devil uses to condemn you.

Every next breath any of us take is a pure MERCY; every next heartbeat is a testimony to the incredible GRACE of God.

This isn’t the land of the living, but the land of the dying.

True conversion isn’t simply from the just fear of hell, but actually comes from a new found love and awe inspired respect for the Saviour, and His cross.

Repentance is a product from revelation of the cross. Fear of the Lord comes by that route, and no other. Repentance is true wisdom.

Real humility is simply a genuine recognition of the stark, hard truth as it relates to yourself, positively or negatively.

The Light shines the brightest when one is most aware of the darkness surrounding it.

When attacked, relax and listen, for the LORD fight the battles of His loved ones.

The way of the world is of an intense desire to be desired, at any cost; the way of the cross is to give the Lord all the credit for anything that could be desirable about oneself.

Do NOT ‘love the World’, but make every effort to love ALL people in and of the world. It is a lifelong quest to discover what this could mean, but we must always try.

Many words have been written down and spoken over the years, but sadly a very large proportion of them have been without Wisdom at the source, upholding them.

To truly love and to sacrifice are the same thing in the kingdom of Christ. Whenever one person tells another that they ‘love them’, the true motive of what should be meant by it is ‘I intend to sacrifice myself for you in whatever way will serve and help you’.

It seems to be a terrible irony that in many cases of people attempting to improve their looks solely based on their own corrupted and distorted viewpoint of themselves, they instead ALWAYS do the opposite when beheld by those of an honest, plain and balanced sight.

The modern world currently enforces a belief in over 50 ‘genders’. People with common sense know there are only two. But for the Christian there are actually three; ‘for there is now no male and female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus’.

I don’t tend to ‘go to’ a church; rather, I’m (a very small) part of *THE* church… and if you also have genuine faith in Christ, we are related by BLOOD – you are family to me, wherever in the world you are!

Real love ALWAYS thinks the best of other people, even when they don’t seem to deserve it. To remember that each person you encounter was once a small, innocent, defenceless child who then got shaped by circumstance and influence is very important in the process of forgiveness.

It’s only God’s Spirit who ever causes any truly good works in someone, which is why no one may ever boast in the presence of the Lord, for HE will get the credit in the end.

Gladly suffering WITH and FOR Jesus Christ is THE ultimate type of worshipful act that anyone could ever make.

The excruciating cross of Jesus Christ is a timeless love letter, written to all His enemies in His own blood. 
Take heed; repent!

The Shepherd became as a Lamb… but, He’s coming back like a LION. Are you REALLY ready for this?

Grace is free, but it may very well cost you EVERYTHING… #divineparadox

If you want mercy yourself, ALWAYS be merciful to others, regardless of what they have done to you.There is NO mercy for the merciless.

The Spirit favours the courageous!

Irony: those who know they deserve hell (probably) won’t go there; yet I feel confident to say that those who don’t know they deserve it definitely WILL go :/

God’s dealing of sin? The cross is His final Word on the matter.
Though sin yet lives, ‘it is finished’… Now the power’s in our hands to reject it!

The narrow path to eternal life begins in broken humility at the foot of the cross, and the Way of the cross leads us home… so, we must FOCUS, and head for the finish line as fast as possible, using every ounce of spiritual strength given to us, in the most efficient and effective way revealed to us.

It should be impossible to ever be bored when one walks a truly ‘Christian’ life. Computer games?! NO!
The harvest is plenty… let’s get busy!

Did you know? Any thoughts you have that are not ‘of’ Christ or His kingdom are both futile and worthless, and should be noticed and rejected. 

Don’t be deceived – the devils are very close to us, waiting for opportunities… But the Lord is even closer; tune in to His Spirit, listen and obey!

Motto for life? 
“As long as it gives God glory, do it! If it doesn’t give Him glory, don’t do it.”

“Hope for the best (pre-tribulation rapture) But prepare for the worst (mid tribulation, pre-wrath rapture).”

All suffering is either a direct or an indirect result of sin. That’s an incentive to live as holy as possible from now on, if ever there was one.

Picking up one’s cross means to cease being a burden upon HIS.

It is written that the Lord knows the exact number of hairs on one’s head; but we must also often meditate on (and try to be conscious of) the fact that He also knows the exact number of breaths each of us will take, or the amount of times one will blink during their lifetime; we must always remember that He even knows the exact amount of times each person will go to the loo. What number out of how many do you think YOU are on right now, next time nature calls? How many are left?

Practising real Christianity is about being the most pure and loving person anyone could hope to be! Faith without works is like a fresh corpse; there’s still an inanimate body there, but no soul or spirit, and therefore no manifestations of life.

To have faith IS to have works.

I’m not interested in conversions… I’m interested in commitments.

Anyone who doesn’t think they have a stronghold of pride HAS a stronghold of pride.

The world thinks calling someone a sinner is an insult, but ironically making someone realise this fact is the zenith of loving one’s neighbour.

The solution to all the worlds issues isn’t trying to convince ourselves that we’re all good, it’s the complete opposite… When everyone understands they are evil, and have a fear of the Lord because of it, things will start to improve.

Anyone who has ‘no regrets’ has neither soul nor conscience.

151,600 (ish!) people woke up this morning, most of them not realising that that was the last breakfast of their life. See Ecc. 7:4

If you’re in doubt as to how to proceed in your situation, do whatever is the most purely loving thing you can think of! God will honour the motive, even if it doesn’t seem to initially work in the natural.

I think there’s a big difference of motive between criticism spawning out of disapproval, and wanting to edify someone constructively and critique them in a positive way, so that they are strengthened and not discouraged.

True authority comes from a heart of servitude, not of assumed ‘mastery over’ someone else.

Nobody ever does or says ANYTHING without thinking they are right or justified to do so in that moment. Please let that sink in.

Until you KNOW the Lord, you are breathing in vain.

We all have the death sentence from the very first breath we take; but our eternal parole is paid for already by blood, should we receive the terms of His covenant.

There’s all the time in the world, but there’s no time at all at the same time.

The Lord Jesus Christ is after QUALITY, not quantity. Of course, quantity is good IF the quality is there too.

The longer I walk with the Lord, the more terrified I am of EVER offending Him. I must pick up my own cross in order to cease being a burden on His.

Heavenly rewards are the Lord’s graceful prerogative to give, and should NOT be expected by us. Just be thankful that there’s grace at all for us to see Him outside of His righteous wrath, it’s more than enough.

Just because you believe it, doesn’t mean it’s true. Just because you don’t believe it, doesn’t mean it’s not true. We are to examine and test everything, like ‘a Berean’, And not let our prejudices stop us seeking the TRUTH.

If you do not FEAR God, you do not understand yourself, nor anyone else, nor anything that is relevant to actual Truth; your spiritual eyes are sewn shut.

Having a true fear of God and loving the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind are one and the same thing.

S.I.N. = s.atanically i.nspired n.arcissism; s.elfishly i.gnorant n.efariousness; s.educing i.niquitous n.escience

Those who do not fear hellfire also do not fear to do secret evil

Definition of humility: being clever enough to know one is very stupid

Anyone who is not in Christ absolutely should fear death, And not just the first one

Unless you know the Lord Jesus Christ personally, you’re not even in the game… You’re a victim.

You only live once, unless you’re a Christian in which case you’ll live twice. However, if you’re not a Christian, you’ll die twice.

Whatever your station in life, whether a CEO or a janitor, a heart of servitude will always bring respect from the Lord and opportunities to serve HIM

The main reason people sin is through faithlessness and doubt, For example theft really means that you don’t trust or fear the Lord, therefore it’s faithless

The one who does not believe in the divine, cannot truly believe in love, because without the divine everything is chemical, finite and temporary, And cannot be trusted

Most would admit they’re imperfect, but we’ve always been expected to be perfect; that’s why we have to put our hope in the saviour who redeems us from imperfection, there no other way to heaven

There is no revival until everybody understands they have evil spirits in the flesh

The things of the spirit are all about motive

Preaching the truth is life, but can have the appearance of death… Preaching a lie is death, but it can have the appearance of life

People don’t value the Cross because it didn’t cost them anything

The choice between blessings and curses are available to us on a moment to moment basis. Choose Life.

If a painter painted the painting, who painted the painter?

We have to love Jehovah for who He is, not who we want Him to be.

People who wish hell on their worst human enemy have never had any experience of it spiritually

Every human being is a host to many parasites, even Christians

How ironic that every atheist will receive the Darwin award when they die

Love is not lust… it’s love.

These days, it’s probably more beneficial to evangelise by saying Satan hates you, rather than Jesus loves you

One shouldn’t need to continually tell people they love them; it should be evident from the way you treat them. People who always feel they have say it usually don’t understand the true meaning of sacrifice or humility.

Born-again believers in Christ are regenerated in the inner man, the flesh must die

Another divine paradox: only by truly understanding that each of us are evil with an inate desire for darkness can we ever truly even begin the journey towards righteousness.

Authority in the body of Christ is not about projecting strength, it’s about admission of weakness and resistance to the daemonic

At the end of the day, life isn’t worth living unless one lives for the Lord.

Wise people spend their money improving everyones lives; the foolish heart is at the bottom of a barrel at 4 in the morning.

The church’s job isn’t to judge people outside of itself, it’s to judge people who proclaim faith yet live the opposite way

People go to hell for not ‘knowing’ the Lord Jesus Christ, rather than specific sins. Everyone who knows the Lord Jesus Christ are NEVER okay with sin when confronted by it.

If you’ve never cast a demon out of a believer in Christ, you’ve never cast a demon out of anybody.

When you prefer factual information coming from comedians rather than politicians, you know the state of the world is a complete joke

Being truly ready to die or not is the ultimate litmus test for whether one REALLY knows the Lord or not.

Behind ALL we know of as love is Jehovah, for He is the source

Whatever is imprinted on your skin is a manifestation of the particular spirit you are hosting

It is written that the power of life or death is in the tongue… what REAL benefits are there to EVER speak death?

Clean the mouth, and prefer to speak LIFE

The main reason to frequent a church should be to prepare for death, and to get to know the only one who can save us from it

People who preach tolerance must always be tolerant of intolerance

Many miracles are so commonplace that only those born again of the Spirit will acknowledge them

The beginning of wisdom: never count your chickens until the money is in the bank.

Do you fear venomous snakes, poisonous spiders, great white sharks and erupting volcanoes? Then firstly fear the one who created them.

One of the greatest enemies in a war situation is thinking one has time to do anything other than to focus on enemy activity in one’s ambience.

We must all ‘make the covenant’ with our own eyes NOT to look with lust, if we want to eternally live. Those who secretly refuse WILL certainly perish.

There are only THREE genders: male, female, and highly demonised

The delusion of pride: just because you think you are better, doesn’t necessarily mean you are

Christians blame themselves before anyone else, the world blames everyone else before themselves

Desensitised from seeing representations of the cross: don’t be, it symbolises pardon from eternal death

Negative character traits are actually evil spirits

Worldly Christian: I can’t earn salvation so “yippee!!!!”

Summary of life and death: You’re either in heaven’s waiting room, or hell’s waiting room.

“God knows my heart”…ummm, yeh, that basically the problem, guys. This is genuinely THE WORST defence to excusing sin that there is.

SURELY He knows our hearts… that’s WHY we need a Saviour.

Hellfire should be preached from a genuine concern and great love, not for manipulating leverage

Until one is prepared to serve everybody else first before themselves, one will never be able to truly and entirely serve the Lord in the absolution

To truly forgive is to understand the spiritual enemy behind the actions perpetrated

To truly love people is not to shield them from the truth because it’s hard, but to explain the truth even if they don’t like it or want it

No one knows if THIS may be the last time you’ll meet this side of the grave, and that uncertainty SHOULD produce thankfulness, joy, and fear of the LORD

To love is to serve, just make sure you’re serving the right one

Memo for judgement day: we’re judged and condemned based SOLELY on the evil works we’ve each done; ANY ‘good’ works WON’T help us in any way on that great and terrible day, UNLESS it’s the good work of the cross. The cross is the only work that can grant PARDON for the sinner.

Love = servitude and sacrifice… never take it for granted

Divine paradoxes: people who know they are evil and resist it are the nicest, kindest happiest and most charitable; those who understand they have evil spirits in them that must be fought are (ironically) the most free.

If you couldn’t say it before children, don’t think even for one second you’ll ever get away with saying it before a holy God.

Gratitude never depletes and always empowers; never forget to be thankful, even for the smallest things.

Don’t worship the orgasm, worship the one who created orgasm.

Don’t fear pain, fear the one who created pain.

By its very nature, that of the spirit is invisible. We can only see its fruits of inspiration or temptation.

We need to be prayer warriors, not prayer worriers

If you’re truly unable to define what a woman is, your father is the author of confusion.

Those who don’t want the way of Jehovah need to be honest with themselves and everyone else and FULLY COMMIT to their father, the devil

Selflessness always costs us, selfishness always costs others

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