
This is a poem I wrote in the small hours of the morning back in 2012, finally, after years of not being able to express a very powerful and vivid vision that the Lord had given me early in that first year I came to Him, marking one of the first times I had become aware of ‘holy spirituality’.

It may seem cryptic to read at first, but from my point of view I don’t think I could be any more succinct or descriptive of what happened. I had struggled to articulate this vision for so long (many years, I had the vision in 2005), until it suddenly flooded out from a scrawling pen in my hand, all in about half an hour of bleary eyed, very late night inspiration.

The vision was spiritual of course, and it needs to be noted that anything of the spirit is ,actually very hard to describe in physical terms. Maybe that’s why Jesus often spoke in parables. The writing of the actual poem about the vision was very spiritual experience for me too, although for different reasons compared to the vision itself.

Lastly, I’d like you to know that this ‘event’ I’n describing was actually completely life changing for me, in the best possible way. All praise to Jehovah!

Anyone may feel free to ask me questions about it in the comments section, if you want to know more about it in any way. Otherwise, enjoy for what it is! I pray it touches someone’s heart today.                                    🙂


There! I headed up and up towards the light like a moth to a candle,
Convinced that here was everything that I needed, deserved.
No hint of regret now, here is truth;
I feel invited to come higher and nearer, like it was always meant to be,
My eye dazzled by self worth and ‘enlightened’ thought.

Surrounded by buzzing illumination, I’m close – so close…
Surely now I will have my answer and find the truth with-out, contained within!
Then, like a slap in the face, confronted by a failure past, insignificant ‘til now,
Horror realisation that even THAT has sentenced me, let alone other wrongs, 
I plunge down from my home (so close!) into rabid pit darkness,
My recognised hopelessness deserved, 
Minor sin contemplation grinding and gnashing, in the face of what I’d lost.

Yet, Behold! in the shadow of my desperation,
A crucified caricature; wincing pain, saddened love…
In the depths is my Saviour, who is both high and low.
I see lightning speak from above, intercession rise from the fathom,
Then a decision.
Here, I reflect in awe…what trade in grace has taken place?
Messiah, knows the mess I am in… though once more can I search for light, 
Where at His right hand the Pierced wears the crown.

I made a music video with this poem in it; in fact, I think it was one of my first ever attempts to make a video… check it out below!

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