To those of you who say you now know God (or should I say, now that God knows you!), why would anyone want to go back to their sin again, and become slaves oncemore to the weak and useless spiritual principles of this world? PLEASE! Think carefully about what is right, and stop any sinning […]
Who can win this battle against the world, and against the devil? The hard truth is that it’s only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God who can overcome. So, set yourself to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Believe me, it is VERY advisable (once you are […]
We must NOT be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and killed his brother. But why, you may ask, did he kill him? Well, the bible tells us it’s because Cain had been doing what was evil in God’s sight, and his brother Abel had been doing what was righteous. Cain’s jealousy poisoned […]
Don’t ever forget that we Gentiles used to be outsiders, and ‘objects of wrath’. We were called “uncircumcised heathens” by the Jews, who are proud of their physical ‘circumcision’, even though it affects only their bodies and not their hearts. And to be fair, it was true: in those days we were living apart from […]
Please let me explain a little about the spiritual reasons as to why works will never count towards salvation unto eternal life… here it goes. People of the world who do not know Jesus (or about anything of His kingdom) yet believe that they will inherit heaven when they die, because they see themselves as […]
Did you know? When you first came to Christ, you were actually “circumcised,” but not by a physical procedure. Christ performed a spiritual circumcision on you – the cutting away of your sinful nature. For you were buried with Christ when you were baptised, and with Him you were raised to new life because you […]
Let me encourage you all to never be ashamed to tell others about our precious Lord! With all the strength God gives us, we must all be ready to suffer for the sake of the Good News. It is promised that everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus WILL suffer some […]
John baptised with water those who repent of their sins and turned to God. But someone came to us who is greater than he was – so much greater that even he was not worthy even to be His slave and carry His sandals. He will baptise us with the Holy Spirit and with fire. […]
There is a lot to see and do in this world, and we love to be busy doing it! Like bees to flowers, the bright city lights blinking neon colours (with people in its midst making a living to entertain or humour us away from the deep emptiness that resides in all humans) is what […]
One of the many reasons I don’t go to a regular church service around my home on a Sunday, is that I find that there is no room for genuine honesty or vulnerability in them. What do I mean by that? Well, when people of the world ask ‘how are you?’, the knee jerk response […]