

Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise! He is to be feared above all gods!  Yet people have traded the truth about God for a lie. They sadly worship and serve the things God created, instead of the Creator Himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen? Who is worthy to break […]

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Satan: The One-Eyed Monster (another ‘blog’, by Tris)

You may have seen that many a YouTube conspiracy theory channel has now noticed this phenomenon of celebrities covering over one eye in photo shoots, or the documentation of one eye symbolism in relation to Freemasonry (see the back of the one dollar bill, for example). I personally began to notice this trend several years before […]

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Good Ol’ Martin Luther

For all his faults, I also like this quote from Martin Luther, the great reformer of the church a few hundred years ago. He stated that a truly saving faith is, “a living, creative, active and powerful thing, this faith. Faith cannot help doing good works constantly. It doesn’t stop to ask if good works […]

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The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

Looking back over my own life, I can now clearly see the fingerprints of the Lord all over it; even those darkest, hardest times of tears and despair, as well as the wonderful blessings. Some people might say that because of my privileged upbringing and societal background as a white, middle class male from England, […]

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Those Who Proclaim Love But Speak Hate

I’ve recently had a few encounters with some believers who think it’s fine to hurl ‘masked’ insults and threaten me and others with hell (unless we bend to repenting of what they believe is a sin), and it usually comes packaged with no gentleness or humility at all in their speeches and instead slams people […]

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This Is How It Is, In Fact; Like It Or Lump It.

To all believers, either young or old in the faith, I exhort and remind you all that just as when we FIRST accepted Christ Jesus as our Lord, with that deserved passion and zeal we had for realising His incredible sacrifice on our behalf, we must always from then on continue to stand firm in […]

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Fiery Trials

Dear friends, it shouldn’t be surprising to any of us that there are ‘fiery’ trials to go through, especially when we follow Jesus as His genuinely committed disciples, for He made it as clear as day in His word that the rest of the world will hate us in the same way that it also […]

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living a life of faith

To have perseverance in seeking the holy side of a supernatural, spiritual faith will surely progressively show each of us the deep reality of what we are ACTUALLY hoping for, for such a faith is really evidence of the things we cannot see with our physical eyes, yet we instinctively know within our hearts as […]

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The Glass IS Half Empty, Unless it is TOTALLY Full (another ‘blog’, by Tris)

I have been walking this walk with the Lord Jesus Christ for just over 13 years, and during that time I have had many highs and lows to do with my faith and how ‘close’ I feel to the Lord. I once had a prophetic word spoken over me by a lovely old lady at […]

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The Power Of Blood

‘Eternity’ is a very different dimensional experience to the linear time we inhabit as human beings. In a mystical way, the cross of Christ is the very CENTRE of time; everything ‘explodes’ out from it in every direction, back into the past all the way to the very beginning, and all the way into the […]

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