Category: Prophetic Words


John baptised with water those who repent of their sins and turned to God. But someone came to us who is greater than he was – so much greater that even he was not worthy even to be His slave and carry His sandals. He will baptise us with the Holy Spirit and with fire. […]

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‘Anything Goes’

We live in times where ‘anything goes’, at the moment. I expect many of you reading this know much of what perverted and just downright weird things are happening in western society at this time, things that the mainstream media is subtly and even sometimes blatantly propagandising to us as ‘normal’, or even worse, as […]

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In the Lord’s words…

The high and lofty one who lives in eternity, the Holy One, says this: “God is Spirit, so those who worship Me must worship in spirit and in truth. The world cannot receive Me, because it isn’t looking for Me and it doesn’t recognise Me. But I tell you the truth, unless you are born […]

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Helpful Directions!

Hello there, how can I help you? Oh, you’re lost? You want to know the way to the place called ‘Truth’, you say? Well, if I might be of service to you as a fellow traveller there myself, I can tell you what I already DO know…  I know that whichever route you end up […]

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The Great Divide: Flesh And Spirit

Everything physical has a spiritual side to it. Yes, we as earthly creatures live and operate in this material world, and it looks, sounds and feels totally ‘real’ to us… but as a matter of fact, the spirit realm is THE true reality, and what we live as human beings on earth is just a […]

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Showing Appreciation

As born again, filled with the Holy Spirit, hard working and passionate Christians, on judgement day we do not get what we ACTUALLY deserve, which is eternal damnation along with the rest of the unbelieving world; no, we bask forever in the warmth of the amazing, saving grace of God! The hope we have in […]

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The Price of Glory

Look closely at the picture above. Only mature, genuine Christians seem to realise, acknowledge and imitate that true love suffers gladly for others, for those who are lost, and for those who may never even know or ever repay what it costs to make such a sacrifice. It must be said that there is a […]

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The Chief Modern Idol Of Our Day

. “LOVE” is the most popular, most worshipped false god; it is the golden calf of our time. Everyone worships it for itself as it glitters with gold, and it is certainly blasphemy to speak against it, especially in the name of holiness. Yes, you are right! (I can already hear you say it…) God […]

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Significant Trees

I believe that you’ll agree that a tree in its prime truly is a glorious sight to behold. Its very breathing was designed to nourish all the rest of earthly life with the oxygen they all need; a wonder of living that we all too often take for granted. Anyone can see that trees have […]

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Say… Wut?

Verily, verily I say unto you: the kingdom of heaven is like a pair of SOCKS. They must be refreshed on a daily basis, otherwise they become stale from the dirt of the world and from one’s own sweat, and begin to smell bad. One must refresh themselves every day with a washed pair in […]

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