Let me encourage you all to never be ashamed to tell others about our precious Lord! With all the strength God gives us, we must all be ready to suffer for the sake of the Good News. It is promised that everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus WILL suffer some […]
Most people trust in their wealth, and may even boast of their great riches. Yet no one can ever redeem themselves from death, even if they were to try to pay their ransom to God with their pitiful gold! Redemption of the soul does not come nearly so easy, for no sinner could ever pay […]
Let me ask you this one question: Did you receive the Holy Spirit by obeying the law of Moses? Of course you didn’t! You received the Spirit because you believed the message you heard about Christ. Why, then, was the law given? Well, it was given alongside ‘the promise’ to show people their sins. God […]
Dear friends, you should well know by now that without genuine faith it is impossible to please the Lord, for he that ventures to come to God MUST believe that ‘He is’, for He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, He who is the truth. And what is faith, one might ask? […]
Dearest friends: many of us know that we are children of God, and also that the world around us is under the control of the evil one. We have died with Christ, and forever thankfully He has set us free from the nefarious spiritual powers of this world. The ‘world’, which sadly loves darkness and […]
The bible compels us to realise that the Spirit ALONE gives eternal life; human effort accomplishes nothing in itself in this regard. The very words Jesus spoke to us are both Spirit and life. If you belong to Him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads […]
This picture is going to be me on judgement day… will it be you? Human pride will be brought down, and human arrogance will be humbled. Only the Lord will be exalted on the day of judgement. The Lord will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their sins. He will crush […]
Dear friends, it shouldn’t be surprising to any of us that there are ‘fiery’ trials to go through, especially when we follow Jesus as His genuinely committed disciples, for He made it as clear as day in His word that the rest of the world will hate us in the same way that it also […]
To have perseverance in seeking the holy side of a supernatural, spiritual faith will surely progressively show each of us the deep reality of what we are ACTUALLY hoping for, for such a faith is really evidence of the things we cannot see with our physical eyes, yet we instinctively know within our hearts as […]
‘Eternity’ is a very different dimensional experience to the linear time we inhabit as human beings. In a mystical way, the cross of Christ is the very CENTRE of time; everything ‘explodes’ out from it in every direction, back into the past all the way to the very beginning, and all the way into the […]