Category: My ‘Blog’ Testimonies

Looking Glass Issues (Another ‘Blog’ by Tris)

After much pondering on the subject, I’m not sure what I think of mirrors. On the one hand, they are extremely useful, as I discovered one night last year when I had to rush to the loo with a dodgy stomach after a large supper with friends, cutting them short mid sentence in my haste […]

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The Son That Melts The Ice, Hardens The Clay (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

It’s been a roller-coaster ride of faith for me since the Lord Jesus Christ chose me to come out from the world and follow His way. It’s worth noting that the ‘downs’ on that ride have always been my fault, for the Lord never changes in His manner (which is totally perfect), and He severely […]

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Betrayal. (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

There is nothing else in this life that’s quite so hurtful, insidious and wicked as the betrayal of someone who both loves and trusts you (or vice versa). Even if one were to do it to a sworn enemy, it is still FAR from righteous… and although one might try to justify one’s betrayal of […]

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Exaggerational Tendencies (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

There was a time when embellishing a story with half truths, and sometimes even outright lies, found me to be a very entertaining personality among my peers. In truth, I know that I have always had a way of telling a story, because I love deep descriptive language, and have always had a passion to […]

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Possessing Beauty (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

I once chased a girl up to London to be near her when I was about 19-20 years old, totally on a whim and without any planning. I was in a rock band back in Devon at the time, but as I was looking to be close to this girl, I wanted to try to […]

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“A Discussion about Death” (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

It is rare to get to my age and not have some brushes with death on a personal level. Many trains of thought would have us believe that death is simply a natural part of life, cyclical and normal. People will always fear the deep unknown, however much you tell them not to, and in […]

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Dealing With Death (Another ‘Blog’ by Tris)

Not all heart musings, especially for a born again believer in Jesus, are corrupted. Fallen and imperfect in assimilation, yes, but not always sinful or evil at the root in some way. Never is this realisation more apparent than when one is unavoidably confronted with and forced to dwell on the stark reality of death, […]

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Small Sacrifices – another ‘blog’ by Tris

It’s just an honest fact: I love beer. I think it tastes amazing, there’s so many different varieties, colours and flavours. My country, England, excels in making the stuff. It is integral to my core, my cultural identity is based on it. There was a maxim on a cutting of a magazine on a friend’s […]

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Spirituality and Money (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

It’s perhaps a strange thing to contemplate, especially for those who belong to this world and its ways, but I have to confess that I really struggle with this dubious relationship between sacred spirituality, and something so base and so materialistic as money. As I work my day job as a painter and decorator, much […]

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The Time I Played Judas (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

Like many people, my closest friends over the course of my life have been changing according to the people I am exposed to in my general ambience, and the place I’m at (both physically and spiritually). But there is also a small contingent of guys that I will always have a measure of contact with, […]

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