Category: My ‘Blog’ Testimonies

Cross Examination (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

Many might wonder how a well travelled, party-going hedonist, who was involved in almost every other spirituality under the sun at some point during his life, suddenly decided that the hard and narrow road of real Christianity was the right path for him… well, let me provide some insight into it. Due to a rebelliously […]

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Discernment church – EXPOSED! (Another Blog, by Tris)

Recently, I’ve been wondering if there are even ANY real, genuine Christians preaching from any of the pulpits around the world. Why would I wonder that, you might well ask me? Well from what I’ve seen on virtually all forms of social media, if you were to search for it you will find at least […]

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180 Degree Turns (Another ‘Blog’ by Tris)

There was a time when I used to scoff at those who felt some kind of pious religious need to feel sorry for life mistakes they had made, regretful before some kind of deity (take your pick which one). Apart from having absolutely no idea who people really thought they were speaking to when they […]

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Grace?! (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

The Lord gave me this title to write about, but I’ll admit to you the reader that I’m actually fairly wary of speaking about this incredibly complex subject, for I don’t think there’s even be one person in the world (that I know of, at least) that to my mind has a truly well informed […]

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Ready, Or Not? (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

Roughly this time last year, I had just come back from a funeral of an old (literally!) friend, who died at the ripe age of 94. During life, he was what most would consider ‘just a normal man’, in many ways; dressing in a manner befitting of an honourable British gent; hard working in a […]

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Unlearning Offence (Another ‘Blog’ by Tris)

I have always been a sensitive soul, and not just in the positive sense. I have always naturally tended to take things very personally, perhaps due to my old negative habits of paranoia and self absorption, even being hurt by a laugh that sounds out of place, or by a word that could be misconstrued […]

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The Heart of Danger (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

There is a modern day maxim, a secular exhortation, that is pushed from every which way in our Westernised, overly romantic media. There are countless songs or poems encouraging us all to just ‘trust our heart’, explaining to us that we can find our answers there, especially when it comes to the issue of romantic […]

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Satan: The One-Eyed Monster (another ‘blog’, by Tris)

You may have seen that many a YouTube conspiracy theory channel has now noticed this phenomenon of celebrities covering over one eye in photo shoots, or the documentation of one eye symbolism in relation to Freemasonry (see the back of the one dollar bill, for example). I personally began to notice this trend several years before […]

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The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

Looking back over my own life, I can now clearly see the fingerprints of the Lord all over it; even those darkest, hardest times of tears and despair, as well as the wonderful blessings. Some people might say that because of my privileged upbringing and societal background as a white, middle class male from England, […]

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The Glass IS Half Empty, Unless it is TOTALLY Full (another ‘blog’, by Tris)

I have been walking this walk with the Lord Jesus Christ for just over 13 years, and during that time I have had many highs and lows to do with my faith and how ‘close’ I feel to the Lord. I once had a prophetic word spoken over me by a lovely old lady at […]

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