What We’re About

This ‘business’ is a (pretty much) non profit enterprise (the minimum price shown on any item is basically what it costs me to produce that item without profit, hence the option to ‘donate more’ available should you wish to bless me for my effort).

Putting my designs (or the designs of personal friends that I have taken and then adapted to suit me) on clothing is actually the culmination of YEARS of the Lord’s Spirit persistently inspiring me to shamelessly advertise His kingdom truths (hopefully) in a non offensive way, via t-shirts and hoodies etc. The aim is for people to notice the designs and then ask US questions, even when we might not be expecting it, rather than us purposely having to break ice with a spoken introduction before we wish to give the gospel out etc.

A little background: this project all came nicely together when the funds for all the tools I needed to design and produce the items locally, and then also for building this actual website, finally became available to me. I believe everything I sell here is at a very reasonable cost to those who might also want to wear the designs for themselves; indeed, the consumer can buy anything here virtually at the very price it costs me to make and send it all, which is a bonus should finances and affordability be enough of a concern to them.

I can testify that the Lord’s timing is perfect, as always! I pray that regardless of how popular this enterprise is from now, that there will be at least ONE hard heart (although I pray for thousands!) that turns to genuinely repent and find salvation, directly because of the spiritual seeds planted by these designs.

Please! Join me in seeking to proclaim the kingdom of Jesus to the rest of the world, by helping me get these messages of personal revelation and challenge out to the wider public who don’t yet know Him! I believe there is great power behind them! He rewards boldness and faithfulness! A T-shirt like this may well bring the wearer priceless heavenly rewards one day, so be encouraged 😉

As an evangelist, I’m very interested in helping any and all Christians literally wear their faith openly and boldly, so if you don’t see anything for you in my current designs on this website, yet you’re still interested in getting me to design something specifically for you personally, then let me know!

If there is a godly saying, image or even a scripture that you would like stylized and customised by me, then (if I like the idea) I’ll create the design for you for free! Shoot me an email at info@evangelistclothing.com and we can discuss it further there 🙂

1 Corinthians 1:31  “If you want to boast, boast only about the Lord.”


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