Tag: biblical

A Very Serious Word to The Body of Christ

Today I appeal out to all the people of God, all who say that they love Jesus and hope in Him for eternal life! Let me talk seriously with you now. Give me a bit of your time, it’s very important. Stop and meditate on this. Do you think that you truly and fully have […]

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Righteous or Wicked?

When God first spoke the earth into existence, He commanded the land to sprout with lush vegetation, with every sort of seed-bearing plant, with all sorts of trees that grew seed-bearing fruit. Those seeds then produced the kinds of plants and trees from which they came. And God saw that it was indeed was good! […]

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Lawful Grace ‘Theology’

Let me ask you this one question: Did you receive the Holy Spirit by obeying the law of Moses? Of course you didn’t! You received the Spirit because you believed the message you heard about Christ.  Why, then, was the law given? Well, it was given alongside ‘the promise’ to show people their sins. God […]

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What Is REAL Love?

You have all heard what He said, brethren!  “Love your neighbour as yourself”.  Before He went to His cross, He gave us a new commandment, which was to love each other. Yes; just as He has loved us, so He wants us to love each other! That is no small thing.  One of His last […]

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