Tag: bless

Suffering = Blessing (?!)

We must NOT be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and killed his brother. But why, you may ask, did he kill him? Well, the bible tells us it’s because Cain had been doing what was evil in God’s sight, and his brother Abel had been doing what was righteous. Cain’s jealousy poisoned […]

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Suicidal Tendencies (another blog, by Tris)

There was a point in my life during my mid 20’s where all that can be said about me was that I was totally reckless. I seemed to care nothing for my life in those days, which is so strange now for me to recall. I used to love pushing the boundaries and ‘testing’ the […]

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Hospitality Hospital (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

Back in the days when I used to get stoned all the time (it seems like a lifetime away now), I used to suffer from terrible paranoia that left me totally impotent to lift a finger to communicate with, serve or entertain people around me at all. That would just be it; simply two drags […]

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The Human ‘Race’.

Let me be honest about a fascinating revelation that I have observed under the sun. It seems that the fastest runner doesn’t always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle. Also, the wise sometimes go hungry, and the brilliantly skillful are not necessarily wealthy; in fact, it’s often the opposite. […]

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