Tag: church

Church Misgivings

One of the many reasons I don’t go to a regular church service around my home on a Sunday, is that I find that there is no room for genuine honesty or vulnerability in them. What do I mean by that? Well, when people of the world ask ‘how are you?’, the knee jerk response […]

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Ready, Or Not? (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

Roughly this time last year, I had just come back from a funeral of an old (literally!) friend, who died at the ripe age of 94. During life, he was what most would consider ‘just a normal man’, in many ways; dressing in a manner befitting of an honourable British gent; hard working in a […]

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Evangelism, And A Passion For Souls

The Landlord of this entire establishment, the Lord Jesus Christ, has set the bar for His followers in many very important ways. One of those ways was in how He conducted evangelism, reaching out to those who were still in darkness regarding the good news of His kingdom. His clear message to all rebellious human […]

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Weak and Wretched Creatures

Oh, what weak, stupid and wretched creatures we are! We prefer to drink from conveniently nearby yet broken and polluted cisterns to satiate our nagging thirst, rather than making the harder walk out into the desert and going directly to drink from that heavenly oasis, which harbours the very source of the purist, most delicious, […]

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