Tag: death

“A Discussion about Death” (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

It is rare to get to my age and not have some brushes with death on a personal level. Many trains of thought would have us believe that death is simply a natural part of life, cyclical and normal. People will always fear the deep unknown, however much you tell them not to, and in […]

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Dealing With Death (Another ‘Blog’ by Tris)

Not all heart musings, especially for a born again believer in Jesus, are corrupted. Fallen and imperfect in assimilation, yes, but not always sinful or evil at the root in some way. Never is this realisation more apparent than when one is unavoidably confronted with and forced to dwell on the stark reality of death, […]

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‘Death’s Demise’ – My First Book, by Tris

November 2014 With huge thanks to Angi Lee and Paul Collins, without both of whom I would not have been able to produce this book. I love you! Illustrated by Christopher Powers: YouTube channel: Full of Eyes; Thanks brother, I so appreciate your work, its amazing! This book was written to bring glory and honour […]

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Suicidal Tendencies (another blog, by Tris)

There was a point in my life during my mid 20’s where all that can be said about me was that I was totally reckless. I seemed to care nothing for my life in those days, which is so strange now for me to recall. I used to love pushing the boundaries and ‘testing’ the […]

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