Tag: devil

Vomit Lickers vs God Lovers

To those of you who say you now know God (or should I say, now that God knows you!), why would anyone want to go back to their sin again, and become slaves oncemore to the weak and useless spiritual principles of this world? PLEASE! Think carefully about what is right, and stop any sinning […]

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The Great Divide: Flesh And Spirit

Everything physical has a spiritual side to it. Yes, we as earthly creatures live and operate in this material world, and it looks, sounds and feels totally ‘real’ to us… but as a matter of fact, the spirit realm is THE true reality, and what we live as human beings on earth is just a […]

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Satan: The One-Eyed Monster (another ‘blog’, by Tris)

You may have seen that many a YouTube conspiracy theory channel has now noticed this phenomenon of celebrities covering over one eye in photo shoots, or the documentation of one eye symbolism in relation to Freemasonry (see the back of the one dollar bill, for example). I personally began to notice this trend several years before […]

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