Tag: evil

Pure Integrity

It is embarrassing and shameful for those of us who have learned about holiness to even talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret, or these days, even in the open! But the incredible, spiritually pure love of Christ reveals all of our evil intentions for what they are, for they will be […]

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Vomit Lickers vs God Lovers

To those of you who say you now know God (or should I say, now that God knows you!), why would anyone want to go back to their sin again, and become slaves oncemore to the weak and useless spiritual principles of this world? PLEASE! Think carefully about what is right, and stop any sinning […]

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Showing Appreciation

As born again, filled with the Holy Spirit, hard working and passionate Christians, on judgement day we do not get what we ACTUALLY deserve, which is eternal damnation along with the rest of the unbelieving world; no, we bask forever in the warmth of the amazing, saving grace of God! The hope we have in […]

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Betrayal. (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

There is nothing else in this life that’s quite so hurtful, insidious and wicked as the betrayal of someone who both loves and trusts you (or vice versa). Even if one were to do it to a sworn enemy, it is still FAR from righteous… and although one might try to justify one’s betrayal of […]

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Exaggerational Tendencies (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

There was a time when embellishing a story with half truths, and sometimes even outright lies, found me to be a very entertaining personality among my peers. In truth, I know that I have always had a way of telling a story, because I love deep descriptive language, and have always had a passion to […]

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180 Degree Turns (Another ‘Blog’ by Tris)

There was a time when I used to scoff at those who felt some kind of pious religious need to feel sorry for life mistakes they had made, regretful before some kind of deity (take your pick which one). Apart from having absolutely no idea who people really thought they were speaking to when they […]

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The Heart of Danger (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

There is a modern day maxim, a secular exhortation, that is pushed from every which way in our Westernised, overly romantic media. There are countless songs or poems encouraging us all to just ‘trust our heart’, explaining to us that we can find our answers there, especially when it comes to the issue of romantic […]

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The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

Looking back over my own life, I can now clearly see the fingerprints of the Lord all over it; even those darkest, hardest times of tears and despair, as well as the wonderful blessings. Some people might say that because of my privileged upbringing and societal background as a white, middle class male from England, […]

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