Tag: exhortation

The Trappings of Wealth

Most people trust in their wealth, and may even boast of their great riches. Yet no one can ever redeem themselves from death, even if they were to try to pay their ransom to God with their pitiful gold! Redemption of the soul does not come nearly so easy, for no sinner could ever pay […]

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Evangelism, And A Passion For Souls

The Landlord of this entire establishment, the Lord Jesus Christ, has set the bar for His followers in many very important ways. One of those ways was in how He conducted evangelism, reaching out to those who were still in darkness regarding the good news of His kingdom. His clear message to all rebellious human […]

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The Human ‘Race’.

Let me be honest about a fascinating revelation that I have observed under the sun. It seems that the fastest runner doesn’t always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle. Also, the wise sometimes go hungry, and the brilliantly skillful are not necessarily wealthy; in fact, it’s often the opposite. […]

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