Tag: flesh

Who REALLY Is The Overcomer?

Who can win this battle against the world, and against the devil? The hard truth is that it’s only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God who can overcome. So, set yourself to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Believe me, it is VERY advisable (once you are […]

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Cutting Flesh Asunder

Did you know? When you first came to Christ, you were actually “circumcised,” but not by a physical procedure. Christ performed a spiritual circumcision on you – the cutting away of your sinful nature. For you were buried with Christ when you were baptised, and with Him you were raised to new life because you […]

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The Son That Melts The Ice, Hardens The Clay (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

It’s been a roller-coaster ride of faith for me since the Lord Jesus Christ chose me to come out from the world and follow His way. It’s worth noting that the ‘downs’ on that ride have always been my fault, for the Lord never changes in His manner (which is totally perfect), and He severely […]

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Cross Examination (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

Many might wonder how a well travelled, party-going hedonist, who was involved in almost every other spirituality under the sun at some point during his life, suddenly decided that the hard and narrow road of real Christianity was the right path for him… well, let me provide some insight into it. Due to a rebelliously […]

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The Heart of Danger (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

There is a modern day maxim, a secular exhortation, that is pushed from every which way in our Westernised, overly romantic media. There are countless songs or poems encouraging us all to just ‘trust our heart’, explaining to us that we can find our answers there, especially when it comes to the issue of romantic […]

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This Is How It Is, In Fact; Like It Or Lump It.

To all believers, either young or old in the faith, I exhort and remind you all that just as when we FIRST accepted Christ Jesus as our Lord, with that deserved passion and zeal we had for realising His incredible sacrifice on our behalf, we must always from then on continue to stand firm in […]

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From Agile to Fragile (another blog, by Tris)

As a painter/decorator, my day to day working life can get quite physical, enough for me to need every part of my body to be working as it should if I am to do a quality job properly and up to speed. In just a few months I’ll be 40 years old, and I’m pretty […]

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Glutton for Punishment (another ‘blog’, by Tris)

When I was very young, I used to have a little pot belly on me, a bit like Pooh bear. In honesty, I have always enjoyed food, often found to be finishing up my sisters plates if they couldn’t eat it all, and almost always going back for seconds at primary school lunchtime (unless liver […]

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Weak and Wretched Creatures

Oh, what weak, stupid and wretched creatures we are! We prefer to drink from conveniently nearby yet broken and polluted cisterns to satiate our nagging thirst, rather than making the harder walk out into the desert and going directly to drink from that heavenly oasis, which harbours the very source of the purist, most delicious, […]

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