Tag: hope

‘Gentil’ Gentiles – From the Outside, In

Don’t ever forget that we Gentiles used to be outsiders, and ‘objects of wrath’. We were called “uncircumcised heathens” by the Jews, who are proud of their physical ‘circumcision’, even though it affects only their bodies and not their hearts.  And to be fair, it was true: in those days we were living apart from […]

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From Agile to Fragile (another blog, by Tris)

As a painter/decorator, my day to day working life can get quite physical, enough for me to need every part of my body to be working as it should if I am to do a quality job properly and up to speed. In just a few months I’ll be 40 years old, and I’m pretty […]

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Glutton for Punishment (another ‘blog’, by Tris)

When I was very young, I used to have a little pot belly on me, a bit like Pooh bear. In honesty, I have always enjoyed food, often found to be finishing up my sisters plates if they couldn’t eat it all, and almost always going back for seconds at primary school lunchtime (unless liver […]

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Weak and Wretched Creatures

Oh, what weak, stupid and wretched creatures we are! We prefer to drink from conveniently nearby yet broken and polluted cisterns to satiate our nagging thirst, rather than making the harder walk out into the desert and going directly to drink from that heavenly oasis, which harbours the very source of the purist, most delicious, […]

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Suicidal Tendencies (another blog, by Tris)

There was a point in my life during my mid 20’s where all that can be said about me was that I was totally reckless. I seemed to care nothing for my life in those days, which is so strange now for me to recall. I used to love pushing the boundaries and ‘testing’ the […]

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Hospitality Hospital (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

Back in the days when I used to get stoned all the time (it seems like a lifetime away now), I used to suffer from terrible paranoia that left me totally impotent to lift a finger to communicate with, serve or entertain people around me at all. That would just be it; simply two drags […]

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