Tag: Lord

This is the End, My Only Friends, the End…

Here’s a word for you all about these end days and the trials ahead that we each must face… Be spiritually prepared! We should always be examining ourselves to see if our faith is genuine, so I admonish you all to continually test yourselves! Surely you all must know that the Lord Jesus Christ is among […]

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‘Anything Goes’

We live in times where ‘anything goes’, at the moment. I expect many of you reading this know much of what perverted and just downright weird things are happening in western society at this time, things that the mainstream media is subtly and even sometimes blatantly propagandising to us as ‘normal’, or even worse, as […]

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In the Lord’s words…

The high and lofty one who lives in eternity, the Holy One, says this: “God is Spirit, so those who worship Me must worship in spirit and in truth. The world cannot receive Me, because it isn’t looking for Me and it doesn’t recognise Me. But I tell you the truth, unless you are born […]

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Satan: The One-Eyed Monster (another ‘blog’, by Tris)

You may have seen that many a YouTube conspiracy theory channel has now noticed this phenomenon of celebrities covering over one eye in photo shoots, or the documentation of one eye symbolism in relation to Freemasonry (see the back of the one dollar bill, for example). I personally began to notice this trend several years before […]

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Glutton for Punishment (another ‘blog’, by Tris)

When I was very young, I used to have a little pot belly on me, a bit like Pooh bear. In honesty, I have always enjoyed food, often found to be finishing up my sisters plates if they couldn’t eat it all, and almost always going back for seconds at primary school lunchtime (unless liver […]

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