Tag: love

Suffering = Blessing (?!)

We must NOT be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and killed his brother. But why, you may ask, did he kill him? Well, the bible tells us it’s because Cain had been doing what was evil in God’s sight, and his brother Abel had been doing what was righteous. Cain’s jealousy poisoned […]

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The Wisdom of Reasonable Fear

So… I’ve often wondered what the Lord our God requires of us; and having studied the bible for over 12 years now, I can confidently assert here and now that He definitely requires that we truly FEAR Him, which means being careful to live in a way that pleases Him, that we would love Him […]

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What Is REAL Love?

You have all heard what He said, brethren!  “Love your neighbour as yourself”.  Before He went to His cross, He gave us a new commandment, which was to love each other. Yes; just as He has loved us, so He wants us to love each other! That is no small thing.  One of His last […]

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The Chief Modern Idol Of Our Day

. “LOVE” is the most popular, most worshipped false god; it is the golden calf of our time. Everyone worships it for itself as it glitters with gold, and it is certainly blasphemy to speak against it, especially in the name of holiness. Yes, you are right! (I can already hear you say it…) God […]

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The Good, The Bad, The Ugly (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

Looking back over my own life, I can now clearly see the fingerprints of the Lord all over it; even those darkest, hardest times of tears and despair, as well as the wonderful blessings. Some people might say that because of my privileged upbringing and societal background as a white, middle class male from England, […]

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Those Who Proclaim Love But Speak Hate

I’ve recently had a few encounters with some believers who think it’s fine to hurl ‘masked’ insults and threaten me and others with hell (unless we bend to repenting of what they believe is a sin), and it usually comes packaged with no gentleness or humility at all in their speeches and instead slams people […]

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