Tag: obedience

Human Works Can’t Earn Salvation

Please let me explain a little about the spiritual reasons as to why works will never count towards salvation unto eternal life… here it goes. People of the world who do not know Jesus (or about anything of His kingdom) yet believe that they will inherit heaven when they die, because they see themselves as […]

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Did You Know?

Did you know? We must ALL worship the Lord our God and serve ONLY Him, ALL the time! ‘Of course’, you might say, ‘that’s true and I believe it’; yet many of us even as believers will inadvertently put people, things and/or situations before Him, almost daily. We must continue to fight our flesh, which […]

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Small Sacrifices – another ‘blog’ by Tris

It’s just an honest fact: I love beer. I think it tastes amazing, there’s so many different varieties, colours and flavours. My country, England, excels in making the stuff. It is integral to my core, my cultural identity is based on it. There was a maxim on a cutting of a magazine on a friend’s […]

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