Tag: repentance

Heaven’s Qualifiers

Dear friends, this is the hard truth! Unless we all make every effort to turn from our sins and wickedness, and become just like innocent little children ourselves, we will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven! We need to become as humble and meek as a little child, for the Lord says that THEY are the […]

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This picture is going to be me on judgement day… will it be you? Human pride will be brought down, and human arrogance will be humbled. Only the Lord will be exalted on the day of judgement. The Lord will punish the world for its evil and the wicked for their sins. He will crush […]

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Small Sacrifices – another ‘blog’ by Tris

It’s just an honest fact: I love beer. I think it tastes amazing, there’s so many different varieties, colours and flavours. My country, England, excels in making the stuff. It is integral to my core, my cultural identity is based on it. There was a maxim on a cutting of a magazine on a friend’s […]

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Cross Examination (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

Many might wonder how a well travelled, party-going hedonist, who was involved in almost every other spirituality under the sun at some point during his life, suddenly decided that the hard and narrow road of real Christianity was the right path for him… well, let me provide some insight into it. Due to a rebelliously […]

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180 Degree Turns (Another ‘Blog’ by Tris)

There was a time when I used to scoff at those who felt some kind of pious religious need to feel sorry for life mistakes they had made, regretful before some kind of deity (take your pick which one). Apart from having absolutely no idea who people really thought they were speaking to when they […]

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To Baptise Or Not To Baptise? THAT Is The Question…

Dear friends, you should already know that there is one ‘body’ of believers, the body of Jesus Christ. He is the head of this body, and the rest of us are different (yet equally as important) parts of the rest of His body. There is also one Spirit, the Holy Spirit of the Father, who […]

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Say… Wut?

Verily, verily I say unto you: the kingdom of heaven is like a pair of SOCKS. They must be refreshed on a daily basis, otherwise they become stale from the dirt of the world and from one’s own sweat, and begin to smell bad. One must refresh themselves every day with a washed pair in […]

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Glutton for Punishment (another ‘blog’, by Tris)

When I was very young, I used to have a little pot belly on me, a bit like Pooh bear. In honesty, I have always enjoyed food, often found to be finishing up my sisters plates if they couldn’t eat it all, and almost always going back for seconds at primary school lunchtime (unless liver […]

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