Tag: salvation

Heaven’s Qualifiers

Dear friends, this is the hard truth! Unless we all make every effort to turn from our sins and wickedness, and become just like innocent little children ourselves, we will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven! We need to become as humble and meek as a little child, for the Lord says that THEY are the […]

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Human Works Can’t Earn Salvation

Please let me explain a little about the spiritual reasons as to why works will never count towards salvation unto eternal life… here it goes. People of the world who do not know Jesus (or about anything of His kingdom) yet believe that they will inherit heaven when they die, because they see themselves as […]

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‘Death’s Demise’ – My First Book, by Tris

November 2014 With huge thanks to Angi Lee and Paul Collins, without both of whom I would not have been able to produce this book. I love you! Illustrated by Christopher Powers: YouTube channel: Full of Eyes; Thanks brother, I so appreciate your work, its amazing! This book was written to bring glory and honour […]

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Satan: The One-Eyed Monster (another ‘blog’, by Tris)

You may have seen that many a YouTube conspiracy theory channel has now noticed this phenomenon of celebrities covering over one eye in photo shoots, or the documentation of one eye symbolism in relation to Freemasonry (see the back of the one dollar bill, for example). I personally began to notice this trend several years before […]

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Good Ol’ Martin Luther

For all his faults, I also like this quote from Martin Luther, the great reformer of the church a few hundred years ago. He stated that a truly saving faith is, “a living, creative, active and powerful thing, this faith. Faith cannot help doing good works constantly. It doesn’t stop to ask if good works […]

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Evangelism, And A Passion For Souls

The Landlord of this entire establishment, the Lord Jesus Christ, has set the bar for His followers in many very important ways. One of those ways was in how He conducted evangelism, reaching out to those who were still in darkness regarding the good news of His kingdom. His clear message to all rebellious human […]

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Suicidal Tendencies (another blog, by Tris)

There was a point in my life during my mid 20’s where all that can be said about me was that I was totally reckless. I seemed to care nothing for my life in those days, which is so strange now for me to recall. I used to love pushing the boundaries and ‘testing’ the […]

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Hospitality Hospital (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

Back in the days when I used to get stoned all the time (it seems like a lifetime away now), I used to suffer from terrible paranoia that left me totally impotent to lift a finger to communicate with, serve or entertain people around me at all. That would just be it; simply two drags […]

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Just A Sin Of The Times: ‘Homo’ Sapiens (Another ‘Blog’, By Tris)

At mount Sinai, the Lord gave various commandments to Moses in order to establish with His chosen people what He considered evil or good, for before that time the ancient peoples of the world obviously often still perpetrated evil (hence the great flood), but they hadn’t any kind of law to measure their deeds against […]

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