Tag: spirituality

Spirituality and Money (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

It’s perhaps a strange thing to contemplate, especially for those who belong to this world and its ways, but I have to confess that I really struggle with this dubious relationship between sacred spirituality, and something so base and so materialistic as money. As I work my day job as a painter and decorator, much […]

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Ready, Or Not? (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

Roughly this time last year, I had just come back from a funeral of an old (literally!) friend, who died at the ripe age of 94. During life, he was what most would consider ‘just a normal man’, in many ways; dressing in a manner befitting of an honourable British gent; hard working in a […]

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Suicidal Tendencies (another blog, by Tris)

There was a point in my life during my mid 20’s where all that can be said about me was that I was totally reckless. I seemed to care nothing for my life in those days, which is so strange now for me to recall. I used to love pushing the boundaries and ‘testing’ the […]

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The Human ‘Race’.

Let me be honest about a fascinating revelation that I have observed under the sun. It seems that the fastest runner doesn’t always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn’t always win the battle. Also, the wise sometimes go hungry, and the brilliantly skillful are not necessarily wealthy; in fact, it’s often the opposite. […]

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