Tag: trust

This is the End, My Only Friends, the End…

Here’s a word for you all about these end days and the trials ahead that we each must face… Be spiritually prepared! We should always be examining ourselves to see if our faith is genuine, so I admonish you all to continually test yourselves! Surely you all must know that the Lord Jesus Christ is among […]

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The Wisdom of Reasonable Fear

So… I’ve often wondered what the Lord our God requires of us; and having studied the bible for over 12 years now, I can confidently assert here and now that He definitely requires that we truly FEAR Him, which means being careful to live in a way that pleases Him, that we would love Him […]

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The Heart of Danger (another ‘blog’ by Tris)

There is a modern day maxim, a secular exhortation, that is pushed from every which way in our Westernised, overly romantic media. There are countless songs or poems encouraging us all to just ‘trust our heart’, explaining to us that we can find our answers there, especially when it comes to the issue of romantic […]

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