Tag: wisdom

A Very Serious Word to The Body of Christ

Today I appeal out to all the people of God, all who say that they love Jesus and hope in Him for eternal life! Let me talk seriously with you now. Give me a bit of your time, it’s very important. Stop and meditate on this. Do you think that you truly and fully have […]

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Repentance Needs

Come, all of you who are weary with being a part of this wicked world and who are heavy laden under the bondage of sin…  let us all return to the Lord in haste! For in His wrathful wisdom, He has torn we sinners to pieces; yet now, because of the blood of Christ, He will heal […]

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Righteous or Wicked?

When God first spoke the earth into existence, He commanded the land to sprout with lush vegetation, with every sort of seed-bearing plant, with all sorts of trees that grew seed-bearing fruit. Those seeds then produced the kinds of plants and trees from which they came. And God saw that it was indeed was good! […]

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Stop Hiding; Then Seek; Then Find

There is a lot to see and do in this world, and we love to be busy doing it! Like bees to flowers, the bright city lights blinking neon colours (with people in its midst making a living to entertain or humour us away from the deep emptiness that resides in all humans) is what […]

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Dear Friends, Lend Me Your Ears!

Dearest friends: many of us know that we are children of God, and also that the world around us is under the control of the evil one. We have died with Christ, and forever thankfully He has set us free from the nefarious spiritual powers of this world. The ‘world’, which sadly loves darkness and […]

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The Wisdom of Reasonable Fear

So… I’ve often wondered what the Lord our God requires of us; and having studied the bible for over 12 years now, I can confidently assert here and now that He definitely requires that we truly FEAR Him, which means being careful to live in a way that pleases Him, that we would love Him […]

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A Word About Wisdom

What wonderful, awe inspiring and an incredibly vast array of ‘things’ the Lord has made, in both the physical and spiritual realms! And amazingly, it was ALL made in His wisdom; yes, even the bad stuff. It was by consorting with His first creation, Wisdom, that He had founded the entire earth, and it was […]

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