Tag: work

Heaven’s Qualifiers

Dear friends, this is the hard truth! Unless we all make every effort to turn from our sins and wickedness, and become just like innocent little children ourselves, we will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven! We need to become as humble and meek as a little child, for the Lord says that THEY are the […]

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Genuine Faith

Dear friends, you should well know by now that without genuine faith it is impossible to please the Lord, for he that ventures to come to God MUST believe that ‘He is’, for He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, He who is the truth.  And what is faith, one might ask? […]

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Did You Know?

Did you know? We must ALL worship the Lord our God and serve ONLY Him, ALL the time! ‘Of course’, you might say, ‘that’s true and I believe it’; yet many of us even as believers will inadvertently put people, things and/or situations before Him, almost daily. We must continue to fight our flesh, which […]

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